Good Mother

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"No Jackson."


"Jackson you will not whine like that. I said no" I sigh. He had it in him he was going to the Olympics with us but that's a whole week away from hockey practice and school and I wasn't sure he should come. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity but it was risky.

"Come on. You should let him come" Jon reasons. He wasn't helping.

"As hard as it is to leave him, the fear of something happening to him in a new land is far stronger" I admit.

"You can't keep letting fear rule you. No one is out to get you, I promise. I won't let anything happen to you guys" he says cupping my face.

"Fine. Jackson you can come to the Olympics with us but the second I see something I don't like you're locked in the hotel room" I tease and he jumps up and down on the couch before jumping off and hugging Jonathan.

"Thanks daddy" he screams and I smile to myself. I help him pack his things and he tries desperately to sneak his skates in there. I'm sure TSA would love that. After he's all packed i get him a plane ticket then call his preschool and let them know he's going to be gone for a week. They weren't worried since he was so far ahead anyway. His coaches didn't mind either, one of them even joked he should be playing. After getting our tickets and grabbing my camera we were one our way.

"Are you excited" Jonathan asks lacing his finger through mine.

"Of course, even if I have to cheer for Canada" I joke and he looked offended.

"I'm kidding, if you were from mars I would still cheer for... whatever country that would be" I giggle.

"And that's why I love you" he says squeezing my hand. I run my hand through Jacksons hair as his head rests in my lap. He was so excited he knocked himself out. The plane ride over was calm and we just sit silently in each other's arms.

"You know, you're a great mother. Very over protective, but still a great mom" Jonathan says.

"Thanks" I reply pecking his lips. If only he knew how much that really meant to me...

After getting settled in the hotel we decided to meet Jonathan's parents for dinner. Thankfully there is not bad jet lag since the Olympics were just in Vancouver and Jackson napped on the plane ride over so he wouldn't be a little demon.

"Grandpa" he yells jumping into Bryans arms as they approach us. Such a great sight.

"Geeze bud, you're getting so big" he laughs.

"Hey Maisie, great to see you" Andrée says in her adorable accent.

"You too. I've missed you" I admit. It's been like three months since I've seen her but she is someone you notice when she's gone. A mother if you will. We find a restaurant and sit down to eat. Jackson orders chicken fingers and I get a hamburger. Mhmmm hamburgers.

"I got something for you guys" Bryan announces halfway through dinner. He digs around and hands Jackson and I a bag. I open it to see a Toews team Canada jersey. It was huge, just the way I like it.

"Oh Bryan you didn't have to do this" I tell him. Still working in accepting instead of giving.

"We wanted to. We're hoping you guys will be around for a long time so these can be handy" he smiles.

"I couldn't imagine being anywhere else" I admit. We have a nice dinner and listen to Jackson go on and on about what he was learning in preschool. He's been so talkative lately it's been a joy to watch. I just pray he doesn't use the words uncle Patrick taught him over New Years. We finish up eating and get back to the hotel safe and sound. It's insane that I'm at the Olympics with my boyfriend and his amazing family. Two years ago, if you would have told me this is where I would be I would have laughed in your face. I couldn't get Jackson to look a man in his eyes and I was so shut off I probably would have punched you and ran away. Now look at us.

"I'm sleeping in this" Jackson claims clinging to his new Toews jersey. He has more jerseys than shirts, I swear.

"Then what are you going to wear to the game tomorrow" I ask.

"My jersey" he claims.

"You can't walk around with us if you're stinky" I say making a face.

"You're right. I'll sleep in my pjs" he concludes and I smile. Mom win. I tuck him in and he passes out as soon as his head hits the pillow. I head to the kitchen in the hotel to grab myself a water. I feel arms wrap around me and relax when I smell Jonny's cologne.

"I'm really happy you and Jackson are here" he whispers in my ear.

"This is a great experience and a important part of you life. I'm excited to be here" I say cupping his face.

"Have you ever thought about having kids with me" he asks and I freeze. I really haven't.

"No, but now that you say that I would love to have a kid with you" I admit. I wanted to be a real mom, plus Jackson would love a little brother or little sister.

"I always think about it. What you've done with Jackson in a unfortunate situation, imagine what you could do now. I meant what I said on the plane. You're a great mother and often times I think of you mothering our child" he whispers.

"I like the sound of that" I whisper back. I bite my lip as he picks me up and I wrap my legs around him.

"Then lets get started" he smirks causing me to giggle.

"Yes Captain."

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