Dont Leave Me

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You arrived at school and rushed to the great hall, Draco wasn't there. You ran to the common room and into his room. Not there. You huffed.

"Where are you." You said to yourself. Then it donged on you and you burst into a run towards the Room of Requirements.

You ran to the hall and stopped in front of the wall. You closed our eyes and concentrated and reopened our eyes inside.

You looked around, then suddenly heard crying. "Draco," you whispered to yourself running after the sound of the tears. You turned a corner seeing him, with his head against the side of a he vanishing cabinet his eyes closed tight as he cried loudly.

You walked over to him silently. "Draco," you said quietly. He looked to you and his tears stopped as he gave you a look of relief. "Thank god." He cried again rushing to you pulling you into him.

"What happened to your arm?" He said seeing the red mark that was now sort of purple. "Really, youre asking me if I'm okay?" You said wiping his face. "What's wrong?" You asked as he looked at you.

"I lied to you." He sniffed. "What?" You questioned with a slight laugh of disbelief. "Well, I didn't lie. I just haven't told you something." He cried. "Draco-" "Voldemort, gave me another job to do." He said looking into your eyes. Your widened. "Me?" You questioned.

"No no, he didn't say anything about getting to you." He assured. "So who?" You asked. He just sniffed. "I can't." Is all he said. "You don't have to tell me it's okay, hey it's okay." You said trying to keep him from crying.

You put his head in the crook of your neck. "Please don't leave me." He begged. "I'm not going anywhere." You assured. "What's the spell?" You asked sitting him down as he put his arms around his waist with his head on your stomach.

"Harmonia Nectere Passus." You mumbled. "Lay back." You said. You leaned him back rubbing your fingers through his hair. He clearly hadn't slept in forever. He lasted his head back and you stood there as he fell asleep quickly.

You walked over to the cabinet. "How's this work?" You said to yourself. You picked up a random piece of paper and placed it in the cabinet.

"Harmonia Nectere Passus." You said with your wand to the cabinet. "Harmonia Nectere Passus." You repeated over and over when you heard a noise and opened it. The paper was gone.

You closed it back. "Harmonia Nectere Passus." You said, nothing happened. "Harmonia Nectere Passus, Harmonia Nectere Passus, Harmonia Nectere passus." You repeated over and over. You heard a noise again and opened the cabinet. The paper was there, with something written on it.

Well done Draco, it will be ready soon enough.

You looked over to Draco as he slept peacefully. "Lacarnum Inflamara." You said turning the paper to ashes letting it fall to the floor.

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