First Task

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You paced nervously in the tent. "(Y/N), is that you?" You heard Draco from the other side of the curtain. "Yes," you said before moving the curtain letting him in. He wrapped his arms around you holding you close.

"Draco I'm scared," you whispered. "Hey, look at me," he said putting his finger under your chin and his thumb under your lip. "I'm scared too, but you are going to great, okay?" You nodded and put your arms around his neck again.

You heard a picture click and you both looked to see Rita Skeeter. "Young love." She beamed. "You have no business being here, this tent is for champions, and friends." Victor said and so they left.

"I don't want you to do this," Draco said causing your attention to shift back to his worried face. "I don't want to do it either, but look at me," you smiled. "But I'm going to be fine, remember?" You joked. He smiled with you before kissing your nose and placing his forehead to yours.

"I promised you last year I'd never let you get hurt ever again, remember?" You looked down towards your chest were the very faded scars were. "I don't even care if it's considered cheating, the second I feel like your going to get hurt I'm cursing someone or something." He said sternly. You nodded and smiled.

Dumbledore entered and Draco left after kissing you. "Good day champions!" He said. "Barty-" he said. Mr. Crouch stepped up with a small bag. "Miss Delacor here, Potter, Potter here." He said positioning you amd Harry at the end. Fleur reached in the bag and pulled out a small dragon.

Fleur got the welsh green, Krum got the Chinese fireball, Cedric the Swedish short-snout. Which left two more Dragons, Hungarian Horn-Tail, and the Hebridean Black. Harry reached in and winced. "Horntail," you and Harry said under your breath. "So that leaves," "Hebridean," you said under your breath worried. "What was that?" "Nothing."

"The Hebridean Black." Crouch said. "These represent five very real dragons, which each have been given a golden egg to protect, which contains a clue to the next round, and without which you can not hope to proceed to the next round. Mr. Diggory at the sound off the canon you-"

The canon shot ringing your ears and making the tent sway as the crowd began to cheer. You poked through the curtain to find Draco in the stands. He looked to you worried, he mouthed 'which one?' to you. You obviously told him about the dragons. "Hebridean Black." You mouthed back.

His eyes widened. "Bloody hell." He mouthed.


"Miss Potter, your up." You were last. You watched Harry battle the dragon and almost get killed doing so.

You entered the arena and spotted the dragon right in the middle. It immediately spotted you whaling loudly before spitting a large powerful flame. "Aqua Eructo!" You countered as the jet of water from your wand battled the tense fire. The crowd was going crazy and cheering. The flame faded and the jet of water shot the dragon in the face setting it off guard.

You ran across the rocks as the dragon thrashed around before falling into a small ditch. You jumped across the rocks getting close to the golden egg when the dragon flew over you. Everyone gasped as it's tail barely missed you almost hitting you.

The Dragon was spitting flames after every step you took. Everyone was screamed and cheering and terrified at once. You hid behind a rock as the dragon shot fire again. You looked into the stands at Draco who was clasping his wand tight obviously terrified.

You made eye contact and smiled tiredly. "Come on (Y/N)!" He yelled to you smiling. You nodded and ran to the other side of the rocks.

You backed up against some boulders. "Carpe Retractum!" A rope wrapped around the Dragons neck pulled it fastly towards you. You ducked quickly as the Dragons head smashed into the rocks knocking it out cold.

Everyone was screamed as you jumped across a ditch sweeping up the egg holding it tight as everyone stood cheering. You ran out of the tunnel joining the other champions who clapped and congratulated you greatly. You escaped with just a minor burn on your arm that was hardly a singe.

"(Y/N)!" You looked to see Draco, Grace, Clair, Penelope, Crabbe and Goyle running at you followed by all the Slytherins and even the Gryffindors. Draco lifted you up on his shoulders as the Slytherins cheered.

"You did amazing love." Draco cheered sitting you down holding you tight. "Honestly, I was terrified." You laughed with them.

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