I Think I Love You Better Now

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This hot august day I find myself a victim of one of Patrick's very few good ideas, a indoor wedding reception. They rented a little center downtown for the party and after baking outside for the vows and stuff I am forever thankful to be inside. This Canadian boy doesn't need the heat.

The wedding itself was beautiful, it was really cute and I think they looked great together. That is once I got all the sweat out of my eyes. Once I got my suit unstuck from me I was able to enjoy the rest of the wedding in this great thing called air conditioning.

I sit at the head table next to Patrick reminiscing on my own wedding. There was a lot more people here and the music was worse because Patrick got to choose it, but still pretty cool to be a part of. A lot of the same people and ideas between the two. It was great to get the guys back together before the season started up again.

Before the dinner was started I got to make a toast and Patrick groans from beside me. I stand up with my glass in hand and he runs a hand down his face. We've been through a lot together so he should be scared.

"My dear friend right here, little peek a boo as he's known as in the locker room, finally found a girl we can all approve of. Although she is way out of his league and way better looking than him, I'm happy for him. Glad to see he's found someone that makes him almost as happy as I do. I know all about marrying up, been living that life for over a year now and let me tell you, it's great. She will never let you forget that she is far better than you, and that's god. She shouldn't.

Let me tell you more about my friend Patrick Timothy Kane the second. He and I came into the league at the same time and even from day one he has been pestering me. Even the simplest things became a contest, who could get dress quicker, who could skate faster, who could score more points. Coming into the league I knew a lot of pressure would be on us. It was a original six team who was tired of losing and we were supposed to save it. But every time my name was mentioned, so was his and vice versa. Pretty soon it became Kane and Toews and it's been like that ever since. I mean this dude follows me around everywhere, it's crazy. But soon after I met my future wife he met his through a mutual friendship so I guess him always copying me worked out pretty well this time.

I've known Emma for about two years now and let me tell you, nothing comes easy for that household. I watched her race her kid to the kitchen and nearly push him into the island to assure she won. But that's what makes her perfect for Patrick. She's crazy, just like him. But she keeps him tied down when he gets lost like a little kid. She keeps him straight when he gets in those situations where he never know what's happening. And most of all he can handle his sisters better than anyone. That's a accomplishment in itself.

And now, after all this time, he finally got the balls to marry her. About damn time am I right? Patrick and I have been through a lot together, but nothing is like marrying your best friend. It's the greatest feeling in the world. So to Patrick and Emma who I have the honor to call my friends, congratulations. I love you guys and I can't wait to watch you grow to together. To Patrick and Emma" I yell raising my glass. Everyone repeats after me and we all drink whatever is in our hands.

Eventually it comes time for the first dance and they hit the floor. Maisie chose the song because no one knew good music like she does, and naturally she chose a Ed Sheeran song. It comes time for the parties to come out and I grab my beautiful wife and we hit the dance floor. I lace my fingers through hers and place the other hand on her waist. We sway back and fourth and let the music consume us.

"And it's dark in a cold December, but I've got ya to keep me warm
And if you're broken I'll mend ya
And keep you sheltered from the storm that's raging on now

I'm out of touch, I'm out of love
I'll pick you up when you're getting down
And out of all these things I've done I think I love you better now

I'm out of sight, I'm out of mind
I'll do it all for you in time
And out of all these things I've done I think I love you better now"

As we dance it doesn't feel like we're at a wedding. I feel like I'm at home like I always do in her arms. I find myself noticing that her heart beats in time with mine, a slow and steady pace as we sit comfortably in each other's arms. It gives me a feeling of this is where I was meant to be. I look down as her head rests on my chest, her eyes are closed as her feet move in time with mine. Without trying we were becoming one, and I didn't mind one bit. I kiss the top of her head and I feel her squeeze my hand tighter. It's been a whirl wind this year and I bet she's exhausted. She never missed a beat with the team, threw some great birthday parties and dealt with my moodiness involving the lockout. She had a kid and takes care of the other three all while never missing a beat. I guess you can say that she's a lot of things. But as long as she knows she's loved then I know I'm doing something right.

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