When in Venice

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"Where are we going" I ask for a millionth time. I didn't actually care but we're married now so I like making him put up with me.

"I'm not telling you" he song songs.

"You suck" I pout and he laughs at my attempt to be upset with him.

"Whatever you say" he smirks causing me to roll my eyes. I lay back in my chair and lace my fingers through his as he plays with my new ring. They load out things into a plane and we get on. I put my things over head and sit back in our plane seats. I look out the window and smile to myself. After everything that's ever happened to me, I've made Chicago my home. And as much pain and suffering I went through here, I was sad to leave this place. Sad to leave Patrick and Emma, the kids, Nicole, everything that helped me put my pieces back together.

"Okay passengers. This is a lengthy flight so get comfortable. We are ready for take off so buckle up and if you have questions please ask a flight attendant. We should arrive in Venice around 2pm their time so sit back and relax. Thank you for flying with southwest" the pilot concludes. I turn to Jon with the happiest expression on my face and wrap my arms around him, well the best I could being buckled up and all.

"You're the best husband ever" I squeal.

"Only for the best wife ever" he says before giving me a kiss. I lace my fingers through his once again and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Get some sleep. It's a long flight" he whispers and I nod. I was exhausted but really excited so I force myself to get some shut eye.

I get waken up a little later and it was a lot brighter outside than I last remembered.

"Where are we" I mumble and Jon laughs.

"We're here. You slept the whole time" he tells me.

"Damn. I wanted to see some stuff" I sigh.

"We're here for four days, you and your camera will have plenty of adventures out here" he assures me before pulling me up. We grab our things and get our luggage before finding a taxi. He takes us to the water and Jon gets out. I look at him questionably but follow suit. He drops his things off at the dock and looks around.

"Is this it" I ask and he laughs.

"Not at all. Where we are going isn't accessible by land" he says and my eyes grow big. I try my best not to jump up and down like a little kid but I was so excited. A boat comes up and Jon goes to talk the driver. He loads our stuff up and Jon helps me into the boat. I look around and I felt like I was in a picture. Everything was so beautiful and memorable, I wasn't sure I would ever want to leave.

"So, do you like it" he asks biting his lip.

"This is so much better than I ever thought it would be like. I can't believe I'm actually here right now" I gasp. Jon hands me my camera and I give him a smile. I take a bunch of pictures as we float down the alleyway. Each picture is unique and beautiful in its own sense. I was obsessed. After a few twists and turns the boat stops. We come up on a little blue house that sorta looked like ours back home.

"Is that where we're staying" I ask pointing to the cute little house.

"Yeah, is that good" he asks. Man he sure was nervous.

"It's perfect. Why are you acting so cautious" I wonder.

"I don't know. I just really wanted you to like it" he shrugs.

"Jon we could have honeymooned in Chicago and I would have still been happy. We could have stayed home and done nothing, I wouldn't care. As long as I do it with you" I say cupping his cheek. He smiles and nods along then I help him get our stuff into the room. After getting set I look at the view out the window. Just across the way was the main part of Venice. People were taking pictures and snacking on little chocolates found around the area. I watch for a little and wonder what's brought them here. I feel a pair of arms around me and Jon rests his head in the crook of my neck.

"This is the best thing ever, thank you" I say.

"Anything for you" he replies causing me to smile. I change into a tan dress with lace and tan wedges. I let my curly black hair do as it will and I didn't even bring make up to put on. I find Jon taking pictures on his phone, it was actually really cute.

"You ready for dinner" I ask a smile finds its way into his face. He slips over to me and gives me a huge kiss.

"What was that for" I whisper.

"I don't know. My wife was looking mighty fine and I wanted to show her" he claims and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever you say Romeo. But I'm starving and I want to try something new" I say patting his chest and trotting out the door. We find a romantic restaurant and get seated. I look over the menu, at least the part that was in English, and order a pasta dish. I look around at the beautiful lights and surrounding and can't help to smile. This place was so cool.

"This place is pretty beautiful, but not as beautiful as you" Jon says and I feel a blush form. I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear as he smirks knowing that he's got to me.

"You suck" I giggle.

"I can't believe we're finally married. I feel like we've been together my whole life" he sighs.

"It does feel like a eternity. But that's what love does to you. All the stuff before you starts to get blurry, you feel so uncomfortable around each other and yet so safe, everything you thought you knew gets thrown out the window. It's scary and exciting and amazing all at the same time" I explain.

"Couldn't have said it better myself" he smirks. We spend the dinner talking about how cool this was. He tells me the plans for the next few days and I couldn't be more excited. I missed the kids so freaking much, but this is fun too.

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