Happy Holidays from the Toews

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The weird thing about not having hockey is that there's actually time for the holidays. Jon and I was able to have some friends over for thanksgiving and enjoy the football game. We weren't rushed or worried about eating too much, we were actually being thankful for once. With things not looking so good and no hope of hockey happening anytime soon we needed the holidays. Jonathan has been much more content with the way things are unraveling. He understands it's out of his hands at the moment and the best thing to do is enjoy this rare time he has with his family.

I take Jackson to the store to get Christmas decorations while Jon and Everly did shopping of their own. She was such a daddies girl. He was getting the tree and cookie stuff while I got ornaments and other things for the house. We walk around messing around with the Santa hats and reindeer antlers taking silly pictures on my phone. After Jackson and I have our fun we get down to it. I get stockings and stuff for the tree. Some lights to hang around the house and Jackson picks out every super hero ornament available, because duh.

"Ohhh we have to get this" Jackson says holding up a elf costume for Dagger.

"You really think your dad would let him wear that" I laugh.

"Probably not, but it would be really funny" he shrugs. I end up getting it because it would be funny and we set out to look for gifts. Jackson was easy to shop for, anything hockey or Cubs or Bulls or marvel related he will love. Jonathan on the other hand, I had no clue what to get him. Jackson picks out a little monkey outfit for Everly and a game they can play together. I know Jackson is only eight but I would honesty trust him to baby sit her. Although someone would have to baby sit him and that's a bit demeaning.

We look around for a while but nothing ever sticks out for Jon. I wanted to give him the world, to give him everything he has ever wanted in life but I just couldn't do that. It hasn't been easy lately, but that's a part of life. It's hard for him to keep going when he feels like he one thing he is supposed to do he no longer can.

I didn't see anything really nice until I stumble across a really nice guitar sitting in the window of a antique shop. It was used before but still in nice condition. I see it was over $300 dollars and nearly choke on the air. As I get closer to the case it preoccupied I see it was signed but couldn't see what it said. Then I saw it, it was signed by every member or Pearl Jam. Impressive. Jackson and I walk in the little store and a guy comes up to help us but looks straight at Jackson.

"I've seen you in here before" he says to Jackson and the boy smiles.

"Yeah, I got my mom a tiara from here a few years ago" he says smiling up to me.

"Wait. This is where the tiara and camera came from" I ask and he nods.

"That's right, you were here with the Jonathan Toews and he said you were his kid. He said he was getting a camera for a pretty lady, and he was right. I hope it's done you well" the man says turning to me.

"It's been great, I use it every day. I love it" I admit.

"So you're looking at this beauty" he asks looking to the guitar.

"Yeah, Jonathan would kill for this" I admit. Jon has a wide array of musical interests, but Pearl Jam is his number one.

"How about this... I give it to you for free" he says and my eyes nearly pop out.

"No way, $300 is a lot. I have to give you something for it" I insist.

"I've watched Hawks games all my life. And let me tell you pretty miss, it wasn't always easy. But what Jon has done for this city, its priceless. Consider this a thanks for what he's done and what he will do. I know there's no hockey right now but it'll be back and he'll be ready. I don't need to know him personally to know that. It would be cool to know that he has a guitar that once preoccupied my little store. That's a feeling that can't have a price tag" he says handing me the guitar.

"Thank you so much, I don't know that to say" I whisper.

"You don't have to say anything. Your actions say it all. You seemed to have done a lot for the guy, just look at him. Behind every good man is a great girl" he claims and I giggle a little.

"You got a girl" I ask.

"Yup. Fifty years later and I can still hear my heart race when she says my name. There's a reason Jonathan does all this, and I can promise you that you're most of it" he says with a wink.

"Well thank you, for your kind words and this guitar. He's going to love it" I assure him.

"Enjoy it all! Hope to see you guys back soon" he says.

"I'm sure we will" I admit. I use the money I saved to get Andreé and Bryan a gift since we will be up there for Christmas as long as the lockout holds up and wrap everything before heading home. By the time we get there the tree is already up and Everly and Jon was sitting on the couch watching How The Grinch Stole Christmas. I get the presents we got wrapped and under the tree along with the ones Jon and Everly got and start to decorate. I play music around the house as we add lights and ornaments and tinsel and other things to the tree. It was a bit busy but I still liked how it turned out. Jon puts Jackson on his shoulders and he secures the angel at the top. Right below it was the picture of our first Christmas together in 2008 when Patrick was still around a lot and we were all so young. I loved that picture, it was such a simple time. But the pictures I have now are just as good.

"You know, I never realized how blessed we are till now" Jon admits.

"The holidays do that to you. For the first time in a really long time you have time and space to cherish them. We all do" I sigh.

"I want to use this extra time to remind you how much I love you. Not just during the holidays, but every second of every day. But especially during the holidays" he says pulling me into his chest.

"You don't have to remind me, I feel it" I tell him. He places a kiss on my lips and we break apart when Christmas bells ring out. Out comes Dagger in the elf costume and Jackson close behind him laughing. Everly claps as this is probably really funny to her and Jons jaw drops.

"Dear god, what did you do to our dog" he laughs.

"It was Jackson's idea" I inform him and the boy shrugs. I get us all together and get a new photograph to cherish forever.

Happy holidays from the Toews.

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