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You and Harry walked towards your dorms. "How could you do this! For once can't we have a normal year at Hogwarts!" You snapped. "For once I want to enjoy school without being the center of gossip Harry can't you get that through your thick head!"

"I didn't put our names in that cup!" "Then who did!" "I don't know!" You stormed off down the stairs to the Slytherin common room. You walked in and all the Slytherin looked to you as Draco ran over the door angry. "Did your brother do this!? He put your name in the goblet didn't he?!"

"I don't know but I sure as hell didn't!" You snapped. Everyone began crowding around asking questions overwhelming you. Draco took you to his room locking the door behind you guys. "You can't go through with this, you have to back out, quit, something!" He said aggravated. "I can't Draco I have no choice!"

"People die in this tournament (Y/N) I can't let you! If I find out that Potter was the reason your name was chosen tonight I'll kill him!" He spat pacing back and forth as you sat on the bed. "Draco calm down-" "I can't! I can't calm down (Y/N) I'm scarred! Okay!?" At his words you grew silent as he began to get choked up and stopped pacing dropping his head.

"I'm scarred." He said quietly and hurt. He looked to you with tears and worry in his eyes. "Baby listen to me," he said walking over and holding you in his arms as you held back tears. "I won't let anything happen to you okay, with every bit of power I have in my body I will try my best to protect you, because if I'm this scarred of loosing you I can only imagine how you feel."

You snuggled from crying. "I'm pissed off," you said sitting back. "Why can't I just have one year where I'm not '(Y/N) Potter the girl who lived.'? Why can't I be (Y/N) Potter, the normal girl in Slytherin house?" You asked as a tear slipped from your eye. "Your not either to me, your just (Y/N) Potter the love of my life," his words made you feel better.

"And I won't let anything hurt you." You nodded and he held you in his arms once again. "Plus, after you win this damn tournament I'm gonna kick your brothers ass." Draco said causing you to laugh. "And just wait till your father hears about this." You joked back with him as he shook his head laughing.

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