One Year

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After Jonathan finished his classes and talked to the city he was granted joint custody of Jackson. We explained to him part of what happened in order for us to get here but he didn't really care, he thought he had the coolest dad in the world and I couldn't agree more. Eventually Patrick comes home and the season starts up again. I no longer work at Chicago Cut, but if they ever need me they know to call. We still eat there all the time and I thanked Michael for all he's done for me. As the season draws closer I get more and more excited to start my new job. I'll be doing a lot of events around the arena but mostly working with the Hawks. I got to practice shots when Jackson and Jonathan practiced on the ice throughout the summer so I'll be ready by seasons start.

This year Jackson would start pre school and as scared as I was to let him go I knew he would be fine. He always is. Jonathan and I take him to his first day at school and Jackson was a bit nervous too.

"Are you sure I can't stay with you guys" he asks holding his little Transformers book bag to his chest. He was on to Transformers now.

"You gotta grow that pretty little brain of yours. After school we get to start organized hockey, how does that sound" I ask and he lights up. Jonathan and I each give him a kiss and watch him walk into the school a little outside of the Chicago area. It was hard but he was growing up and this was good for him.

"He's going to be okay, right" I ask looking up to Jonathan.

"Yeah, have you met the kid" he teased and I playfully smack his chest.

"So now what" I wonder. There was nothing Blackhawks related today and Nicole was on a daaaaate. I'm happy she's getting out there again.

"I'm going to treat you to a nice day out on the town" he claims and I raise my eyebrow.

"Why" I ask and he gasps placing a hand over his heart.

"Has someone forgotten what happened on this day exactly a year ago" he says all offended like and I roll my eyes.

"Okay okay I get it. A year ago we met at that Cubs game. I just didn't think it was that big of a deal to you. So what are we going to do" I ask.

"That, my beautiful girlfriend, is a surprise" he responds wiggling his eyes up and down. He grabs my hand and we take off into the city. We walk around downtown until we find a little bistro and there was a table all lit up and two seats by it.

"Did you do this" I ask and he pulls a chair out for me to sit in.

"Yeah, it's a special day in our relationship" he claims sitting across from me.

"Every day with you is special" I reply and he starts to blush. One of the many things I loved about Jonathan is that he never pressured me. I do that enough all on my own. He lets me grow and never fails to put a smile on my face, allowing this relationship to work.

"Are you excited for a new season" I ask placing a napkin in my lap.

"Hell yeah. We were so close last year, plus we got a guy like Hossa coming in which makes our depth even better. Training camp went great and all the guys are focused. I'm ready" he says and I smile. I love listening to him talk about hockey.

"What about you. Ready to start your dream job" he asks.

"As ready as I'll ever be. Hopefully you guys won't be too hard on me" I joke.

"Whaaaat? Us make your life harder? Doesn't sound like us" he claims and I shake my head. We talk for three hours and didn't even realize it got late. But everything is so natural with him it feels like time doesn't have a hold on us. Every second we're together is precious. After lunch we walk around the city and just enjoy each other's company. Life seems great right now, might as well enjoy it.

"How do you think Jackson is doing right now" I ask.

"He's probably got all the girls with those eyes. He's telling everyone that he is the next big thing in hockey and has the coolest parents ever" he laughs.

"Yeah, sounds like Jackson" I giggle.

"If I purposed right now what would you say" he randomly asks and we stop walking. I look up to him and he was being completely serious.

"I would say yes" I reply and he pulls me close.

"That's nice to know" he whispers and places a kiss on my lips. Was this some sort of distraction, because it's working. After walking around a little bit more we head back to school to pick up Jackson. We chill with the other parents and talk to them until the kids come out and Jackson quickly finds us.

"Oh man I've missed you so much" I say picking him up and spinning him around. He laughs before I set him down and he looks up to me bright eyed.

"Mommy I made friends" he cheers.

"Really? What else happened today" I ask as Jonathan and I each grab a little hand and walk to the car.

"We introduced ourselves and got to make our own name tags! Mine was hockey themed. Then we got to play and I played with my new friends. Then we had a nap and snack time. Then we learned abcs and 123's" he says as I buckle him into his car seat. That's a lot for one day.

"Wow Jack Jack, sounds like your a busy man" I say climbing into the drivers seat.

"I made you this" he says handing me a paper and I study it.

"This is beautiful" I say looking at the human like scribbles.

"We had to draw what we love the most so I drew you, daddy, me, uncle Patrick, and aunt Nicki" he tells me and I turn to him. He was smiling kicking his legs on the booster seat happily.

"I love you a lot, you know that right" I ask.

"Of course mommy" he replies. I drive out of Chicago to a little to a rink with a bunch of little kids running around. Jonathan talked to the coach and said this was the best league for him. They were a little bit older than Jackson but he assured me he will be fine. He gets changed and Jonathan ties up his skates before he heads to the ice. I sit next to another woman a little older than me and introduce myself.

"Hey, I'm Emma" she smiles.

"Maisie" I respond shaking her hand.

"Which one is yours" she asks.

"Ummm yellow jersey, black pants, Blackhawks themed hat, red and black stick" I say pointing to him.

"Wow, he a big hawks fan" she asks and I laugh.

"You could say that" I giggle and Jonathan sits next to me. Her eyes nearly pop out of her head as he sticks out his hand for her to shake.

"Jonathan" he smiles and she nods.

"Jon this is Emma" I introduce and she nods again. This actually happens a lot. We get to talking and I end up really liking her. She was 23 and single but ruled being a single mom. Her husband died not too long ago, he was a volunteer firefighter and died in a freak accident. But she said her son was too young to know him so he didn't know much. I don't lie to her when explaining our situation, but I don't tell her everything either. We exchange numbers and I meet her son Henry. He was a little bit older than Jackson but actually went to the same preschool. They hit it off and claim to be best friends already.

"Mommy! This is my friend Henry" Jackson claims throwing his arm around Henry as they smile up to me. I look over to Emma and start laughing with her.

"That's awesome buddy" I finally say. After much convincing we go our separate ways. We all go back to Jonny's place and I make dinner.

"So Jackson, your day today was..." I trail off

"Amazing! Best day ever" he yells and Jonathan messes with his hair. As long as my boys are happy I must be doing something right.

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