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"You can't keep sending him off like this. He really likes you and you really like him, it's as simple as that. If you keep holding back he's going to get suspicious. Your past is behind you for a reason" Nicole tries. Jackson was off with Jonathan and Patrick at a practice while I got the morning off to relax. Or be patronized by Nicole as it seems.

"Jonny is a great guy. He's showed me the brighter side of this situation and that there's more to life than just protecting Jackson. That I can't keep him in this bubble forever. He's a kid, he's going to want to explore. I love having Jonny around, and Jack so attached to him..."

"He is? Yeah, the kid loves him, but only because he sees the way Jonny makes you feel. He hears the way you talk about him and that's how he talks bout him. He sees the way you look at him that's how he looks at him. You keep saying you like Jonathan because he makes Jackson happy but what about you? You guys talk every day, even when he's on the road. You change around your schedule just to hang out with him or go on dates. You deserve to be happy too you know? And from what I can see Jonathan makes you very happy" she defends.

"He does. Only Jackson brings me more joy. But I won't let him in and I know that has to be annoying. He's not going to wait around for some girl who constantly denies reality. I'm no prize. But Jackson can't find out what happened and there's a better chance of that happening if Jonathan doesn't know what happened. And unfortunately that means I cant let him in" I sigh.

"I know honey, it's hard. But if it's meant to be you'll find a way" she says patting my shoulder. She goes to her room to read and I crash onto the couch. It's hard to enjoy this life when I won't let myself. Jonathan has been nothing but good to me and I feel bad that I'm keeping secrets, but sometimes the best decision is the hardest one. One day he'll understand and I'll let my guard down, but I simply don't see that happening any time soon. I'm just afraid he'll get tired of me biting my tongue, leaving me and Jackson in the dust. Before I could make myself any more upset I fall asleep on the couch watching Wall-E for the five hundredth time.

"Mommy. Hey mommy. Mommy look."

"Hey kiddo, she's tired. Why don't we have some Mac and cheese for lunch?"

"Yay! Mac and cheese!"

My eyes flutter open and I see Jackson at the table in a new Blackhawks jersey while Patrick and Jonathan was warming up Mac and cheese. Patrick was singing some song while cooking and Jackson is singing along. Jonathan places plates and silverware on the table leaving a spot for me.

"Hey, you're back" I grumble sitting up and running my fingers through my hair.

"Yeah, just in time for lunch" Jonathan says coming over and helping me off the couch. I sit between Jackson and Jonathan as Patrick places the Mac and cheese in front of me. I thank him as he sits across from me.

"So Jack, how was your boys day" I ask.

"It was amazing! After practice we went to the aquarium and I got to touch a shark! A real life shark! Then we went to the Blackhawks store and I got to pick some stuff out" he beams.

"Really Jonathan? All he wears is Blackhawks stuff as is" I laugh.

"Kaner got him his jersey, I couldn't let him walk around in that" he claims and I roll my eyes. Those two, I swear.

"Well you look great in that jersey" I say messing with Jackson's hair and he laughs. We spend lunch time messing around until Jackson got tired and I put him down for a nap.

"Can you sing to me mommy" he asks and I nod.

"I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you."

After I finished the song I walk out and find Jonathan again waiting for me outside Jacksons door. He always seems to hear me sing.

"I really like that song" he mentions. We walk to the couch and turn to each other before sitting down.

"Thanks. It's my favorite song" I admit. He continues to stare at me as I try to figure out what we were doing.

"I got you something" he finally says breaking the stare. He gets up and returns with a bag before setting it in my lap. I open it up and pull out a big red jersey with a big C on it.

"It's for the game in a few days. Jackson said you always look at it but end up getting him one instead, so I figured... I don't know. Maybe you wanted one" he says and I chuckle at his nervousness.

"I did want one. Thanks" I reply and he smiles back.

"Listen, this past month has been eye opening to me. I've never met anyone as strong as you... and I play in the NHL. You say I help you out a lot when in reality you have helped me too. I love learning what it's like not to have everything handed to me, to care about someone more than I care about myself. And while I'm still focused on hockey, having you and Jackson in my life gives it so much more meaning. I love looking out for you guys, and in return you guys give me real true happiness. So it would mean a lot to me if you would agree to be my girlfriend" he says gently. I take his hand and rub it softly. He's never pushed me to be in a relationship with him, never complained when I had to take a extra shift or didn't have time to spend with him. With everything life has thrown at me, I'm happy I caught him.

"I would love to be your girlfriend Jonathan" I reply and he lets out a breath he was holding in.

"Good. Because I don't know what I would do if you said no" he laughs.

"Now what" I ask.

"I would like to kiss you" he replies sheepishly. I crawl from the other side of the couch and place myself in his lap. His eyes search my face as his fingers slowly brush through my hair. I cup his face before placing my cold lips on his warm ones softly. He takes no time deepening the kiss and feel myself relax into him. Much too soon we break apart as our head rest together.

"That was... um, wow" he whispers and I giggle.

"That was great" I finish as he looks back into my eyes. It was at that moment I knew he was the one to break me down. And now we wait.

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