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You woke up without Draco by you and quickly jumped up looking around. His clothes were gone too.

You got up running downstairs. "Draco," you said hoping he hadn't left yet. Not in the living room. You ran upstairs to the restroom. The door was open, no Draco. You ran all through the house looking for him. He was gone.

You sighed to yourself before walking back up the bedroom. When you entered it was only then you noticed a piece of parchment on the bed side table.

You picked it up recognizing the hand writing.

I'm sorry I had to leave before you woke up, I hope you can forgive me but I didn't want to wake you, you were finally sleeping peacefully.

I'll see you again soon love, I promise. Be safe, stay hidden. I love you dear.


You sighed and went to find Hermione to get some clothes from her bag. You entered the room seeing the three of them awake.

"Oh your up, where's Malfoy?" Hermione asked. You walked over to her back reaching in to find some clothes.

"He had to leave." You said upset sliding on your jeans. "I'm sorry." Harry said. "Not your fault." You said faking a smile.

"He left me a note anyway." You said turning your back to them taking off the shirt to slide a bra on and Ron turned away. "I'm gonna go look around." Ron said and Hermione left too.

You slid on a shirt and shoes. "Have a nice night?" Harry asked with crossed arms and a smirk. You laughed. "Yep." Is all you said flipping over to pull your hair up in a bun.

"Anything, interesting?" He smirked. "No Harry I didn't sleep with him," he nodded yes pleased turning to the door. "Not last night anyway." You smirked. "So you two have!" He smirked coming back trough the door with a wide smile and you laughed.

"We've been together for 6 years Harry of course we have." You laughed leaving as he followed you dumb struck. "Is it a normal thing for you two now?" He asked following you upstairs to Sirius's room. "Why so interested? Jealous it's not you and Ginny?" You teased and he shoved you.

You walked into Sirius's room looking around. "Harry (Y/N)! Come here I think I found something!" You heard Rons voice calling. You walked upstairs to a wrecked room. "Lovely." You said sarcastically.

Ron pulled the door back some. "Regulas, Acturous, Black." You read. "RAB." Rom stated. You all walked down to the kitchen with the locket.

"Do you think he actually destroyed the locket?" You asked re reading the note. Everything froze when you hear a noise in a cupboard.

You stood walking over quickly with your wand drew. You opened the door seeing creature. You grabbed him dragging him out. "You've been spying on us haven't you!" You hissed.

"Creature, has been watching." He said quietly. You grabbed the locket. "Have you seen this before?" Creature growled. "Creature," you snarled. "It's master Regulous's locket." "Someone stole it didn't they?" "He came in the night, he took many things including the locket."

Creature said. "Who?" You questioned. "Mondungous, Mondungous Fletcher." He said. "Find him." You commanded as he apparated away.

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