Picnic in the Park

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One month. Oh how time flies when all you do is live for someone else, but I honestly wouldn't change a thing. Everly grows every day and just loves living life. We go on walks and watch daddy and her brother practice. Jackson does tummy time with her and even helps me clean her up. When it's all too much I know Nicole is always a phone call away, she might not have kids but she is great at raising them. We were a cute little family and every night we sing Broken Road as she goes to sleep. Things are... perfect, dare I say.

"Alrighty who is ready for a picnic in the park" Jonathan asks.

"Ohhh me me me" Jackson cheers jumping up and down. He had on the same outfit Jon did and thought it was adorable he wanted to be just like him, I wasn't mad about it.

"Woah there, lets not tire ourselves out already. We haven't even got there yet" I laugh securing a Cubs cap on his head.

"Alright, we have food, the baby, the stroller, the blanket, sunglasses, sun screen, a umbrella, anything I'm forgetting" Jon asks looking around.

"I can think of one thing" I say and he looks at me questionably.

"And what would that be" he asks.

"A kiss" I smirk and he grabs my waist before pulling me close.

"I can fix that" he whispers before pressing his lips to mine. His hands get tangled in my hair and I was really tempted to say fuck it and stay home but we needed out of the house. For our own sanity.

We drive to Millennium park and get set up in the large grassy area. It was pretty quiet for a June day but I didn't mind any. We park the stroller before setting out the towel and umbrella on the warm ground. I grab Everly out of the stroller before sitting down and setting her in my lap. She looked so cute with her floral onesie and shorts on. She even had on glasses and a hat.

"Smile" Jon calls out and he snaps a picture of us chilling on the blanket. Everly looks around trying to figure out where the hell she was but she didn't have a clue. As long as Jon or I was around she never minded anyway.

"Okay. Hot momma got a salami sandwich with some chips and a lemonade" Jon says handing me a bag of food.

"Jack Attack has a ham sandwich with pudding and a iced tea" he announces hands Jack his food.

"Little Diva has a bottle of milk" he says handing me the milk and kissing her nose.

"And dad had a blt with apple sauce and a Gatorade" he says closing the picnic basket and joins us on the blanket. I feed Evie first before chowing down on some picnic food. Luckily I didn't gain much baby weight and what I did gain is gone because I had to go wedding dress shopping soon and I didn't want to change sizes a bunch. That sounds like a lot of work I'm not willing to do.

"So, what are we going to do the rest of the summer" I ask looking around this amazing city we can call home.

"I want another baby brother or sister" Jackson announces and I spit out my water.

"You know your mom doesn't just pop babies out. A lot of long and hard work goes into that" Jon laughs and I shoot him a glare. He thinks he is being funny, doesn't he?

"Yeah, but I want a little brother too" he shrugs. Nice to know.

"Okay, since you two aren't the ones carrying the baby around for nine months, lets find something else to do" I laugh.

"I want to go to another Cubs game" Jackson says. Now that I'm okay with.

"Okay little man, we can look into that. And what about the Fourth of July, what do you guys want to do then" I ask.

"We can go to navy pier. They have a killer fireworks show. It's not Disney World but they do a good job" Jon shrugs.

"Sounds like a lot of fun to me" I smile. We finish eating and Jon and Jackson play catch while I burp the baby and put her back in the stroller for a nap.

"You are getting so big I don't know what I'm going to do with you" I say and she gives me a gummy smile. I look into those eyes and just melt.

"Oh you are so stinking cute" I coo pinching her cheeks and she kicks her legs. I swear this baby is perfect. I watched sleep then then turn my attention to my boys. The thing about Jackson is that he isn't just good at hockey. He's athletic, he's good at soccer and baseball and football and volleyball and anything that requires skill. Recess is his time to shine because he loved playing and loved talking to people. He gets frustrated because when most the kids play that's just what they're doing, playing. But Jackson never plays, he competes. Always trying to excel and do his best. If you're not going to give it your all, don't give anything. At least that's what he says. But Jonny is perfect for him because he thinks the same way. In a way they're two peas in a pod, peanut butter and jelly, but most importantly they were my boys. After they get tired they return under the umbrella where they relax and refresh.

"You're stinky" I joke messing with Jacksons cap.

"Am not, I smell manly" he says and I turn to Jonathan. He looks around like he's done nothing wrong but there's only one place he could have got that from. And it was his mouth.

"Really Jon, manly" I laugh.

"Hey. He's a hockey player, how else do you want me to say it. Because he can't say shitty" he laughs and I shake my head.

"You're something else" I chuckle.

"Yeah, but only for you" he smirks. We pack up and go home to wash up before sitting down for dinner. We eat our food and I feed Everly before putting her down for bed. Babies sure do sleep a lot which sucks because I loved being with her. Jonathan grabs his guitar and we stand on each side of her before strumming lightly.

"Now I'm just rolling home
Into my lover's arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you."

With that she was asleep and Jon, Jackson, and I each kiss her head before turning on the baby monitor and letting her sleep.

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