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"Detention will take place tomorrow, go back to your dorms now." You walked behind Draco as he stormed down the halls you parted from the three and hugged Harry goodnight.

Yo could hear Malfoy mumbling the hole time. "Stupid Potter," "How dare McGonagall," and so forth and so on. You couldn't help but giggled once and he stopped dead in his tracks turning to you red in he face.

"Think something's funny do you?" He spat furious. You crossed your arms smiling. "'I told you we don't need Slytherin getting into any trouble,'" You mimicked giggling and walking past him. "Slytherin didn't, I did! And it's ridiculous! The golden four are always the ones causing trouble, your a disgrace to the Slytherin house!" He yelled.

This time you stopped dead in our tracks and turned around to him. "Well, I guess you'll have plenty of time to ponder on why you shouldn't bud into people's business during detention, smellfoy." You spat the turning and walking into the common room and into your dorm room.

Classes went by fast the next day and you were walking out of the castle that night with Filch already. Malfoy stammered in the back of the group. "You'll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight, you've got a little job to do inside the dark forest."

Hagrid was sniffling. "My god man your not still going on about that bloody dragon are ya?" He huffed grabbing his crossbow. "Norbert's gone. Dumbledore sent him off to Romania to live in a colony."

"My god pull ourself together man, your going into the forest after all, you need your wits in there." Filch snapped. "The forest! I thought that was a joke! We can't go in there, students aren't allowed! And there are, werewolves!" Draco piped up quickly. "I'll be sure to push you in front of the group if we spot one then."

Yo said turning to him and he glared as the for laughed with you. "Nighty Night." Filch said walking off. "Let's go." Hagrid said. You walked through the dense forest with the floors covered in thick fog. Hagrid stopped and bend down to a light silver puddle and put a finger in it. "Hagrid, what is that?" You asked.

"What we're here for, see that, that's unicorn blood that is. I found one dead a few weeks ago, now this ones been hurt bad by something, so it's our job to go and find the poor beast. Ron Hermione, Harry, you'll come with me. (Y/N), you'll go with Malfoy, keep the houses in order if anything." You nodded.

"Okay, then I get fang." Hissed Malfoy. "Fine, just so ya know, he's a bloody coward." Malfoy's face sank. "Just like you." You said smiling devilishly at Malfoy as the three muffled giggles. You walked through the forest with Malfoy and Fang.

"Wait till my father hears about this. This is recent stuff." He hissed. "If I didn't know better Malfoy, I'd say you were scared." You hissed. "I'm not scared Potter, did you hear that?" You turned and saw nothing so you kept walking. "Come on Fang." You called and he followed.

You walked down a small decline in the land and Fang growled. "What is it Fang?" You then looked where he looked. "Found the unicorn." You said in a quiet quick voice. There is was, laying dead, with a hooded figure over top of the sucking it's blood.

When yo saw it a sharp pain went through your scar, you grabbed you neck and winced. Then the figure looked up at you. Fang barked and ran and you and Malfoy froze. Malfoy started to move and you grabbed him. "You are not leaving me here you coward." You slay as the figure crawled over towards you two.

You stepped back and you both tripped over a log falling and sliding backwards against tree roots as the figure go closer. Then the figure looked up and ran backwards as a centaur jumped over you and kicked at it. The figure flew into the air and disappeared.

You stood and the centaur walked over to you. "(Y/N) Potter, you must leave, you are known to many creatures here, the forest is not safe at this time, especially for you."

"What was that thing you saved me from?" You asked. "A monstrous creature. It is a terrible crime I slay a unicorn, drinking the blood will keep you alive even if you are an inch away from death. But at a terrible price, the drinker will be cursed with a half life from the moment the blood touches your lips."

"Who would choose such a life?" You asked. "Can you think of no one?" "Do you mean to say that thing that killed the unicorn, that was Voldemort?" "Do you know what is hidden in the school at this very moment Miss Potter?" Your eyes widened.

"The sorcerers stone." You whispered. You heard barking, Fang. "They'll be here any minute, I must leave you now, you are safe." The centaur rode off and you turned to Malfoy who was shaking like a leaf.

"Bloody coward." You hissed. Then Hagrid and the others came over the hill with Fang. "You alright there (Y/N)?" Hagrid yelled. "Yes, I'm fine." "Well thanks for asking about me!" Malfoy snapped. "Oh shut up yo prat!" You said and the three giggled again.

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