Everly Mae Toews

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May 4th, 2011. Just any ordinary day, besides the Star Wars jokes there was nothing really special about this date. Except Maisie's water broke about five hours ago and the baby can come any second. Jackson is with Nicole in the waiting room along with my parents as I sit in the hospital room with Maisie trying to keep it together. She didn't want any pain medicine, but I think she does. Or at least she will. I watch as she laid in the bed hooked up to the machine monitoring her contractions as she lays there calmly just looking at the ceiling.

"How are you doing" I ask.

"I feel like I'm giving birth" she smirks and the doctor snickers.

"Good one" I laugh and she looks over to me.

"You ready for this" she asks and I kneel by the bed so I could look at her face to face. I brush some hair off her sweaty forehead as her eyes sparkle in the eyes they only do for me.

"On the outside yeah. On the inside I'm like 'holy fuck, every moment I've been through is nothing compared to what's about to happen and nothing in this world can prepare me for that' so that's how I am" I say in one breath making her smile. She grabs my hand and kisses the back of it making me feel a lot better.

The doctors checks her out and said she's fully dilated. Finally it comes time and she starts pushing. A long ten minutes later the beautiful sound of a baby crying sounds and our baby was born. They let me cut the cord and announce she is healthy before going to weigh her and clean her up.

"Good job baby" I say brushing Maisie's long hair back and kissing her forehead. She cups my cheek and gives me a weak smile.

"Thanks" she chuckles and I laugh along with her. I join her on the bed and they bring us our child. She was all swaddled up in a pink blanket and was already back to sleep. She was this little bundle of joy and a strong wave of happiness hits me. She was so beautiful.

"She's seven pounds and nine ounces. Born may 4th 2011 at 2:34 pm. Everything is good and you should be able to go home later today. Do you guys have a name picked out" the doctor asks looking down at her.

"Yeah. Everly Mae Toews" I say and he hands Maisie the baby.

"That's a beautiful name for a beautiful baby. Congrats you two" he says before patting my shoulder and leaving us alone. I look down and the two prettiest sights I've ever seen in my life. Everly had a hair full of dark brown curly hair and the cutest little cheeks. She was a nice pink color already and was just the smallest thing ever.

"She's perfect" Maisie whispers as she stares down at our daughter. Our daughter. Suddenly my life wasn't all about hockey, it was about family. How my career will revolve around them and nothing else matters quite as much. Maisie never complained once throughout the whole pregnancy. She worked all the way up until the end, traveled and took care of me and Jackson. She never missed a beat, and I know holding her baby was a reward for all of that. We sit silently until I notice her start to close her eyes.

"Are you tired" I finally ask.

"Yeah. This was kind of exhausting" she admits.

"How about you rest and I show little Everly her family" I suggest and she smiles.

"That would be cool" she says. She hands me our baby and I try my best to be careful with her. She was so small. She remains asleep as I get situated and I look over to Maisie to talk to her but she already fell asleep. I set her some clean cloths to change into next to her for when she wakes up and head out to the family room. I look down at the little person I was holding and smile. I had a daughter. A wonderful healthy baby girl. That's crazy. I find my family and I hear my mom gasp as we get closer.

"Oh my gosh, she's so precious. What's her name" my mom asks cupping her little head.

"Everly Mae" I smile looking down at Jackson as a smile appears on his face. He picked the name and since he said it Maisie and I knew that was our daughter.

"Can I see her" Jackson asks and I slowly bend down. I didn't have much experience holding a newborn, but this all felt so natural. He lightly touches her head and she opens her eyes for the first time. She looks around and quietly stirs in my arms trying to figure out where she was.

"Aww Jackson, she loves you" my dad says and he smiles down at her. I know Jackson was going to be an amazing older brother, but I had this feeling these two will be together forever.

"I love her too" he says and I feel my heart flutter. Man I wish Maisie was here for this. I stand back up and she gets passed around.

"She has by far the prettiest eyes ever. It looks like the ocean reflecting the stars" Nicole says.

"Yeah, she's got her moms eyes, that's for sure" I admit.

"Man I wish I could have had a baby, she is such a sweet little thing" she coos squeezing her tummy.

"If you would like, Maisie and I would love for you to be the god mom" I mention and her head shoots up from Everly to me.

"Are you fucking with me? So help me God Jonathan Toews I will end you" she warns.

"Wow you are a angry little thing aren't you? But no, I'm not joking. I couldn't think of anyone in a hundred mile radius I would want to help raise this child. Jackson adores you and you've done so many great things for my family already. I would love to keep you around" I smile.

"Well I would love to be the god mom" she replies and I nod. I take my girl back and head to the room and see Maisie was already changed and ready to go.

"That was a fast nap" I laugh.

"I missed my favorite people" she smiles while gingerly getting up.

"You okay" I ask.

"Yeah, just sore. Would love to be cuddled up on the couch with my man behind me and my baby in my arms" she smiles.

"That sounds great. How about we get home then" I suggest.

"Lets go" she says kissing my lips. I hand her Everly and she gasps.

"Her eyes" she whispers and I smile.

"They're killer aren't they. Just like yours" I smirk. We get to the car and buckle her up in the back and Jackson claims he'll protect her. He keeps a hand over her while she sleeps peacefully in the car seat. We get home where everything is ready for her. We set her in her crib and she looks up at us with those eyes. I swear I saw her smile. I look over to Maisie who looked exhausted but happy. So genuinely happy. Then I knew that everything will be okay.

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