Real kiss

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My Valentine's Day baby and I have been having a lot of fun together. One week old and he's already done so much in his life. He's watched his daddy lead a team to a 14-0-3 record, watched his brother set a record with six goals in a game, and every other second he is asleep. 2010 was a great year in many senses, but it's only February and I can say this year is pretty bomb.

I fill the sink up and draw Mason a bath, he was so freaking tiny I felt like I was playing with a doll half the time. I set him on his floaty as he just lays there so content with life. Always just looking around not really sure why to think. But he was never really fussy and was quite content with life. I slowly pour water over him as he continues to stare at me with those deep brown eyes. The same pair of eyes I've fallen in love with once before.

"You're the cutest, you know that" I ask. "Of course you don't, because you're a week old and you don't know anything besides pooping yourself and sucking on my boob" I joke. After he was all cleaned and I wash his head full of hair I put him in a red onesie and a fresh diaper. I walk into his room and look around, it was a little messy but nothing too bad. Some books lying around here and there and some dirty laundry I needed to do. I turn some music on and sit with him in my arms in the chair we keep in there as I feed him. I close my eyes and try to catch up on everything.

After raising a kid twice before it starts to feel like clockwork around here. Yet I know that I'm blessed and appreciate everything too. The sleepless nights, the confusion and chaos that happens around the house. It was all great honestly, of course it helps having someone as great as Jon beside me. It's hard to stray too far away when he's right beside me keeping me straight. And although these days seem to be getting longer and hours seem to never end, I kind of like it. It gives me more time to soak up this life I got going on here.

As for today, we were going to enjoy this rare day off the best we can. It's. It often were all together and it was nice to have my big family here with me today as I rest up.

I was going through pictures in our room while Jon was feeding Everly in the living room. Jackson was training downstairs like always and Mason was napping next to me in the crib in our room. Since he was staying in the tree room I decided there needed to be new leaves for what he has done. So far it isn't much but there's some cool pictures I have of him. I make a scrapbook for Everly's pictures from the wall and it turned out pretty nice. I upload the first updated family pic Emma took of us in the hospital and smile to myself. What a beautiful family we have. After printing a few pics and putting them up on the wall I return to the living room where Jackson and Everly were doing colors and shapes and animal cards.

"Okay Evie, what animal is this" he asks holding up a card.

"Birdy" she yells clapping her hands together. Sometimes I wonder who's raising who around here.

I feed Mason and we chill out on the couch. I hold him close to me as he naps on my chest. We sit there for a while before I realized he was zonked out and put him in his crib. Jonathan joins me and we watch sports center like always. It's really enjoyable when the team is doing so good, even if they know nothing about hockey.

"So are you just going to go the whole year without losing a game in regulation" I joke.

"I wish. We'll lose eventually, and it'll suck. But I don't want it to happen sometime soon" he shrugs.

"I don't see it happening any time soon. You guys are kind of really good" I smirk.

"Kind of" he teases.

"Only this much" I say squeezing my fingers together. He gasps and places his hand over his heart like I hurt him or something.

"That's is highly offensive. You're going to have to pay for that comment" he smirks.

"You wouldn't dare" I challenge. He scoots closer and I lean back on my forearms. He starts attaching me with kisses and I couldn't help but laugh. He holds my wrists down so I couldn't resist and I laugh uncontrollably as his scruff tickles me.

"Stop it I can't breath" I giggle.

"Admit we're really good" he says between kisses.

"Okay okay, you guys are really good" I squeal and he stops. Mason starts crying and it was his 'I really need to be changed' cry. Jon groans and reluctantly gets off of me.

"I got him" Jon claims picking him up high above his head then placing him on his hip and taking him to his room.

"Wait" I say and Jon turns back around.

"I want a real kiss" I smile. He doesn't hesitate as he walks back and places a real nice kiss on my lips. I watch him walk away and smile to myself. There goes an amazing guy, my amazing guy.

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