Home Sweet Home

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Chicago, the city of broad shoulders, city of champions, the city that never sleeps, city of winds if you will. The usual hustle and bustle and Chicago traffic is enough to give me a headache. I hate that there's a 70% chance I'll get ran over walking down the street and if the lines on the road weren't bad enough the lines on the sidewalk were just as bad. But this is my home, where you can walk from garden to the pier in minutes depending on the day. There's a cupcake ATM and some of the best sports teams in the nation. It might smell weird but you can meet some of the nicest people just walking around. It's not a easy town, but it's my home town.

After a relaxing and rejuvenating honeymoon we finally get home then head over to pick Everly up from Nicole's and Jackson from Emma's. I pull up to Nicole's place first and almost run to the door.

"Woah there Speedy, slow down" Jon laughs and I roll my eyes.

"I just missed my baby girl" I defend. I knock on the door of my old apartment and it swings open with my baby just standing there.

"Awww Evie, how I've missed you so" I cheer picking her up and giving a kiss on her cheek. She giggles as I express just how happy I am to see her.

"Where's your god mom" I ask and Nicole appears from behind the door. I hand Everly to Jon and pull Nicole into a huge hug. It's been a long four days and I was very excited to see a familiar face. Especially one who spoke English.

"Good to see you too" she laughs as I squeeze her tight.

"How was they honeymoon, can I expect another little kid soon" she asks and I hear Jon start coughing.

"Not that I'm aware of" I laugh.

"How was she" Jon asks.

"She was amazing. Best God daughter I could ever ask for. It's like we're best friends" she jokes and I shake my head. I thank her a million times before heading off to Emma's and Patrick's to get Henry. I carry Everly up to their door and knock and Jackson answers.

"Mom, dad" he screams as he jumps into Jons arms. Glad to see he missed us too.

"Oh wow did you grow over the past four days" Jon teases.

"Henry and I spent all day training with uncle Patrick" he says. Of course they did.

"Yeah, so you had fun" I ask.

"Of course. But I missed you guys. Like a lot" he claims.

"We missed you too" I smile. Emma comes to greet us and invites us in for a little. Jon and Patrick go have a beer out back and I help plan some part of Emma and Patrick's wedding. We find a date and other things while Jackson and Henry played with Everly.

"So, how was Venice" she asks.

"Oh it was amazing. Everyone there was so sweet. It was actually amazing to see how many people recognized Jon. But we spent a lot of time on the water just exploring the city and its rich history. It was relaxing" I admit.

"That sounds great. I'm not even going to lie I've loved having Jackson around these past few days. He helps around the house more than Patrick does. Plus he's really wise beyond his years" she admits.

"He had to grow up fast. He went from lowest of lows to highest of highs very quickly but he never changed. I wish I could take credit for that but he's come into his own. I can't believe he's almost eight" I sigh. He's growing up way too fast for my liking.

"Well I for one know a good kid when I see one. And he's been an angel" she smiles.

"Glad to hear I'm doing something right" I laugh. The boys come in and I grab them and Dagger before heading home. After a short drive we finally arrive and Jon lets out a sigh as I open the front door.

"Home sweet home" he smiles. We drop out stuff off and Jackson and Dagger run downstairs. Jon and I unpack with Everly on our bed watching something on Disney and I feel the jet lag hit me. There wouldn't be hockey for a while and no more wedding planning. We've had Everly around long enough that she doesn't need us every second and she's pretty content with not having all the attention all the time. So I was hoping to have a few days to get back into the swing of things before my life picked up again. 

After everything was said and done Jon and I lay on our bed with Everly until Jackson and Dagger join us. We turn on the Avengers and watch it like we always did. But this time I was watching it as Maisie Toews.

After watching that movie about three times and trying to throw a bunch of popcorn in Jons mouth as he fell asleep with his mouth wide open it was time for bed. I never new you could fit so much popcorn in one persons mouth. We all get up eventually and order pizza because I was in no mood to make dinner. We sit around the dinner table and talk about or week like always. Well besides Everly who was making a Picasso paintings in her high chair with marinara sauce. After a fun meal and I get the kids all cleaned up we decide to take a dip in the pool. Night swimming was fun in Chicago because light was never lack luster in this city. I used to have a different view of this city, I saw it from behind fences and barbed wire. It was hard to see the city from there, but from here it's clear as day. Out of all the names I have associated with this city, the most important one is home.

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