Department of Mysteries (3)

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Death eaters swooped down capturing everyone holding them hostage.

Lucius walked up to you and Harry. "Don't be foolish, (Y/N)." He said walking over to you. "Hand over the prophesy." He said reaching out his hand.

"Don't give it to him (Y/N)!" Neville yelled before Bellatrix hushed him. Suddenly a bunch of bright lights appeared. "Sirius." You an Harry beamed. "Get away from my god children." He said before punching Lucius. Tonks, Kingsley, Remus and the others appeared helping save the others.

You Harry and Sirius jumped behind a rock. "Stay here." Sirius said. "You've done great kids, let me take it from here." He smiled before he began fighting with Lucius. You saw one of he over death eaters try help defend Lucius and quickly disarmed him. "Nice one lily!" Sirius called as you quickly handed Harry the prophecy and started helping Sirius fight Lucius.

You disarmed him and Harry sent him flying across he room. "Avada Kedavra!" You heard as a green light hit Sirius. You and Harry looked at him, he smiled, before falling back into the archway. Remus ran up grabbing Harry as Tonks grabbed you.

You screamed. You didn't know what to do all you could was scream. You pushed away from Tonks running after Bellatrix as Harry followed you.

"I killed Sirius Black! You coming to get me?" She changed. "Truso!" You called as she fell. You both pointed your wands at her. "Are you going to kill her Harry, (Y/N)?" You heard a whisper. "She killed him after all. You have to mean it. Do it!" "Avada Kedav-" you flew across the room hitting a fireplace.

Voldemort. Harry stood in front of him disarmed. You quickly grabbed your wand as Dumbledore appeared pushing Harry out of the way. Bellatrix escaped through the fireplace.

You and Harry ran to eachother as you picked up his wand on the way giving it to him. You walked up to Dumbledore  as he had Voldemort in a ball of water.

He got out and busted all the glass, as suddenly it all went into to air and began darting towards you three. Dumbledore raised his wand creating a force field as he glass passed through it turned to sand.

You and Harry stood shocked. Suddenly Voldemort disappeared into a dust, as the sand moved and you and Harry fell with a sharp pain.

You lay on the ground twisting in pain. You and Harry looked at eachother with snake like eyes. "I can't stop it." You said before screaming. You and Harry looked at Dumbledore.

"You lost old man." You said in unison. You and Harry yelled and twisted. Suddenly you looked at eachother. "Perhaps I should have you kill eachother for me." You both said torrther with Voldemorts voice before you both grabbed each other by tee throat.

You sat like that for a second before wrenching in pain again. So. Weak. You heard Voldemort in your head. You sat there helpless as everyone gathered around. You looked at everyone. You reached to Harry as you pleaded in eachothers eyes.

He took your hand into his. "You're wrong." You both said to Voldemort. "And you'll never know love, or friendship." You could see his shocked face in your head. "And we feel sorry for you." You said smiling some but slightly crying with Harry.

Suddenly you both jerked over to your backs as the sand around you blew away from you and Voldemort reappeared next to you.  "Your fools, Harry and (Y/N) Potter, and you will loose."

The minister appeared seeing Voldemort before he apparated. "In other news, water is wet." Yo said breathing heavily. "Dip shits." You and Harry said together.

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