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After spending a few days in Winnipeg we get back to Chicago for New Years. Jonathan says they're close to getting a deal done so he wanted to to stay home for a little. Patrick was off in Switzerland playing there and Emma and Henry are back here in Chicago so we were all hoping for something to happen soon. It was hard for her to let him go, but she knew he had to do this.

On this New Years eve is would not be drinking, I would be reflecting on what all this year has brought. I look up to Jon as he watches the New Years parade with one arm round me and Everly in the other. I take the time to study his face. His perfect eyelashes that compliment his doe eyes. His strong jawline covered with stubble. The way his lips move to the side when he finds something funny but doesn't want to laugh like at these terrible balloon jokes. I pull his face down and plant a kiss on his lips.

"What was that for" he asks.

"Can't I just kiss you" I tease.

"Not like that" he smirks and I roll my eyes.

"I was just thinking about this year, you. I wanted a kiss" I shrug.

"In that case..." he trails off before pressing his lips to mine once again. I love these moments.

I get up and grab some snacks because being six and a half months pregnant calls for snacks. I return to my spot and feed Jon some popcorn.

"What was your favorite part about this year" I ask him.

"Easy, marrying you" he says like he didn't even had to think about it. That made me happy.

"What about you" he asks.

"Besides marrying you I would say finding out we're gonna have another kid. Going to Venice was super fun. This year wasn't perfect, but I don't want perfect. I want to live my life" I admit.

"I only want to live my life if I can live it with you" he smiles. We finish watching the parade and I go lay down for a nap. Jackson is convinced he's staying up for the ball drop so I'm going to need my energy. I lay in bed by myself and Jonathan and Dagger and the kids play outside in the snow. I grab my camera and decide to go through the pictures on there. Although it was a older model its storage was amazing. I find pictures from Jacksons birthday party where he got a full body iron man costume. It took thirty minutes and four people to get it on. Then there's the priceless picture of Everly covered in cake from her first birthday. There's a bunch of pictures of the guys durning games or messing around at morning skate. Quite a few from the wedding and our honeymoon. But the best one is from the Fourth of July. We were at the Bickell's and they had a fireworks show. I can't remember who took it but it was of Jon kissing me while I have Everly in my arms and Jackson was holding Jons hand. It was just our silhouettes with the fireworks in the background. It was simple but it was my favorite picture.

After a while Jon comes in and lays down next to me as I continue to study the picture.

"You know, they say that pictures are worth a thousand words, but all I can say when I see this is love" I smile.

"We're kinda got something great going eh" he asks.

"Life is like a camera. You focus on what's important, capture the good times, develop from the negative, and if things don't work out take another shot" I say before falling into a fit of laughter.

"That was the cheesiest thing you have ever uttered from you lips... oh my god" he chuckles.

"I used to want that tattooed on my side" I admit.

"I like the one you have" he says pulling my waist band down and running his finger along the music note combined with a anchor on my hip. I can no longer see it with my belly growing every day now, but I know it's there.

"I like it too" I smile.

"What does it mean. I mean I know it's a music note and I know it's a anchor, but what does it mean to you" he asks softly.

"The anchor is for strength. They're used to keep the heaviest and fastest boats still, it's a sense of stability. No matter how hard the storm or how bad things seem I'm not going anywhere. I will still be here and stronger than before. The music note is for hope and inspiration. I believe there's nothing music can't fix, no matter my mood or mind frame, the solution is music" I explain.

"When did you get it" he asks.

"My eighteenth birthday. I was still just a kid, I had been with Nicole for a few months and I still felt terrible for intruding on her, but I didn't have much of a choice. She gave me a bunch of money and told me not to come back until I spent it all. Naturally the first thing I got was some clothes for Jackson and I. I had only been working part time because of school so I wasn't working with a lot. But I walked past a tattoo parlor and found myself inside. I looked through the designs and didn't like any of them. But this one caught my eye and I knew I had to get it. Two hours later I came back and Nicole couldn't get a smile off her face. She really didn't think I would be able to get something for myself after shutting her down so many times before that, but I liked my decision" I smile.

"I do too. I think it's beautiful, like you" he says. He kisses me and I melt into his touch. He leaves me to nap and I wake up to the smell of food. I come out the room to see streamers and New Years decorations everywhere. I swear to god I was asleep for like ten minutes.

"What's going on here" I laugh.

"Happy New Year" Jackson yells and Jon laughs at him.

"Buddy it's only ten o clock" he chuckles and Jackson lets out a "ohhhh". I turn to see Everly in her play pen going to town on a party blower. I look around and smile to myself. It's okay to float away, get around and do something knew. Just as long as when you return to the anchor, it's attached to something pretty good.

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