Where Dreams Come True

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I haven't had many Christmas' in my life. Five, including his one, to be exact. But this is unlike anything I've experienced before in my life. I got to be my favorite Disney princess today, that's crazy. I always wanted to be Princess Jasmine and today that dream came true. I got to sing the best song from that soundtrack with my prince and look out over a magical kingdom. I know they say that Disney is a magical place and where dreams come true, but I've told myself that's only for people who weren't me. That I wouldn't enjoy this kind of stuff because I didn't deserve to, I just wasn't meant to be this happy. But here I am with the best boyfriend I could ever ask for and the kindest most hard working kid in the happiest place in the world... and I keep trying to find ways to tear myself down but I just can't anymore. I can't deny myself this happiness because this wasn't created by me. It was a tall hockey player who for some reason has his heart set on making me happy. And he's finally done it.

After the parade we head to the castle for the fireworks. Jackson and I never seen any before. We always heard them at navy pier but I was always working or something and couldn't catch them. There wasn't a lot of people out here but it was Christmas and it was getting late so it just meant we got to be closer to the actions. Really close actually. We end up right in front of the castle as it turns green and red as wait for the fireworks to start.

"Are you happy" Jon asks and I smile up with him.

"Of course. This whole experience has been... insane. I always dreamed of coming here but this is so much better than I excepted. I know we're here because Jackson wanted to come but I'm having a great time. And it sucks I can't go on all the rides but his place is still incredible. Thanks so much for doing this for us" I say. He takes my hand in his and turns to me completely. Jackson starts jumping up and down and I laugh, what and odd ball.

"Maisie, from the day I met you I have never felt the same ever again. Most of what happened before you were in my life is forgotten because it is nothing compared to what you've brought into my life" he starts and I feel his palms get sweaty. He reaches into his back pocket and gets down on a knee. My hands shoot up to my mouth as I get teary eyed.

"You are... I don't even know how to explain you. You are the strongest person I have ever met, I've never met someone so quick to defend herself and other people despite popular opinions. You care so much about me and Jackson and it's a great feeling knowing you got my back. I know how hard it was for you to open up to me. To tell me the things you've told me and to trust me. Even when I messed up you talked yourself through it. But that's what makes this relationship so special. You see me differently than everyone else. When I'm gone for long road trips you don't give me a hard time, you let me talk to Jackson and always say the right things. I know you're trying and that's all I'll ever ask from you. Then when I come home all I want to do is spend my time with you. Watching you cook or listening to you sing, even the little things are insanely amazing with you. And through all my accomplishments, none of them matter until I hear you tell me that you're proud of me.
And I know you're scared, with a life so uncertain you have every reason to be. But your mind is unique, you're able to see things most people miss, with and without a camera. I'm in love with everything about you, from your one of a kind eyes that make fall to my knees and hair that is as dark as the night sky, to the way you always ask if I'm happy and if there's anything you can do for me. You have more than I ever wanted, and I can't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else. And now we're expecting another kid and life's going to start getting crazy, but normal isn't in my dictionary. We have a house, we're having a kid, and now all I ask is for you to wear this ring to let people know that you are my better half. So Maisie, will you marry me" he asks opening the box revealing a breathtaking circular diamond ring. I quickly shake my head because out of all the decisions I've made in my life, this one was the easiest.

"Yes" I sniffle and a smile comes across his face. He slips the ring onto my left ring finger and I jump into his arms. His muscular arms wrap around my body and a cry into his shoulder.

"Hey! What about me" Jackson whines and Jon picks him up. A second later the fireworks start and I watch in awe. Jackson loved the sound because it reminds him of pucks hitting the board. As the explosions of color light up the sky I let out a breath. It wasn't just any breath, it was all my insecurities and doubts and worries of the uncertain future. Because the only thing I know for certain is that I'm going to love this baby, and I'm going to love my husband.

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