I Do

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Today was the day. Maisie, Everly, Jackson and I were up in Winnipeg with a few of our closest friends and family ready to celebrate the union that is Maisie and I getting married. After almost four years I will finally be able to call my best friend my wife.

I sat at the front of the pathway that led up to the gazebo in the English Garden. Maisie insisted we had the wedding up in Manitoba and I hate to admit that she was right. This warm June day was perfect with the budding flowers and light breeze. Patrick stood behind me with by brother and a few childhood friends. Across from me was Emma as Nicole along with other wives and girlfriends from the team. The crowd consisted of a lot of hockey friends and my friend from around here. She didn't invite a lot of people, I don't know if it was because she didn't want to bring up her past or simply didn't want anyone, but I didn't care. All I needed was her.

A wobbly Everly comes down the isle in a sun dress with my mom following closely behind her. She makes it to the front and falls into my arms. I give her a kiss and my mom takes her to the front row with her. Everly sits in a white chair all by herself and I'm a proud daddy. A piano starts to play and everyone raises to their feet. I try to prepare myself for what I was about to see but the tears were instant.

A few feet away from me was the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. It was my future wife wearing a smile that's only there for me. Her long curly black hair was pinned up and she still wasn't wearing that much make up. Her skin shining under the summer sun as she slowly makes her way to me. I hoped she never made it to me so I could admire her for the rest of my life. As she gets closer her crystal eyes meet my dark brown ones and I sniffle a little. I hear Patrick snicker from behind me but I ignore him, I didn't care. Before me was the best thing to ever happen to me, and after all this time we will finally be as one.

My dad gives her a huge hug before handing her off to me. She wipes a tear from my face causing everyone to chuckle. The priest starts talking but I don't hear him over her beauty. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, I mean she always looked good, but in that dress and her hair in this beautiful garden, it proved to be too much for me.

Eventually it comes time to say a few words and I already feel myself get choked up.

"Four years ago my life was so much was different. I hadn't won the cup or MVP or a gold medal. And I hadn't won my most prized possession, your heart. From the moment I laid eyes on you I knew you were going to make me work. You just oozed confidence and focus and it was so attractive. You had so much passion and love to give that it was just seeping off of you. And although I was only 20 and you had a kid I knew that I had to take my chances. Because the risk is always worth the rewards, and you and Jackson and Everly are more than I can ever ask for in return.

If I ask for you to do something you do it without hesitation, even if your scared or not sure you trust me and that's such a great feeling. You've done so much to assure that we work, and we do. I love that throughout all these years that you always found your way back to me when times get hard. I couldn't imagine any of my accomplishments without you right by my side, smiling that beautiful smile.

My whole life I've been expected to do great things, but none of those accolades compare to having you. And although I know my feelings for you won't change after this, it's still going to be a honor to call you my wife. One of the greatest honors of my life right next to becoming a dad. Then when I grow old and my skates just don't move like they used to I know I can come home to something hockey could never give me, and that's a loving family. Maisie I can't begin to explain how ready I am to begin this life as one, I love you so much. Words can't explain how much I love you, it's a indescribable feeling. All I know is that I don't want to spend the rest of my life with anyone else. You're my whole world, I love you" I smile. I let out a deep breath and she giggles at me before saying what she needs to say.

"For the longest time I've been obsessed with this one song. A song I connected to more than I've connected to anything before. The first night you were over you caught me singing it and I was so oblivious to my words at the time. How I was out on the broken road for years and years and you were everything I've ever needed in life and you were right there in front of me.

I had fought all my life for something, and you quickly became my everything. I was terrified, Nicole was the soul person I trusted and I knew you were going to get to me. Jackson didn't know at the time, but he was showing me that you were someone to put my faith in, and I did. I let you in and see things no one else has ever seen before, pieces of me that even I forgot.

My most prized possession is that camera you got me for my birthday a few years ago. You had no clue that that was the one thing from my childhood I dreamed about and you somehow found it. Little things like that remind me how lucky I am to call you mine. How tight we are for each other.

I've watched you through the highest of highs and lowest of lows and love every second of it. And when I ran you never gave up on me, I never made it easy for you to love me. I didn't think anyone could... that is until you showed me. And after the tears and the yelling and the miscommunication I can stand here and say it was all well worth it. Every single thing, the good in the bad, looking at this life we've made together, I wouldn't change a damn thing. And I know it's not going to be easy going forward, we'll yell and fight and continue to disagree who's butt is bigger, but at the end of the day my broken road will always lead to you. Although I will always struggle with my past, I know my future is that much better now that you're in it. As my best friend, as my soul mate, and finally as a husband" she smiles.

The rest of this service couldn't go any quicker for I couldn't wait to call her mine. Jackson brings out the rings and we say our vows as we place them on each other's fingers. Finally it comes time to seal everything with a kiss and I take no time removing her vail and dipping her backwards before placing a kiss on her lips. As much as I wanted to savor this moment it didn't stop my hunger. We walk down the isle as man and wife the  out to the limo. Before we get in I kiss her again and she holds me close.

"You know, I was never the girl who dreamt of her wedding as a kid. I didn't believe I would ever be happy enough to find someone as great as you. I would give anything to go back in time and tell myself to look up, because just a little bit ahead of me was the best thing to ever happen to me. And that's you" she says softly. I pick her up causing her to giggle.

"I love you so much, Mrs. Toews" I smirk.

"As do I, Mr. Toews. As do I."

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