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Voldemort sat at the end of a table. You heard whispers as if from the snake right into your ear. The minister of Magic. Dumbledore falling from the astronomy tower.

You woke up with a sharp inhale. You were sharing a bed with Harry as usual. You started wide eyed at he curling before noticing Harry was doing the same as you turned to eachother.

You stared silently before you both got up getting dressed grabbing your things and leaving. You began walking across the field when you heard a noise behind you.

"Where do you think you're going?" Ron. "We can't wait here, we have to start finding horcruxs. We aren't going to sit here and let another one oft die for us-" Harry said to him but was interrupted.

"For you? You think mad eye died for you? You think George took that curse for you?" He asked. "You two may be the chosen ones mate, but this is way bigger than that." He said. "Come with us then." You said and Harry nodded.

"And leave Hermione? You and Harry wouldn't be able to get along after too long without her, we wouldn't last a minute. Don't tell her I said that." He blushed and you nodded.

"Come on." Ron said taking your bags turning to the house. You both sighed following him.

"It doesn't make since these horcruxs. When you destroyed the diary in the chamber of secrets, he had to have felt something, don't you think he knows your coming for them?" Ron asked.


Draco's POV:

I scribbled a quick note before sending the owl towards the burrow hoping it would get through the enchantments somehow to (y/n). She informed me that Weasley and Granger knew about the astronomy tower, and how I couldn't help it and they didn't blame me and it relieved me.

She told me that the order still had no idea she was messaging me and also thought we had split apart a log time ago due to my association wit the dark lord, and obviously if they had ever found out she was lying she'd be in a shit ton of trouble.

I let my owl fly away as my father walked in. I quickly jerked to him. "What are you doing?" He asked cocking an eyebrow. "Just let him out to fly a bit." I lied straightening my face.

"I would hope you wouldn't be foolish enough to write anyone about our current, actions?" He asked. "Of course not father." I said angrily. He raised his hand in defense. "Just checking, you know what that would do to our name."

He said walking over to my dresser. I had hid the picture of (y/n), but I took it out every night just to see her beautiful face. "You still have feelings for the girl." He stated more than a question.

"Pardon?" I asked trying to play it cool. "You still have feelings for the girl, (Y/N)." He stated looking at me. I put on my best grimace at him trying to keep from bursting into an angry confession of my love for her.

"Of course not, are you mental?" I hissed and he half smiled at me. "Not at all?" He asked. "No." I said sternly. "Good." He said walking to the door. My chest in a tight knot. "We have a chance to infiltrate the ministry, f we succeed quickly enough we will reach the burrow, you are to stay here." "But father-" I tried protest.

"Stay, here. You've been in the line of Fire enough from those disgraces." He hissed. "We don't need distractions from having to save you from your ex either way." He said leaving shutting the door.

I ran to my window wishing I hadn't sent my owl yet, she needs to know about this and quick.

Your POV:

You walked down with Ginny to the kitchen. "Zip me will you?" Ginny asked Harry. You walked over getting some coffee watching them as George quietly joined you as you watched.

"My (Y/N) you look lovely!" George said in an overly loud voice as Harry and Ginny pulled away from eachother and Ginny ran off. "Why thank you George as do you!" You said back smirking as you both chuckled.

You walked outside helping raise the tent for the wedding. "What's the minister of magic doing here?" Ron said turning your attention. "Minister, lovely surprise, what brings you here?" You asked greeting him. "We both know the answer to that Miss Potter." He said coldly leading you Ron and Hermione inside as Harry joined.

You all sat on the couch. He pulled out some papers as they floated next to him. He began reading Dumbledores will. Hermione got a copy of a book. Ron got a deluminator. Harry got the first snitching he caught in his first quidditch game. "And to (Y/N) (Y/M/N) Potter," he said as all attention turned to you.

"I leave to you my Phoenix, Fawks." He said as he swished his wand as a cage appeared next to him covered in a purple satin cloth. He pulled it off exposing the Phoenix.

"In hopes she will learn to rise, when all falls around her as well." He smiled opening the door. Fawks flew over to you perching himself on your shoulder. He looked small, probably just had a burning day.

"Will that be all then?" Harry asked. "Well Mr. Potter, Dumbledore left you and (Y/N) a second request, the sword of Gryffindor, but unfortunately the sword was not Dumbledores to give, it belongs to-" "it belongs to them." Hermione interrupted.

"It came to them when they needed it most In the chamber of secrets-" "the sword may present itself to any worthy Gryffindor however we do not know where the sword of Gryffindor is right now, you see, it was stolen." "Stolen?" You questioned. "Yes, I'm sorry, but you aren't having the sword."

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