A Happy Birthday

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To celebrate hockey being back and my birthday being today we were holding a get together at the house. I was close to bursting but I didn't feel like it. I felt great actually. This pregnancy was a lot easier than the first one and I'm hoping the kid is as good as the first one too.

A bunch of the guys from the team and their families were here because this team sure loved to party and we haven't seen each other in what feels like forever. Abby was also very pregnant but was still moving around pretty well. Their first daughter Sadie was about two years old and we were joking that we're planning our kids together.

"I think we're gonna be done for a while after this one" I admit.

"Oh come on. We make great children" Jon defends with his arm snaked around my waist.

"Says the one who doesn't give birth to the children" I mumble and everyone snickers. I see Emma and Patrick arrive and smile bright. I know things have been hard between the two since Patrick went over seas to play, but I'm happy they worked it out. They were kind of my favorite couple. I make my way over to them before giving Emma a big hug. I see her all the time but she's still my best friend.

"I've missed you so much. I haven't seen you around the rink lately" Emma says into my ear before we let go.

"I was preoccupied getting Everly's room done and leaving the house gets harder by the day. But I guess I don't have a choice now that hockey is back" I shrug.

"Thank god. I've been bored out of my mind" she laughs.

"How are you two" I ask switching my eyes between her and Patrick.

"We're good now. It wasn't easy but I know it's something he had to do. I'm just really happy he's back" she admits.

"I'm happy everyone is here. It's weird not having the boys around or taking pictures all the time. Now I'm turning 25 and I have everything I need back in my life, including you" I say with a wink.

"Oh my god I've missed you so much" she laughs. I go around and say hi to everyone before Jon finds me once again.

The boys have only played four games so far this season but they've won them all. It's a small sample size but with only half the number of games than in a normal regular season can we really nit pick?

Jon brings out a cake and he had the picture from the Fourth of July on it, I really didn't want to eat it. It looked so nice. They sing happy birthday and I look round. From guys like Steeger who is just so much fun to be around to Seabs who I always just want to talk to. Being a part of a team is the coolest thing ever. Feeling like you make a difference in someone's life and you're no longer feel like a hang nail or butt pimple. It's cool. I blow out my candles and pass out cake while everyone eats away.

"So does everyone with the last name Toews just have to be this trait of being awesome and intelligent" Hossa asks coming over with Everly in his arms.

"Funny how things work out, huh" I laugh.

"I guess so. I mean everything happens for a reason" he shrugs. He was absolutely right. I'm not going to lie, I fangirled a little when I first met the man, the myth, the legend, Marian Hossa. He was my favorite player before he came over to the Hawks. To think I've been with the Hawks longer than him blows my mind. But we've been in this together since the beginning, I loved the dude to death. Him and his family is everything I inspire to be. His wife Jana is one of my favorite people ever and I know to call her when things are rough. She's experienced in that. It was so great to have everyone back under one roof and can celebrate good hockey.

Eventually it gets late and everyone goes home. I crawl in bed completely exhausted and lay on my back, like I had much of a choice. I'm awaken by Dagger jumping up on the bed and licking my face. He was a big baby, but he was my big baby.

"Oh man. I love you too buddy" I laugh pushing him off. I sit up and see something in his collar. I take out a piece of paper and read it. It said "look out the window" and I look back at Dagger.

"Do you know what's going on" I ask and he just continues to stare at me.

"You're so helpful" I joke giving him a good scratch. I open the blinds and see Jon in a suit strumming his guitar on the porch. He had candles lit with flower pedals around him and it looked really romantic and all.

"Yes of course I remember, how could I forget how you feel?
You know you were my first time, a new feel
It will never get old, not in my soul, not in my spirit, keep it alive
We'll go down this road 'til it turns from color to black and white

Or do you not think so far ahead
Cause I been thinkin' bout forever, ooh
Or do you not think so far ahead
Cause I been thinkin' bout forever, ooh."

By the time he finished singing I couldn't help but smile. Usually I sing while he plays the guitar but he actually wasn't that bad. I cared more about what he was saying though.

"You're the best" I yell out the window.

"I love you so much baby. Happy birthday" he yells back. Yeah, that was a happy birthday.

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