First Pitch

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"Why do we have to do this again" Patrick whines as we walk into historic Wrigley Field. He was a Sox fan, and a grumpy one at that.

"Because we're playing here in the Winter Classic next year and we could use the advertisement. Get our names out there and bring excitement to hockey into Chicago once again. We're not exactly the Red Wings" I remind him and he groans.

"Are you really making me stay for the whole game" he whines. I swear PR is making me baby sit or was punishing me or something.

"Why don't you quit your complaining, eh? I'm not singing the seventh inning stretch by myself, bet your ass I'm making you stay. And I'm not saying that as your newly appointed captain on even your roommate, simply because you have to" I respond and he lets out a grunt. We make our way down to the field and that's where Patrick turned from grumpy to annoying... real quick.

"See... I've done this before. I have nothing to worry about. Jonny Boy over here looks a bit nervous" he smirks looking to me as the camera he was yapping at turns to me. Such a confident little boy, but off the ice it didn't work as well.

"No way. I hope you screw up because it's going to be hilarious. I'm going to be dying" I chuckle. We've always been competitive and I enjoy it, as long as I come out on top.

"I can't fail. It's not in my genes" he claims and I roll my eyes. After bickering for a while the stands start to fill as fans file in. Even though the Cubs haven't won a championship in 100 years they still have fans, so I think it's time to get back ours. They let a few kids out onto the field and I talk to all of them. They are our future after all. A little boy about three year old timidly makes his way over to me and I bend down to talk to him.

"Hey bud, what's your name" I ask and he lights up. He was wearing a empty hawks jersey and a Cubs hat. He had dark brown curls spilling under it that bounced around in the wind. Plus he had these piercing blue eyes, the prettiest blue eyes I've ever seen. The kid was a charmer, that's for sure.

"My name is Jackson" he says slowly and I smile. He seemed shy but also like he wanted to talk to me.

"Alright Jackson, how old are you" I ask.

"I'm three" he says holding up three little fingers.

"How about I sign this for you" I say pointing at the ball and he happily hands it to me. I sign it and hand it back to him before he studies it. He traces my signature and I smile as his little tongue sticks out as he concentrates on the ball.

"So, you like hockey" I ask and he nods.

"I want to grow up to play just like you" he says and I smile. I hear that a lot, but never heard it the way he said it. Like he actually was going to.

"I'm honored, thank you" I smile before they announce it was time for the kids to go and he was taken off the field. I watch him as he continues off the field after giving me a wave goodbye.

"Mommy! Lookie" he screams jumping into someone's arms. They pick him up and he lights up like a Christmas tree. Once everyone moves out the way I see a beautiful girl my age holding him close to her side. And I mean this girl was stunning. No way she was that kids mom. She was still just a kid herself.

She had bright blue eyes like his and long wavy black hair that reached her lower back, even up in a pony tail. Was was unlike anything I've ever seen. Her long legs were covered by a pair of light jeans protecting her form the cool September winds and wore a loose cubs jersey. Jackson takes his hat off and puts it on her letting his curls flow freely. They looked related, that's for sure. She looks back at him with those big stunning blue eyes and reveals a perfect smile complimented by plump pink lips. She couldn't be older than 21. I study her for a little trying to read into this situation but I got nothing.

"Dude, you see that girl" I ask Patrick pointing to her. He lets out a low whistle and gives her a good look.

"Damn. Don't see many like that" he admits.

"I know, she's drop dead gorgeous. I want to talk to her" I admit.

"She's got a kid, are you sure you want to go down that path" he asks.

"I really don't think that's her kid. And I don't see a ring on her finger" I reply and he shrugs.

"Do whatever you want man. Just don't do something stupid" he advises. This coming from the man who knocked his own front teeth out. We throw out the first pitches, both of us admittedly should keep to hockey, and he heads up to the box to watch the game. I take a different route in a attempt to find out more about this girl. I slip my hat down lower and maneuver my way to the section she was in. I sit in a seat a few rows behind her and try to listen in on what they were talking about.

"Do you have to work tomorrow" Jackson asks somberly. He was on her lap not even watching the game going on just behind him, just trying to hold onto her.

"Jack Jack you know I have to. But you can have fun with Aunt Nicki while I'm gone" she says happily.

"Fine. But you have to bring me cake" he claims and she laughs running her fingers through his hair.

"I'm sure there's a huge piece of choloate cake with your name on it" she says squeezing his side and he giggles. Man that kid was adorable. As the game goes on I continue to listen to them converse and forgot that I was at the game for a little. After a while Jackson finally makes eye contact with me and I freak a little. I didn't want her thinking I was this weird guys spying on them, even though that is exactly what's going on. He waves up at me and I wave back hoping the girl wouldn't notice. But his excitement caused her to turn around and I can finally get a good look at her. She had a defined jawline and a dimple in her right cheek when she smiles. Her pink lips turn upward as her piercing blue eyes meet my deep brown ones. My heart skips and I become breathless as we continue to stare back at each other. This should be good...

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