A Reason To Win

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After a rough few prelim games for Team Canada we found our game and we were flying through the brackets. That's what really counts anyway. And like any good hockey story we end up facing the US in the gold medal game at the Olympics. For so many reasons I wanted to win this game. If I do I would have won gold at every level for my country and that's pretty cool. Secretly because I can't let Patrick beat me. Plus with the Hawks playing so good this season, this year can really be a good one for me. And starting with a gold medal is a great way to go.

Before the gold medal game I was chilling in the hotel room with Jackson while my parents insisted on taking Maisie out for dinner. I wasn't sure what that was about but I couldn't worry about it, I had a game to win. I haven't scored all tournament but had plenty of assists. All I know is that I wanted to win and I wanted to be a part of it. I study the Americans game tape while Jackson sat beside me coping my behavior. When I would lean closer to the tv he would do so too. When I scratched my head he followed my actions. It was really cute.

"Why are you watching hockey" he asks eventually.

"I'm watching how they play so I'll be ready to go against them tonight" I tell him.

"Are you going to win" he asks and I laugh. I wish it was that easy.

"I hope so" I tell him.

"I hope so too. Then I can tell people that my dad won a gold medal" he claims and I look at him.

"What do you tell people about me" I wonder.

"I say that my dad is nice and kind. That you're a great leader but you're not mean. You make mommy really happy and that makes me really happy. I tell them that out of all the super heroes you're my favorite one" he says and I feel my heart flutter. It's cool to know someone thinks of me that way. I place a kiss on his head before returning my attention to the tv. Eventually we meet my parents and Maisie at the ice arena and I head to the locker room to get ready. I sat in my stall between Sidney Crosby and PK Subban and talked until they tell us it's time to go.

"You ready to go" Subby chirps from beside me. He was a character, love him.

"Hell yeah. Gotta start my hardware collection" I joke.

"This is a good start" Sidney laughs.

"Yeah... just you wait. I'm going for your trophy next" I tease. We take the ice for warm ups and I take a good look around. Naturally there was a good crowd for a game of this caliber. I skate to center ice and Patrick meets me there.

"Ready to lose" he chirps and I roll my eyes.

"Such a cocky little thing aren't ya" I joke and he sends me a glare.

"Seriously though. Best of luck, can't wait till we're on the same team again" I say and he nods.

"Yeah man, good luck" he says before skating away. I look up and see Jackson in a team Canada jersey with a A on it. Out of all the reasons I wanted to win, he was one of my favorites.

I scored the first goal of the game and Sidney scored the game winner in overtime. It was one of the best games in Olympic history to this date. Sure, it was no Miracle on Ice, but as far as final games go it's hard to beat this one. As I celebrate on the ice with my team I couldn't help but feel a wave of bliss. Just 21 and I've already done a lot of the things I've wanted to accomplish. All I needed was to raise the Stanley cup above my head then I was set. Someone hands me a Canadian flag and I skate around with it letting everyone know that this was for our country. I come up to the glass where Jackson was and knock hard on the glass. He pounds backs and Maisie shakes her head with laughter. For such a sweet kid he was so aggressive, kinda like Duncs. After doing the hand shake and getting our medals we debrief then go back to hating each other.

"Alright Tazer, until the next Olympics" Sid says giving me a hug.

"Until next time" I reply. I meet my family out in the Olympic village and my mom gives me a huge hug. She was a hugger.

"Oh sweetie I'm so happy for you. Congratulations" she says.

"Thanks mom. Hopefully I made you proud" I admit.

"Of course, we're always proud of you" she says as my dad puts a arm around her.

"Daddy" Jackson calls and I bend down to his level. I place the medal around his neck and he studies it closely.

"This is awesome" he claims setting it on his cheek.

"Not as awesome as you are" I say and he smiles. He wraps his little arms around my neck and I pull him close. This was a great feeling. Better than winning gold and better than anything I've ever felt before. It was a mixture of pride and love and happiness. Jackson might not be my kid, but I loved him as my own and I wouldn't want it any other way.

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