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You had been staying at the leaky cauldron for three days now. Yay received several owls from the others asking what you were thinking and where you went. Some even thought you had been captured.

All you replied was I'm safe. Today school started back. You packed your things and got dressed as you started towards kings cross. You were about two blocks down when a car honked at you.

You turned seeing Hermione with her father. "(Y/N)'?" She said from the window. "'Mione!" To smiled as she hopped out of the car hugging you. "So this is where you've been hiding!?" She laughed. "You gave everyone a heart attack!" "Yeah well." You smirked.

"Come on we can give you a ride." She smiled.


You got to kings cross walking to the platform. You ran through and loaded your luggage "There you are you bloody brat!" You heard laughter as you turned and got picked up by the twins. "Hi guys." You said emotionless. "What were you thinking?" You heard Harry behind you as the twins sat you down.

"Are you really that thick?" He asked again. You turned to him. "I'm fine thanks for asking." You huffed. "Id be more satisfied if you had got cursed maybe you'd realize how stupid of you that was!" He yelled. You stood shocked. "Oi Potter ease off aye?" You heard Goyle. You smiled and walked over to him and Blais.

"Hey guys." You smiled. Suddenly you were jerked around by Harry as he pulled to away from them. "You do fucking realize they're parents were at the grave yard too you idiot!" He whisper yelled. "Ouch Harry let go!" You said trying to get him to let go.

"Harry!" Hermione snapped. He let go. You grabbed your arm seeing a bit red mark as the guys surrounded you. "We found your note. The letter from Draco. That's how you go to the leaky cauldron isn't it?" Harry snapped. "What? That impossible, he's underage the only way he could have apparated is if he-" she realized as everyone turned to you.

"You guys truly are blinded by hatred aren't you, there's this thing called a broom, I would think you would know since Harry constantly acts like there's one shoved up his ars." You snapped and Harry stepped forward as you stepped back between Goyle and Blaise.

"Draco isn't a death eater, get over yourself." You hissed to Harry before turning getting in the train with the others.

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