Different Hearts

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"Slytherin!" The hall erupted in gasps and the entire Slytherin table stood cheering. "We've got Potter! We've got Potter!" Screamed a few and you smiled.

Harry, Ron and Hermione stared at you in shock.

You were so happy, but you were heartbroken. A darkness hidden. Slytherins. You will be great. You feel not the need to prove yourself. These things rang through your ears as you joined the Slytherins table. You sat down across from a couple girls not noticing Malfoy and his goones not far from you. "A half blood in Slytherin, unbelievable." He spat at you.

You turned to him quickly. "Apparently you didn't understand my comment earlier so let me put it in more simple terms, Leave me the hell alone." The girls around you giggled and his friends chuckled at him. You made several new friends quickly. The sorting ended and you heard someone clink on a glass from the high table.

"Your attention please." It was the sorting lady. Then Dumbledore stood. "Let the feast, begin." With a wave of his hand food appeared on the tables. Malfoy smiled and dug in, as did you and your friends Clare Slendle and Penelope Claywater. "So you grew up with muggles?" Clare asked. "Sadly yes, they-" "muggles? You grew up with muggles and they allowed you into Slytherin! Wait till my father hears about this." Spat Malfoy.

"Oh sod off Malfoy." You spat back and his goones chuckled at him again and your friends as well. He glared at you. After everyone had finished eating the house leaders led you to your dormitories. "Gryffindors this way." Yelled Percy as you passed them and saw Harry, he looked upset but smiled, as did you.

"Slytherins this way come on!" Yelled your head boy. You started a decent down many flights of stairs. "Slytherins common rooms are in dungeon." A tall black boy said clearly seeing the confused look on your face. You nodded. "I'm Blaise Zambini, nice to meet you Potter." He smiled. "Nice to meet you too." You smiled shaking his extended hand.

You got to a door and followed everyone in. "This is the Slytherin Dungeons, girl dormitories down the right hallway and up stairs, boys same on your left. Go on now your things had already been brought up." He said. At the end of the long room full of chairs, couches, and fireplaces were two arch entry's. You walked into the one on the right and up the stairs.

You reached a dark walkway lit with a single green lamp. To your right was a door with a sign that said,' first years' you walked through the door and into a huge spacious room. There were five beds spread along the half circle wall with dark green curtains around the sides.

"Wow, lots of room for five girls." You said and your friends giggled. "There's three sets of rooms for every year student, so there's three firsts year girls rooms, three for second years, three for third year as and so on an so forth." You made an 'oh' shape with your mouth and walked over to a bed that had your things including your owl.

"I'm gonna go ahead and get some rest, long day." You said climbing into bed. You sat up and pulled your hair up in a bun and all the girls stared at you. "What?" "Your scar, is so, wicked!" They beamed. You giggled. "It's hard to believe they put you in Slytherin, both your parents and your brother were Gryffindors?" Penelope asked confused. Then a fourth girl spoke up from her bed.

"It is curious, but again you have the same blood, not the same heart." You three turned to her and she smiled. "I'm Grace Lingwood, it's so nice to meet you (Y/N)." She smiled. "You too Grace, this is Clare and Penelope." She smiled. "Well looks like we got the extra bed, Slytherin girls are getting harder and harder to find."

You all talked for a while before any of you actually went to bed.


You woke up the next morning and went down to breakfast with your new friends and sat down. You had an empty seat next to you when suddenly someone plopped down in it. It was Blaise. "Good morning ladies, (Y/N)." He smiled. "Good morning Blaise." You all talked for a while when you made eye contact with Malfoy. He glared at Blaise then blushed when he saw you caught him.

"We have transfiguration with Gryffindor first." Penelope said as the four of you stood leaving Blaise to go to class. As you left you saw Blaise and Malfoy arguing but ignored it.


You four sat in the back as the other seats filled up. Draco sat not far ahead of you. You all began writing as McGonagall transfigured into a cat on her desk.

Half way through class the door swung open and you turned to see Ron and Harry burst in. You smiled and Harry smiled at you. "Could you imagine the look on ol' McGonagalls face if she knew we were late?" Ron asked. There was an empty desk next to you in the row to your right.

Then professor McGonagall jumped off her desk and took to her usual form. "That was bloody brilliant." Ron beamed and you laughed. The two sat down next to you, though Ron was sketchy about it.

Harry threw you a note a little after he started writing.

How can this happen?

You knew what he was talking about and wrote back.

I don't know, but apparently we aren't as alike as we thought.

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