Expecting the Unexpected

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After two weeks of throwing up and being tired I needed to see a doctor. I didn't want it to affect work or to get Jon or Jackson sick so I finally called it quits. If this was the stomach flu this is the longest stomach flu ever. Jon was out with Jackson, Henry, and Patrick running around the mall and Emma came to my appointment with me. I was a little scared something was wrong and wanted someone close to me around in case it was bad. They take my blood and run a bunch of tests then leave me to let my horrible thoughts consume me. Eventually the doctor comes in and introduces herself before taking a seat in the chair by the bed.

"Good news is that you're perfectly healthy. No signs of illness or disease or anything of concern. The light headedness and puking and lack of energy is because you're pregnant" she informs me and my eye nearly pop out of my head. Me? Pregnant? Now way.

"Seriously" I ask and she nods.

"Yeah. Actually you're about three months along. Your periods have always been a issue your whole life according to the very few files we have on you, so that's why you might have missed it but you are most certainly pregnant. You're not showing yet, most people don't until the third trimester. But we have some vitamins and eating plans that should make you feel better and keep you and the baby safe" she informs me. I look over to Emma who had the brightest smile on her face. I was not expecting that.

"Oh this is exciting. Jons going to be so happy, Jacksons going to be so happy" she says clapping her hands together. My fear turns into excitement as I realize how bad I, no we, wanted this. I've just been so busy I guess I've missed all the signs. I ask a few more questions then schedule my next appointment before thanking my doctor and leaving. I walk out with Emma and let out a big breath. I wasn't worried about raising a kid, I did just fine the first time and I was sixteen when that happened. I'm ready this time, but I know nothing about being pregnant.

"How are you going to tell Jon" Emma asks excitedly.

"I don't know. What do you suggest" I wonder.

"Get a little Toews jersey for babies. Then when he asks what it's for you tell him" she shrugs.

"I actually really like that" I admit. We head to the Blackhawks store and buy the jersey along with a onesie and a pacifier. We put it in a white box and decide it will have to do. We head to my house and I teach Emma some things about cooking. She's been wanting to learn and I miss being a chef so I couldn't turn her down. Plus it's nice to be around a person of the female gender. I love the boys but man are they overwhelming.

Eventually the boys come home and they all run straight to the basement without so much as a hi.

"That was weird right" I ask.

"I never know what normal is with them" she laughs. I guess she had a point. Eventually they come back up all with bright smiles on their faces.

"I want to know what going on... but at the same time I'm scared" I admit and Emma laughs.

"Nothing to worry about, I promise. How was your doctors appointment" Jon asks and I smile at the thought.

"I'm not sick. Nothing bad" I assure him and he raises his eyebrow. I push a box towards him and now he was really confused.

"Are you trying to distract me from worrying about you, because it's not working" he tells me.

"Nope. Just open the box before Jackson does" I say as his little head appears above the counter. That was one curious little boy. Jon opens the box and picks up the smallest little Toews onesie with the Indian head on the front and his name on the back. It clicks immediately and his face lights up.

"Holy shit, are you pregnant" he asks and I nod my head.

"That's why I've been feeling different. The baby and I are healthy and it's due in May" I smile. He jumps across the island and surrounds me in the tightest hug ever. But I felt safe in his arms. Jackson continues to stare at the baby things as he and Henry had no clue as to what was happening.

"I'm so happy! This is actually the best year ever. I can't believe this, were going to have a kid" he says holding my shoulders and looking in my eyes. He places a kiss on my lips before picking up the jersey again.

"I'm gonna be a big brother" Jackson asks and I bend down to talk to him.

"Yeah buddy, you are. And I'm not going to love you any less. You'll always be my first love, nothing can change that. I'll still sing to you when you ask and we can play super heroes until we pass out. But now there's going to be another baby who's going to need a awesome big brother that only you can be" I explain.

"I'm excited! I can teach them about hockey and the alphabet and our family. I'll love them so much" he expresses excitedly. Well that couldn't have gone any better. Jonathan goes to tell his parents the good news while I set the table. Patrick, Emma, and Henry stay for dinner so Henry and Jackson are off in their room and Emma was watching them leaving Patrick to help me.

"I can't believe you guys are having a kid of your own. That's huge, I'm happy for you guys" Patrick says putting out the forks.

"Thanks Pat. That's kind of you. Are you and Emma going to have kids of your own" I wonder.

"I want to. But I'm honestly fine with just having Henry. He's the funniest kid I've ever met, could do no wrong. He thinks of me as some kind or super hero, it's a really cool feeling knowing he's around. I love him and Emma, but I would love to have a kid of my own" he admits.

"Good to hear. Emma is a great girl. My best friend even. I love her to pieces and I'm happy you guys have each other. Everything is going to work out, I promise" I smile. Eventually everyone joins us for dinner and we recap the day. I, of course, was still beaming that I was pregnant and couldn't wait to have another kid. The whole dinner I caught Jon staring at me and even though he never said a word... I knew exactly what he was saying.

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