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This year we would celebrate the Fourth of July at home because that so happened to be Sams birthday too. So I had a Valentine's Day and Fourth of July baby, for someone like me who is terrible at remembering birthdays, this was extremely helpful. We decorate the porch in red white and blue streamers and move the table out there. He liked the Fourth of July theme and we were just killing two birds with one stone. We fill the tables with the essentials; watermelon, lemonade, chips and dip, mozzarella sticks, nachos, anything else that would fed the hungry. We had a "happy 9th birthday Samuel" sign on the house and balloons tied to the porch. The pool was filled with pool balls and noodles for the kids coming over and some space for the adults to drink. The grill has been going since 10 this morning with ribs and hot dogs and pulled pork and hamburgers, I make sure we always eat good around here.

At about 3 people started showing up and the party started. Dagger wore a red white and blue top hat and he ran around with Jackson, Sam, Henry, and the other guys and girls from school. It was nice to see the kids warmed up to Sam but it sucks it's only because he's with us now. All we did was give him some cloths and a clean place to live. He was still the same sweet and caring kid as before. Sometimes that's all it takes. I guess the kids can see it better now. It was weird that Jackson was eight when everyone else was one or two years older than him, but besides his small stature he could pass as ten.

The kids mess around in the pool and grass area while us parents chilled up top on the porch. Most of the guys went home for the summer but Patrick and Emma were still here for their wedding in a few weeks and Soupy still lived here in the summer, even though he hasn't been with the Hawks since 2011. I sit with Emma and Logan and relax while everyone has fun. We chill in lawn chairs sipping on drinks watching the kids play.

"So can I take credit for all this, because you're not just living, your thriving" Logan boasts. A lot has changed since my last therapy session with her, but none of that is possible without her talking me through things and helping me move on after all those years.

"Hell yeah, Logan you mean a lot to me. Not a lot of people know I went through therapy, in fact Jon and Emma are the only two people I've told. But people see a difference in me and that's all thanks to you" I say causing her to smile.

"Nice to know" she smirks. It was about time for cake and presents but I was still waiting for one person.

"Hey babe, the kids are getting antsy. Are you about ready" Jon asks with a kid on each of his legs. One was Everly and one was one of the other kids little sisters. It was cute actually. Plus his off season workouts are coming in handy.

"Not quite yet" I reply and he gives me a nod before he goes back to playing with the kids. He and Patrick will say they're too macho to enjoy playing dolls and other stuff but they're actually quite soft if you ask me.

Eventually I get up and go to the front door to pace checking my watch every so often. Maybe I shouldn't have done this, maybe I got my hopes up too high. I can't let Sam down, he's been let down so many times already. He trusts me enough to take him in and I didn't want to let him down. My train of thoughts get stoped by a knock on the door and my head shoots up. I answer it and smile when I see Samuels dad there with a birthday present. I welcome him in and he looks around just like Sam did when he first got here.

"Nice place" he admits. A lot of Jons awards and accolades around the house and it made it seem a lot more impressive than it actually was.

"Thanks, everyone is out back if you would like to join them" I say and he nods. I return to the backyard and the kids all sat in front of a table full of presents ready to get this thing started. Jackson and Sam stood at the front organizing and sorting everything but size and eventually color. I don't care what anyone says, those are my kids. I tell his dad to stay there and walk out in front of him.

"Hey Sam, before you tear into those presents there's one from Jon and I that you have to see first" I tell him. I motion his dad over and Sam's hands shoot up to cover his mouth as his eyes get teary. He hasn't seen him for a while and it was his birthday after all. He deserved to see his family. His dad was trying, he was in a hard place but he still loved his son. Jon and I wanted to make sure they don't get too disconnected. Sam runs over and jumps into his arms as his dad easily picks him up. His dad cries into his shoulder as they embrace each other.

"Wow Sammy, you look great" he dad says setting him down.

"They take good care of me here" he says and his dad nods.

"I knew they would" he smiles. Sam quickly opens presents before personally thanking everyone then talking to his dad. While they catch up everyone else eats up most of the food and enjoys the warm July day. Finally it gets dark and it gets time for fire works. Mason was stoic until he saw the fireworks for the first time. He usually seems unbothered unless he's listening to music, but he was amazed by the fireworks. I watch with him in my arms as the kids run around with sparklers. I know Jon doesn't care much for the holiday, being Canadian and all, but this was one special Fourth of July. After thanking everyone we clean up and was finally all done with the celebrations by 11. I catch Sams dad on the way out and grab his wrist.

"Wait, you can stay for a bit if you want. We don't have a spare room anymore but you're more than welcome to crash on the couch" I offer.

"I can't do that, you're already doing so much for me. I've never seen Sam so happy before. He has friends, he has people who would never lay a hand on him, he has food and love and compassion. You understand him and that's all he needed in life. That little boy, he deserves so much more than I can give. That's just the way it has to be. My dirty habits cannot be his downfall, I can't let that happen when he has something so great here" he insists.

"Okay then. You're welcome over whenever you see fit. Although you think Sam is better off without you, he still loves you and he still needs his dad. Jon can be a father figure, but he can't be he dad. That's you" I say touching his shoulder. He looks at my hand then back at me before smiling bright.

"Thank you Maisie" he says.

"You're welcome..." I trial off.

"Tyson" he finally says.

"Tyson" I repeat.

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