Date Night

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"Are you sure we're ready for this" Maisie asks from the bathroom. We planned a date night and it'll be the first time we would both be gone from Everly at the same time. We were both getting ready and it was obvious both of us were a little skeptical to leave.

"Ummm I think so" I joke.

"That's not funny Jon" she giggles.

"She's going to be fine. Nicole and Jackson are going to take care of her. Nicole is a pro at this and Everly is like the best baby ever. Everything will be fine" I assure her. She comes out the bathroom in a short sleeved black dress that stopped at her knees and was flowy. It had a low v neck cut that stoped a few inches above her belly button reveling everything I wanted to know. I smile as she tucks her long wavy black hair behind her ear as looks down at her outfit.

"Is it too much" she laughs.

"Not at all. In fact... maybe we can just go somewhere and work on baby number two" I say grabbing her hips and pulling her close. Her hands rest on my chest as her impossibly blue eyes find mine.

"Oh no, I don't think so. I would very much like to buy a wedding dress and not have to get it altered every month" she insists and I stick out my bottom lip causing her to laugh. She gives me a kiss and I suddenly felt better.

"We should probably go" I whisper and she nods. She grabs her clutch and I grab my wallet before heading over to Chicago Cut. We get seated quickly and order a drink from Michael.

"You look so amazing. Not just tonight, always. But especially tonight" I tell her and she blushes.

"Thanks. Feels weird to leave the house not in a tank top and with a stroller" she laughs.

"Yeah, but I would be lying if I said I didn't miss the kids" I admit.

"I do too. But it feels good knowing someone isn't trying to suck on my boob every second" she smiles.

"Speak for yourself" I joke and she nearly spits her wine everywhere.

"You're insane" she laughs and I shrug.

"How was your meeting with Logan" she asks.

"Good. It all makes sense now" I admit and she nods her head slowly. I know she's still weird about it but it really did help.

"She also told me you were thinking about telling Jackson" I say and she stops messing with her drink.

"Uhh... yeah. I am. Pretty soon actually. I kind of wish I would have done it before the baby was born but that's my own fault. Things are just so good right now I don't want anything to change" she sighs.

"Sometimes change is good" I say and she smirks at me.

"Yeah, that's true" she admits. We spend the dinner talking about hockey and how great our baby is. I will say anything to hear her laugh and see that smile.

"Do you really want another kid" she asks.

"Yeah. Maybe not now, I mean we're just 23 and are just getting our careers started. We already have two amazing kids and I'm pretty satisfied with that. But any chance to make more of you I'm down for" I admit.

"Aren't you cute" she says scrunching her nose. Actually she was the cute one. As the night goes on the topics get lighter and I find myself remembering why I fell in love with her in the first place.

"How do you think Patrick is doing with Emma and Henry back home" I ask and she laughs.

"He's probably hiding in his room right now. Emma can hold her own, she's probably with his sisters and I'm sure Henry is hanging all over his dad. Patrick is wishing he was back on the ice" she says.

"Yeah, that seems accurate" I admit. We eat our meal and I take her for a walk out by the beach. She has her heels in her hands as our feet sink into the ground, the cool sand inching between our toes. I stop walking and stand under the moonlight pulling her close enough that I can smell her perfume.

"Want to know my favorite thing about you" I ask.

"Usually I would say no, but I'm trying this new thing where I don't absolutely tear myself down. So yeah... I would" she smiles.

"It's how strong you are. No matter how much I worry about you and try to shelter you I know that you're going to figure it out anyway. You always do. And even when you were nine months pregnant you were still taking pictures and taking Jackson to practice and cooking all while making me the happiest man alive, that's pretty cool. And through the almost three years we've been together I've never heard you complain once. I knew that if you really wanted something you would go out and get it, and you did. From the first day you never asked for much, in fact you never asked anything of me. You just wanted my love and my time and I was more than happy to give it to you. You've always been special, but the more I learn about you the more I respect you and how strong you are. I'm happy to call you mine because you don't need me but you want me. It's nice to know that I mean so much to someone who needs so little" I smile.

"I always need you. I like to act like I don't, but I do. Until you were in my life it was just Jackson and I, nothing else mattered. But then you crashed into my walls and walked yourself right into my life and I've never been the same since then. And although I'm scared I know you're going to be there for me. Even when I ran you always took me back. My broken road always led to you" she says.

"I'm glad it did because honestly I don't want to live without you. There's no point. I need you like a goalie needs pads. So a lot" I laugh. We finish walking around but end up coming home early because we missed the kids. We come home and find everyone in Jacksons room. He was showing Everly his stuffed animal collection and she laid there confused as ever but still happy. This was our family, and it is beautiful.

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