Home Sweet Home

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"You got it buddy?"

"Yeah dad, I got it!"

He puts the last box in the back of Maisie's car and closes the door. We found a little house with four bedrooms for when we decide to have kids of our own, it was a cute thing with blue siding and white windows. The house was one story with a huge basement for her to work in and me to train. The backyard was a nice size and had a white porch. I want to put a roller hockey rink in the back but Maisie is adamant I would get hurt... and she's probably right. But I loved the house anyway. It even has a full sized kitchen for when Maisie goes all master chef on us and makes a full course meal for twenty people. And now we can have the guys over to eat it all. It was a good situation all around.

After all the boxes were in the house and in their respective rooms. Jackson takes off to the backyard to mess around and I help Maisie finish unpacking the kitchen. The bathrooms and our room had been done before we even bought the house. We were leaving the spare as is and just had to finish the living room, kitchen, and Jacksons room. After everything was put up Maisie pulls out a bunch of stuff and I raise my eyebrow at her.

"What are you doing" I ask.

"Cooking, it's what you do in a kitchen" she teases.

"Ha ha very funny. I know how to cook... it's just that I don't like to and you're a lot better at it. But we just spent all day moving and loading and unloading and working... we can just order pizza" I suggest wrapping my arms around her.

"That's kind of you but after a long day like this cooking calms me and I've been thinking about stuffed pork chops all day" she giggles.

"Dang. I was ready to argue until you said stuffed pork chops" I joke causing her to laugh. I leave her be and rearrange the living room to my liking. I go to Jacksons room where it was mostly empty. He was supposed to design it but the boy changes his favorite movie monthly and loves everything so right now it's up in the air. Picking one thing to design his room as has been a struggle. But we did get him one thing I know he will love. He comes up behind me and his jaw drops when he looks in his room. There wasn't anything but boxes and a hockey net turned upside down so it was a hammock by the window. He jumps in it and plays with the stuffed animals Maisie picks up from each arena for him. She had about 20 of them so far... 10 more to go.

"This is the coolest thing I've every seen... and I've seen the Stanley cup" he says very seriously. I join him in the hanging net and look around his room. It was about the size of Maisie and I's.

"What do you want to do to it" I ask. He looks around taping his chin and lights up. He springs to the wall with the closet and touches it with a little finger.

"This wall I want red" he says before running to the wall closest to the hallway.

"This wall I want black" he says before running to the wall separating his room and ours.

"And this one red" he says starting to get tired. He returns to the wall with the window and the net.

"And this black. Then on the floor I want a Indian head, but one we can actually walk on" he whispers and I laugh. Not my fault, no one can touch the Indian head.

"Okay. We can do that. Anything else" I ask as he ponders his thoughts. He looks up and smiles brightly.

"On the ceiling I want the northern stars" he says and I look at him questionably.

"Why" I ask.

"It's in Broken Road. You know... "Every long lost dream, led me to where you are. Others who broke my heart, they were like Northern stars. Pointing me on my way, into your loving arms. This much I know is true. That God blessed the broken road, That led me straight to you." I want the northern stars on the ceiling so when I go to bed I know that when I wake up I know I'm home. A nice home where you and mommy are" he explains.

"I think that's awesome buddy. I'm not artistic but mommy is so we can get her to do it" I suggest.

"I really like living with you" he says crawling in my lap and I smile.

"We haven't even done anything yet" I laugh.

"We've done a lot together. You taught me how to play hockey and swim. We traveled to the cold America and the flyers. We have fun times every day. Now we can have fun all day every day" he smile.

"You're right little man. But I'm not feeling too well" I say grabbing at my head.

"What's wrong" he asks.

"I'm not feeling like myself. I feel... I feel... I feel like the TICKLE MONSTER" I yell and he lets out a squeal. I attack him with tickles as he laughs uncontrollably. There's a knock on the door and Maisie appears.

"Alright boys, wash up dinner is ready" she says before disappearing again. We wash up and head down for our first meal at our house. Before my butt hits the chair the doorbell sounds and I let out a groan. Already being bothered. I open the door and Patrick was standing there.

"I need food" he says and I roll my eyes.

"Buy some" I say and he crosses his arm.

"What if I don't want to" he pouts.

"Patrick... why are you really here" I sigh.

"Because... I miss you guys. The place is already a mess and Emma is a great cook but she's no Maisie. I miss corrupting Jackson and annoying you" he admits. I smile and pat his back. I knew I liked him deep deep deep down. Deep down.

"Come on in" I say and he lights up. We sit at the dinner table and talk about our day. Maisie insists we recap the great moments from today like always and we share our favorite memories.

"I decided what I wanted in my room and I already love it" Jackson claims.

"Oh yeah? What did you finally decide on" she wonders.

"Black and red walls and a Indian head just like in the locker room! And on the ceiling I want northern lights like from broken road" he explains.

"Oh sweetie, that sounds beautiful" she smiles. We finish up eating and watch the Cubs game.

"I have something for you two" I say getting up and coming back with a envelops. They tear into them and find a Cubs ticket in there.

"No way! We're going to a Cubs game" he yells.

"Yup! Exactly two years after we met" I say and he jumps up and down.

"I have to call Henry and tell him" he claims and Maisie hands him her phone. He takes off and she smiles at me.

"So you excited" I ask nudging her.

"Of course. Anything with you is exciting" she replies as there's a sparkle in her eye. I place a kiss on her lips and stay there until I hear Patrick moan. I forgot he was here.

"You know this is our house..." she trails off and he zips his lips. We enjoy the game, well as much as you can enjoy a Cubs game, and enjoy our new beginning.

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