Mason Stanley Toews

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Surprisingly enough, with a shortened schedule and all, we don't have practice or a game on this here Valentine's Day. Maisie was is the shower getting ready for a brunch double date with Emma and Patrick while Everly and Jackson hung out with Nicole. I find the nicest suit and put on her favorite tie before crashing onto the bed. I scroll through my phone and read all the exciting articles about the team so far. As a athlete reading these things could be dangerous, but it's all good, I promise. We were 10-0-3 to start the season and it's been really fun playing with the boys. We didn't feel like losing anytime soon so we were going to ride this as far as we could.

"Hey Jon, we have a situation" Maisie yells from the bathroom. In no time my feet were beating the hardwood floor and I was in front of the bathroom.

"What's wrong" I ask frantically.

"Ummm my water broke" she tells me and my eyes nearly pop out.

"I thought you weren't due till the end of the month" I ask.

"I'm not, but the baby doesn't know that" she laughs.

"Okay then, umm you get dressed and I'll get the bag and car seat ready" I announce.

"Alright. If you need me I'll be in here trying not to give birth" she jokes. How she has a sense of humor right now is beyond me.

I run out the room and get the baby seat and bag in the car before getting Jackson into the booster seat. After explaining that we cannot take Dagger with us to the hospital he sits quietly in the back trying to figure out what's going on, but he's a smart boy. He sat with Everly in the back while we waited for Maisie. I go back in because the only thing I'm missing for this pregnancy is the woman supposedly giving birth.

"Maisie" I call out but couldn't find her anywhere. I find her in our room in a beautiful dress slowly trying to make her way to the door. She was doubled over the bed breathing heavily with a hand in her knee and the other on the bed frame.

"Baby are you okay" I ask rushing to her side and she tries her best to nod.

"This is going to sound crazy, but this baby is coming. Like right now" she says heavily. My eyes nearly pop out of my head when she said that.

"Can you hold it in until we get to the hospital" I ask and she starts laughing.

"I'm giving birth Jonathan, not playing wack-a-mole. I can't just push him back in there" she giggles.

"Right... do you want to call the ambulance" I wonder.

"No. We can do this. Just get me in the car and get me to the hospital" she says breathing faster. I get her in the car and try my best to legally drive to the hospital. I pull up to the emergency entrance and help her in.

"My wife is in labor and I think she's pretty far along" I tell them as they put her in a wheel chair. She hasn't screamed or anything but I rather she did. She was fighting herself really bad and I can tell she was in pain. I hated it.

They take her to a room and I went back for our previously born children. We find her on the first floor and I have Emma and Patrick meet us here so they can watch the kids while I tend to Maisie. I mean we were their plans anyway, I know they wouldn't be busy. I find her on a bed in a hospital gown with a bunch of doctors around her getting ready for the baby.

"Great, you're here. Now we can get started" the doctor says slapping me on the back. He was the same one who delivered Everly.

"Me? I'm not the one giving birth" I say kneeling next to Maisie and lacing my fingers through hers.

"She wasn't going to push without you here" he informs me. I turn to Maisie who was smiling up to me and I return the smile.

It took less than five minutes for the baby to be born and we get to hear that beautiful sound of a baby crying. I move the hair out of her face and kiss her sweaty head. She looked a mess, but she looked a hot mess.

"Great job baby. You did good" I whisper resting my head against hers. I cut the cord and they go clean him up. After she gets fixed up and I help wash her face up before they bring back our baby wrapped in a blanket. He has a little patch of black hair on top of his head and it was super cute. They hand him to Maisie who hadn't stopped smiling since he was born. She lightly runs a finger along his cheek and I can feel how happy she is. Whether she's happy she isn't pregnant anymore or happy to have her baby in her arms is beyond me, but the bottom line is that she's happy, and that's all I want from this life.

"We did it" she whispers looking up to me.

"We did it" I says kissing her head before kissing his head. After a while of us just watching him sleep he opens his eyes and they were a deep brown like mine. She gasps as he look around trying to figure out where the hell he was.

"He's perfect" she whispers. I had to agree.

"I'm kind of tired, why don't you go show him to the everyone in the waiting room and I get some shut eye" she says nearly half asleep. I take him from her and place a kiss on her lips before she nods off. I walk out and find everyone either reading the books available or playing with the toys. Sadly it was Henry and Jackson reading and Patrick and Everly playing with toys.

"Hey guys, there's someone I would like you to meet" I say softly as everyone's attention shifts to me.

"Oh he's precious" Emma says as she holds Everly to her side. Everyone comes over and looks at the newborn baby.

"Who do we have here" Patrick coos.

"This is Mason Stanley Toews" I say and Patrick raised his eyebrow at me.

"Really... Stanley" he laughs.

"Yes really, don't judge" I joke.

"Can I hold him" Jackson asks. I bend down and place Mason in his arms. He holds him perfectly and I smile at the sight. I take a few pictures because I know Maisie will want to see this. After a while I bring him back to the room and place him in the crib and snuggle up with Maisie in the bed. She turns towards me and I wrap my arms around her. She mumbles something in her sleep but I didn't quite catch it.

"What was that" I try.

"I love you Jonathan" she slurs causing a smile to crawl on my face. Even when she's asleep our love burns bright. That's pretty special.

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