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You were walking down to Hagrid's hut for your next class. "You don't think that grim stuff has anything to do with Sirius Black do you?" You questioned Draco and Goyle. "Hell if I know love, plus it's just a bunch of rubbish like you said."

Draco assured you holding your hand. "Okay I guess your right." You said as you gathered around hagrid at his hut. "Gather around there would you, less chattering if ya would. Now, I've got a real treat for you today, a great lesson. Follow me." He said leading the class trough the woods to an open area with a small wall of stones.

"Form a group over there, and open your books to page 49." Draco lifted his book and looked at it confused. "Exactly how do we do that?" "Just stroke the spine of course." He did as hagrid said and smirked. You walked over to the wall with Him and the others. "I think they're funny." Hermione said and you and Draco turned over hearing.

"Oh yeah terribly funny really witty. God this place has gone to the dogs, wait till my father hears how dumbledores got this oaf teaching classes." Crabbe and Goyle laughed and you nudged Draco. "Draco-" you started to ask him to stop. "Shut up Malfoy." Harry said turning and walking forward as if squaring up to him.

"Harry!" You snapped. Goyle  Crabbe and Draco cooed and Draco handed off his back before strutting up to Harry. Draco got closer slowly as they kept  glaring at one another. "What did I tell you two last time." You hissed quietly but loud enough where they heard you through gritted teeth. "He started I'm gonna finish." Draco hissed getting closer to Harry.

Suddenly Draco looked over Harry's head and jumped back. "Dementor Dementor!" He cried pointing. All the Gryffindors jumped scared. All the Slytherins laughed and you couldn't help to. Draco and the other lifted their hoods and wiggled their fingers making ghost noises. You smirked but it faded when the trio glared at you.

"Da da da duh!" Hagrid said. You all turned to see a Hypogriff standing next to him. "Bloody hell!" You gaped at the creature. You always found magical creatures to be very interesting. "Meet buckbeak!" You were sitting on the stone wall next to Draco. "Hagrid, what exactly is that thing?" Ron squeaked. Hagrid answered him, but all you could make out was he called it a hippogriff, you were a bit dazed out at the amazing creature.

"Now," with a clap of Hagrid's large hands you snapped back to reality. "Who would like to come and say hello?" You immediately jumped up and started towards the front, and would have made it, had Draco not grabbed your arm and pulled you back with a slightly angry hut mostly concerned look.

"Are you crazy?" He said pulling you into his arms. You didn't mind him being protective, but you were slightly disappointed you didn't get to go say hi to buckbeak. Everyone had stepped back and Harry stayed where he was unaware. "Please let me go see it Draco-" you begged like a little kid and tried to jerk away from him.

He held you tight and pulled you back. He turned you to face him the put his hands on your hips and lifted you into the air and back on the wall quickly and  without any effort. You were a bit startled but quite empresses. "Draco pleas-" "no." He cut you off and you crossed your arms with a huff. He turned around and leaned against the wall next to you.

Everyone went silent as Harry bowed to buckbeak then he bowed back. The whole class clapped. Then hagrid put Harry on buckbeak and he took off into the air. You snapped around watching as he flew into the air with a yell. You looked at Draco and hugged. "And why couldn't you have let me do that it looks so fun.." you whined pouting.

"Because, id never-" his words faded into a mumble and he looked away. "What did you say?" You asked again. "I said- never mind." He huffed. You hoped down to question him again by Harry began to land. Everyone clapped and cheered. "Oh please." Draco huffed pushing to the front. "Draco-" you said grabbing his sleeve right before he started to walk towards where buckbeak was.

"Your gonna get hurt if yo go up there." You said pulling him back. "If I can't go to it you can't." You huffed and he rolled his eyes. "I didn't want you to get hurt okay? I don't know what I'd do with myself if something happened to you." He said looking you in the eyes and he took your hand into his. "You could've just said ya know." You joked and he smiled and you did too.

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