Red Heads

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You walked down the platforms of the train station next to Hagrid. Your trolly holding your luggage and a cage with your dark brown and black barn owl on the end. People stared left and right, mostly at the large man next to us.

"What are you staring at?" He snapped at one person. "Alright, now," he said as his attention came back to you. "Blimey is that the time! I'm afraid I'll have to leave you two, Dumbledore will be wanting his-" he said placing a hand on the pocket that held the small package from gringotts. "Well he'll be wanting to see me, alright now, here's your tickets," he said handing you two small blue and silver tickets.

"Now that's very important you hear? Very important, so stick to your ticket." Both of you looked down at your tickets. "Platform 9 and 3/4's?" You asked. Harry began speaking, "but Hagrid, there must be a mistake, this says platform 9 and 3/4's, there's no such thing, is there?" When you both looked up from the tickets Hagrid was gone.

The two of you walked down the platforms and Harry walked to a conductor on the left. "Excuse me, excuse me," he called through the racket of trains and trolleys and people running that were late. "Can you direct me to platform 9 3/4?" Harry asked in all seriousness.

"Platform 9 3/4? Think your being funny do ya?" Hissed the man mumbling something as he turned away. You two stood confused for a moment when you heard a voice from behind you. "Same every year, packed with muggles of course! Come on, platform 9 and 3/4's this way!"

You turned to see a red haired lady followed by four boys and one small girl. "Muggle?" Harry said and you shared the same look and followed the lady closely. The family reached the wall between platforms nine and ten, then the small red haired lady turned to the boys. "Alright Percy, you first." The boy lined up his cart with the wall, then took off in a sprint and went, right through it?

You and Harry shared a shocked look quickly. "Fred, you next." She said looking at the two taller red head boys that had to have been twins. "He's not Fred I am!" "Honestly women and you call yourself our mother." They said together. You and Harry giggled. "I'm sorry George." But when the boy lined up with the wall he turned to his mom.

"I'm only joking, I am Fred." He said before sprinting through the wall followed by his brother. Then Harry spoke up. "Excuse me, c-could you tell us," "how to-" you finished but couldn't quite actually. The lady walked over and smiled warmly. "How to get onto the platform, yes not to worry dears, it's Ron's first time to Hogwarts as well,"

She gestured to a red head boy that was taller then the two of you smiling and you smiled back. "Now all you've got to do, is walk straight at the wall, between platforms nine and ten, best do it in a bit of a run." "Good luck." The small red haired girl that looked younger then you two said, She smiled and you and Harry lined up one in front of the other in front of the wall.

You both hesitated, then as Harry sprinted through you followed closely. You came out the other side to a big platform with a red and black train that on the front had a sign that read, 'Hogwarts express.' You smiled with Harry then walked toward the train.

There were lady's and men in robes and hats everywhere. You got on the train and sat alone with Harry in a small compartment looking out the window. Then you heard a voice from the door and turned. "Excuse me, do you mind? Everywhere else is full." It was the red haired boy from the platform, what was his name again? Rob?

"Not at all." You and Harry said simultaneously and he sat down across from Harry next to you. "I'm Ron by the way, Ron Weasley." "I'm Harry, this is my twin sister (Y/N), (Y/N) Potter." Harry introduced you two and the red haired boys face lit up. "So, so it's true, do you really have the, the-" the boy stammered.

"The what?" Harry asked. "Scars?" The boy whispered. You and Harry smiled. "Oh," you said sliding your hair from your neck as Harry lifted his bangs. The boy looked at the scars excitedly. "Wicked." He beamed and you two smiled then dropped your hair. "Anything off the trolly dears?" A lady from the door said.

Ron held up a package of small sandwiches all smushed together and wrapped in plastic. "No thanks, I'm all set." Ron said sarcastically glaring at the food. You and Harry share an excited look and you pulled a hand full of Galleons from your pocket. "We'll take the lot." You beamed. Ron looked admiringly at the tokens. "Woah."

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