Moving Up

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"Jonathan, we are fine. I swear" I laugh into the phone. He was at a photo shoot and I was back home with Jackson and Nicole just living y life like always. He's been really clingy lately but I didn't mind. It's nice to know he cares so much.

"Are you sure? You don't need anything? Canola oil, crab legs, tampons" he asks and I nearly lose it.

"We have canola oil, we're having steak for dinner, and I'm not on my period. But thanks" I giggle.

"Am I acting weird" he asks.

"You mean more weird than normal" I joke.

"Yeah, lets go with that" he laughs.

"Kinda" I admit.

"I just... I'll explain after this photo shoot. Don't miss me too much" he tells me.

"Too late" I sing song. We say our goodbyes and I hang up to do some laundry. Jackson and I have been all over with Jonathan this summer I haven't had time to do much of it. We were never home and I felt bad for Nicole when we left her place a mess. Plus half of our things were over at Jon and Patrick's so I never know where anything is. After three loads of laundry, some serious de-stinking of Jacksons hockey stuff, and getting us both cleaned I decided we were done for the day. I grab Jackson and we watch Iron Man 2 for the fifteenth million time, out of all his obsessions I enjoyed this one the most. Even if I've been seeing red all year. Eventually Jon comes over in regular clothes and joins us on the couch.

"Where's Nicole" he asks as Jackson wedges himself between us.

"She's out with Michael. Things are getting serious" I say wiggling my eyebrows up and down. Michael was my old boss at Chicago Cut and they had always flirted back and fourth since I worked there. But now we always eat there when the team goes out or we just hang out and they always see each other now. They've been together for about a year now and was out celebrating their anniversary.

"They grow up so fast" Jon teases wiping away a fake tear and I roll my eyes.

"Hey Jackson, why don't you got work on the accuracy drills Patrick showed you then you can show daddy" I suggest and he lights up. He runs to his room without any arguments and closes his door.

"So what did you want to talk about" I ask a little nervous. He had been acting weird lately but I wasn't about to say anything.

"I've been thinking... and our lease is coming up soon. Patrick and I have real contracts now and we don't have to live together anymore. I'm going to move out but I would really like it if you and Jackson moved with me" he says staring at his hands as he fiddled with his thumbs.

"Oh wow, I don't know" I admit. That's huge.

"It won't be until a few more months but I would really like it if you did. We can take turns taking Jackson to school and practices. He can still hang with Nicole when we're busy or even Emma. Then we won't spend so much time going from each other's places and can actually spend time together" he suggests.

"That does sound pretty good" I smirk.

"Really" he asks and I nod.

"Yeah. But the real test is what Jackson says" I reply. I call him out here and he stands in front of Jonny and I.

"I have a question" I start and he puts on his focus face. He was so stinkin cute.

"What do you think of you and I moving in with Jonathan in a new place" I ask. A smile finds its way in on face as his eye sparkles.

"Best. Day. Ever" he yells jumping up and down. Funny he said that because since 2010 had started that's all I've heard him say.

"I think that's a yes" I joke.

"So we're doing this" he asks.

"Yeah, we are" I say placing my hand on his and squeezing it. After I finish up dinner Jackson, Jonny, and Nicole join me at the table to eat. We all talk about our days like usual but I knew I had to tell Nicole the big news, and sooner than later.

"Hey Nicole, I gotta tell you something" I start as she sets her fork down.

"Yeah" she says.

"Jonny and I were talking and decided that we would move in together in a new place. We don't know the details and it won't be until closer to the season starting again, but I just wanted to tell you just in case you... I don't know. Didn't want us to leave" I shrug. What she did for Jackson and I... we owe her our lives. She's been nothing but a great caretaker and the closest thing I've had to a mom. I love her with all my heart and the thought of leaving her is killing me. I hate the thought of her being alone, I hate feeling like we used her then leave when we find something else. But I wasn't about to be with her for my whole life, I knew that. I just loved that safe feeling knowing she would always be there when I needed her most. And I hope she loved us as much as we love her.

"Oh sweetie I'm so happy for you. I knew you weren't going to be here forever, but the time we spent together has been great. Of course I'm going to be heart broken that you're gone, but I'm even happier you're moving in with Jon. I know he'll take good care of you and Jackson. And if not I'll come over and castrate him" she says seriously nearly making me spit my food out.

"Mommy what's castrate mean" Jackson asks and Jonathan starts cracking up.

"Adult language baby. Don't worry about it" I tell him.

"Seriously though. I'm happy you're getting out and growing. Watching you and Jackson grow has been such a privilege. I hope I can still be in your lives" she smiles.

"Of course. You'll never get rid of us that easily. We'll always have dinners together and play dates would be nothing without you. We love you so much and thank you... for everything."

We finish dinner and after everything is cleaned we all chill out in the living room. I cuddle into jons arm and watch him watch tv. I was terrified to move in together, but absolutely excited at the same time.

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