Liquid Luck

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"Miss Potter." McGonagall said seeing you standing with Draco laughing at the first years on the wall. "Great." You hugged walking over to her.

"Is it no longer your wish to become an aura?" She questioned shocked. "Yes ma'am I had a free period." You said. "Well I see it well you take Professor Slughorns class." She said over her glasses. "Yes ma'am but I was told I did outstanding on my OWL's." You said confused.

"When Professor Snape was teaching, not Professor Slughorn, he had a class now I think it well if you were to join." She said. "Brilliant, I'll head that way now." You said turning. "Oh and Miss Potter take Mr. Malfoy with you he seems far too happy." She joked with a smile as she walked off.

"Come on Draco your coming too if I have to." You laughed and he fakes a sigh hopping down putting an arm around you walking to class. You entered the class, late obviously. "Ah Miss Potter! I was wondering when I would get to see you, and who is it you've brought with you?"

"Draco Malfoy sir." He said blankly. "Pleasure," he smiled. "Come now open your books-" "excuse me sir neither Malfoy or I have got our books yet." You said.

"No worry they're in the cupboard." He said. You and Draco walked over swing only two books left. An old ratty on wand brand new one. Draco quickly grabbed the new one waving it in your face with a smirk. "Ass." You whispered with a smirk taking the old one and walking over to your spot.

Hermione was telling about the other potions. Then Slughorn said something about liquid luck. "Here's what I offer, one tiny vial of liquid luck, to the student who can perfectly a brew Draught of Living death." He smiled. Draco's eyes shot to the vial.

You knew what he was told to do. Mostly at least, something about a cabinet, you didn't know much. "You need that." You stated walking over to a brewing stand wth Draco. "Well it would certainly be helpful." He said as he started his potion.

Your book had odd notes in it, parts marked out and changed. You added an ingredient that everyone was having trouble cutting. "How did you do that?" Draco beamed. "Look," you said scooting the book towards him. "I'm sharing yours." He smiled. You and Draco worked together on your potions in a perfect harmony that seemed almost rehearsed.

You switched ingredient with eachother and helped eachother stir was they did something else. Everyone seemed to watch you two in awe. You were just about to add the final ingredient, but paused. Draco needed this. He added his and stirred. "Aren't you done?" He asked.

You smirked and hid the ingredient In your pocket. He looked at you co fused then smiled at you thankfully. Slughorn walked over dropping a leaf in his cauldron. "Perfect, absolutely magnificent, I do believe one drop would kill us all." He smiled. "And miss Potter?" He asked. "I believe I forgot something sir." You said innocently.

"Aw happens to the best of us, well done either way." He smiled walking off. "I reward to Mr. Malfoy, one vial of liquid luck." He smiled. You hid the old book in your robe.

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