I Got You

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You walked down the streets of Diagon Alley still upset at what just happened. How could Harry make you choose!? He is your twin brother, and he made you cohoes between him or your friends, no real friend would do that.

Draco never took his hand away from you. "Hey," he said calmly breaking your thoughts. "Yeah?" You asked trying to look like it didn't bother you. "don't think on what he said, I'm sure he didn't mean it." He smiled and it actually made you feel better. "Father and I have to stop and get me a new broom stick for this years Quidditch tryouts, you are going to try out aren't you?"

He asked changing the subject as you walked into the small store with broom sticks in the windows. "I don't know, isn't Katie Rayknolls still the keeper?" You asked looking at the nice broom sticks. "Yeah, but she hasn't been doing so well lately, Flint would love for you to try out." He smiled as you walked over to a shelve with shiny black brooms with gold lettering that read 'Nimbus 2001'.

"Well, I think I will, it would be really fun after all." You smiled. "Do you have a broom stick of your own?" Lucius asked from behind you. "No sir I don't, Harry's was given to him by a Professor." You explained as Draco took a Nimbus 2001 off the shelf and mounted it. "Excuse me sir, do you mind?" Draco asked the clerk who smiled and nodded no.

Draco kicked off from the ground and flew around the shelves with unbelievable speed. "Woah!" You beamed after him. He then swooped down and extended a hand which you reached for as he picked you up and slung you onto the broom behind him as you both giggled unbelievably.

He then landed and you both hopped of giggling. "That broom is amazing!" You beamed and Lucius smiled at you two. "Well then one for each of you should do well." He smiled and paid for two of them before you and Draco rushed out to the alley with them. "Come on!" Draco beamed hopping on his broom and taking off to the sky and you quickly followed him.

"Look, it's the Weasley's again." You hissed as you and Draco hovered in the air enjoying the scene. "Come on, let's give 'em a bit of a show." Draco said with a sly smirk that you returned as you followed him as he shot down towards them. You nose dived and spun around Harry as he turned confused watching you.

"What's the matter Potter?" You yelled with a sly giggle. "But beyond your reach?" Draco said also as you both hovered over then giggling. "Where'd you he that!?" Harry yelled. "A gift from Draco's father, donated some to the entire Slytherin team." You explained with a sly smirk.

"I can't believe you Malfoy, stealing my own sister from me!" Harry yelled. "Stealing? Me? I didn't steal anything Potter, I helped her when you called her a Disgrace last year." Draco hissed. "Piss off Malfoy!" The twins yelled in unison. "Jealous Weasley's?" Draco smirked. He then elf you down and you got off your broom and handed it to Goyle then climbed behind Draco on his wrapping your arms around his waist.

He then flew back over to the twins and they glared at him, he gave them a quick eyebrow raise before you left and went back to the Manor. You arrived and still were laughing with the others. "You guys wanna play a game with the new brooms?" Draco suggested and you all smiled and nodded.

You followed him to the back yard where there was two small hoops on opposite sides of a wide opening. "Lets race." Draco said looking to you. "Me? You wanna race me?" You said confidently and they giggled. "Yeah, I think my odds are good." He said back and you walked to the center giggling.

"First to catch the snitch gets the bed tonight!" Crabbe yelled and you all laughed. "There it goes!" Goyle yelled at he let the snitch go. You and Draco zoomed after it you were side by side in full pursuit after the small golden ball when it suddenly shot straight up. You and Draco shared a smile then shot l after it into the clouds.

"Come on Malfoy you can do better than that!" You joked. "Your right, I can!" He yelled back before zooming ahead of you and grabbing the snitch. "Bloody hell." You muttered with a laugh as you both flew back down to the ground. "Malfoy wins!" Crabbe yelled and they cheered and you laughed at them.

"Come on! He cheeted!" You joked. "Oh yeah? Want a rematch?" He joked tossing the snitch up and down to himself. You walked up to him smirking. "Yeah, just a quick one." You smiled, and the next time he goosed it up you grabbed it quickly and took off in your broom. "You can catch a snitch, see if you can catch me with it now!" You smirked flying off towards the clouds then hovering over him.

" Playing hard to get are we!?" He yelled and you laughed. "I thought the Slytherin Prince could get any thing or girl he wanted!" You yelled back slyly. "Watch me!" He yelled before zooming up to you and you quickly dove and dodged left and right avoiding him.

You dodged and flew up to the roof of the house. "Where'd ya go Potter!?" You heard Draco yell with a laugh. "Come and find me!" You yelled running around on the roof avoiding him as he zoomed over head. "I will get you ya know!?" You heard him again. "Good luck with that Malfoy!" You rolled with a giggle. Suddenly the zooming sound stopped.

You were hiding behind one of the many chimneys close to the edge of the roof. "Hello there love," you jerked at the voice and turned to see Draco sitting on the chimney above you. You stepped back avoiding his hand as he reached for you and got too close to the edge. "(Y/N) look out!" He yelled jumping down, but it was too late.

You fell off the roof with a blank smile, then quickly kicked up onto your broom and zoomed off again. You hovered up eye level with Draco. "Scared to loose me Malfoy?" You taunted and he shook his head smiling down at the ground. "Yes, very." He smiled causing you to blush. "Come on, I won." You smiled and turned and slowly started to descend.

You were almost on the ground when suddenly you were grabbed and jerked back into the air. You squealed and watched as Goyle caught your broom. You were then lifted up and sat facing backwards on the broom in front of Draco. You blushed realizing what just happened, he caught you. You blushed and looked down as he just hovered there.

"I got you." He smiled pushing your hair out of your face. "Come on, it's getting dark." He smiled taking you to the ground again.

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