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Getting kicked out of the playoffs in the first round, it sucks. It took seven hard fought games and we lose in over time to the Canucks. We were so close, I felt like this could be another great playoff run. That was a tough pill to swallow, but I could honestly use a break. With the baby being so close I wanted to focus all my attention on that anyway, and now I can. I roll over in the bed the day after losing and see Maisie with a huge smile on her face. That is peculiar.

"Good morning" I mumble pulling her and her huge belly close to me. I rub her stomach and she runs her fingers through my hair. I forgot I was sad for a second.

"Good morning birthday boy" she giggles and my eyes shoot open. It was my birthday? I look at the alarm and I'd be damned if it wasn't my birthday.

"Thank you. But I honestly totally forgot" I chuckle. There's been a lot going on around here and I guess that slipped my mind. Jackson comes crashing in my room with a birthday hat on blowing hard on a kazoo as Maisie and I laugh.

"Come here buddy" I laugh and he hops on the bed before placing himself between Maisie and I. We lay together staring at the ceiling just holding each other.

"Is my sister here yet" he asks so innocently.

"Not yet son. But soon" I assure him. After messing around in bed for a little we head down for breakfast and watch Captain America for the millionth time. Jackson has been calling me Captain Canada ever since the movie came out and I think it's cute. After a tough loss last night there's nothing I appreciated more than a beautiful morning with my family just messing around.

Later in the afternoon we go ice skating at Johnnys and I felt bad Maisie couldn't do it but a few boys joined Jackson and I before they left for the summer.

"Happy birthday old man" Patrick yells from across the ice and I roll my eyes.

"I'm what, 8 months older than you" I ask.

"Yeah, and don't you forget it" he jokes and I shake my head as he stops in front of me.

"So, any day now huh" Patrick asks pointing over to Maisie who was talking to Emma.

"Yeah, my parents are coming in tonight for a birthday celebration then will hang around to help us the first few days after the baby is here. I'm a little scared but so excited" I admit.

"I can't wait, I'll have to swing by sometime over the summer to corrupt her" he smirks.

"You so much as say a bad word around my baby girl and I will lay you out" I warn with a strong pointer finger.

"Aww you're so soft now" he teases.

"I'm not soft, it's called having a heart. You should look into that" I say nudging his shoulder.

"I don't know. I think I'm pretty far in. Emma and Henry are coming to Buffalo with me to meet my family so there's that" he shrugs and my eyes nearly pop out of my head.

"Seriously? That's huge. It's been what, over a year? When are you gonna pop the question" I ask.

"Lets not do anything crazy. She's got to get past my sisters. Once they see those green eyes they'll break too so I'm not worried" he jokes.

"Well I'm proud of you. Putting on the big boy pants and all" I say.

"Thanks. I want pictures and videos of the baby" he says slows skating away.

"Will do" I yell back as he joins Emma and Henry for a skate. I find Jackson with Seabs and Hammer messing around on the ice. They both have little kids too but Jackson was a little older than them.

"Please don't break my kid" I joke skating up to them.

"He's too smart for us" Seabs claims messing with his hair that was flowing everywhere. I skate around with them before finding Maisie getting some water. I cover her eyes and she starts laughing.

"Who is this" she giggles.

"It's your baby daddy" I say and she nearly chokes.

"What? Too much" I ask as she turns around.

"I never have enough of you" she smiles and I feel my knees go weak. I place a kiss on her lips and feel her smile. I didn't need anything for my birthday, this was the greatest gift of all. It was unconditional love.

"You gonna miss them" she asks as I watch most of the team skate around.

"Yeah. We can keep most of them but this is going to be a long summer without seeing each other. At least I'll have something to keep me preoccupied" I smirk.

"Yeah. Being pregnant is great and all but I would love to see my feet again. I would like to have her already" she laughs. I wrap a arm around her as we watch the boys test Jacksons skills. They set up a course for him and he does all the skills easily.

"I can't tell, is he really good at hockey or is this normal for a six year old" she asks.

"That is anything but normal. The fact his coaches tell him to hold bad during games says something. I want him to do a travel team but..." I trail off.

"But I'm attached and won't let him out of my sight" she says.

"I wasn't going to say that."

"Yeah but you were thinking it."

"Yeah. But I'm attached too. I promise he's not gong anywhere. There's great hockey programs here in Chicago and we can find a traveling summer team. We can keep him and let him live to his potential while staying sane" I laugh.

"There's nothing sane about hockey, but that okay because I never liked sane" she smirks.

"Good" I smile.

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