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The end of 2011 was special. Sure 2010 was great with the Olympics and the cup and purposing to Maisie and the baby, that's a year hard to top. But this year I feel spiritually refreshed. It's her and I against the world and I feel on top of it. Our little girl grows every day and even when I'm away for a long time or had a rough day I take one look at that little face and nothing else matters. It's like everything I've ever needed in life is in one little bundle of joy and I'm blessed to have it so good and be only 23. It's been three years since I've been with Maisie and it feels like a day. Every morning I roll over and am reminded how truly lucky I am to have found her. Although the road to get us there wasn't a easy one, the scenery was beautiful and now we're ready for anything.

As New Years comes up the Hawks decide to throw a little get together at the UC. Maisie was adamant she wanted to stay home with the kids but I convinced her that one night out wouldn't kill her. So Jackson and Everly were going to have a sleep over with Nicole while my better half and I dance the night away. She wasn't one to be dressy all the time, she'd rather save her money for a trip or spend it on the kids. But every once in a while she gets the chance to dress up and loves it, honestly I do too. I change into a normal black suit and silver tie upon her request. I let my unusually long hair fall on my face because I know she loved messing with it. I sit at the island on my phone as she gets ready listening to music like always. A few moments later she comes out of our room and I embrace myself for what I was about to see. But nothing could have prepared me for that.

She was wearing a long sleeved silver sparkly dress with a open back that stopped right above her knees. Her long black hair set in tight curls but still falling down her back. Those eyes looking like they were made from the purest ocean water sprinkled with stars and so much hope. I swallow hard as her eyes meet mine and she makes her way to me.

"I feel-" she starts before I put a finger on her pink lips causing her to smile.

"Unless you were going to say beautiful or breath-taking or amazing that is not the right word" I says and she laughs.

"I feel great" she says and now it was my turn to smile. That was the first time I've ever heard her speak highly of herself in the three years we've been together. It sounded beautiful.

We head over to the UC and the whole time I should have been watching the road, but I wasn't. I was watching her watch life pass her by. The lights of the buildings reflecting off her as her hand grabs for mine and she laces her fingers through mine. I mess with her engagement ring and she smiles continuing to look out the window. After a short drive I pull up to the UC and help her out the car. She loved wearing heels but she was a bit clumsy. We get in and it looked like the party had been going for a while. We get down to the floor and order our drinks before finding Patrick, Emma, Abby, and Sharpy talking then decide to join them.

"Damn, you guys look great" Abby says and Sharpy rolls his eyes. So supportive.

"Thanks. I absolutely love your dress, where did you get it from" Maisie asks. They go off with Emma and talk about dresses and I stay back with my boys.

"A night without kids? How you holding up" Patrick asks.

"I get a text of pictures of them every thirty minutes so that helps" I laugh.

"Man I'm gonna need Nicole to watch my kids when I have some" Sharpy admits.

"She's great and loves kids. I'm sure she would do it" I assure him. We get to talking about hockey and the team for about a hour. It's a habit I guess. Eventually Maisie struts over with a smirk and grabs my hand.

"Dance with me" she giggles and I raise a eyebrow.

"I thought you said you don't dance" I ask.

"Well tonight I do" she replies.

"How much have you had to drink" I ask.

"Only one. Or two. Or five" she giggles and my eyes nearly pop out of my head.

"Five" I asked a bit shocked. She's usually anti drinking after she's seen what her dad did. So I'm surprised she's drank so much.

"Yeah" she smiles. We hit the dance floor and she moves my hands dangerously low on her waist and throws her arms around my neck. I don't know if I should like this or not. I mean it physically felt great, but still felt wrong.

"Why did you drink so much" I ask. I wanted to enjoy this but I wanted to make sure it was okay to. This didn't seem like her and I don't know what set her off but something just wasn't right.

"To celebrate. To celebrate what this year has brought me. A clear conscious, a perfect baby girl, and me closer to you" she says so innocently. I let it go for right now but was going to make sure to watch her the rest of the night. We danced for a little and I cannot lie, for someone who doesn't dance she's damn good at it. Eventually a slow song comes on and she turns around in my arms so she was facing me.

"Where is one place you've always wanted to go" I ask.

"I've always wanted to go to Venice. I remember as a little girl sitting in the back of my history class all by myself. I read the whole book in a week, my favorite section by far was Venice. I wanted to ride the gondolas and eat along the water. See all the pretty buildings and walk among the commoners" she shrugs. I make a mental note of that before she rests her head on my chest. I kiss the top of her head and pull her close, never wanting to let go.

As the night goes on she keeps drinking and it starts getting uncomfortable. Emma brings her over with a 'sorry' expression and I help her find her feet.

"This is partially my fault. I got her started but couldn't get her to stop" she explains.

"Baby look at me" I say and she looks up to me with a confused expression. Her eyes couldn't find me for a while and she was super pale. Probably dehydrated or something. I grab her face but she pushes me away stumbling backwards.

"Who are you" she asks and my face drops.

"How much has she drank" I say nearly yelling at Emma. I didn't want to but this was not something I needed right now. I came out here to get her to relax, not drink so much she forgets who I am.

"I don't know, a lot. I'm so sorry" she whispers and I let out a breath. I was about to yell again until Maisie collapses on the floor gasping for air.

"What's happening" I yell as she lays on the floor and I rush to her side.

"She probably has alcohol poising. This is her first time drinking and she's drinking a lot" Patrick explains. I grab my phone and call 911 while they try to get her to stay awake.

"Is she still responsive" the operator asks. I look over to the group of people surrounding her and push my way through. She was out cold and Emma was giving cpr. I nearly drop my phone before the woman asks the question again.

"Um no, she's not" I say as a tear slips. They tell me to stay on the phone until the medics get there and I do as I'm told. The medics arrive and bring her to the ambulance and I hop in with. I look out the back as Emma and Patrick wait there. They shut the door and start trying to bring her back.

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