Birthday Surprise

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Usually away games aren't that hard. They're not easy, but they really shouldn't be this hard either. I didn't get to celebrates Maisie's birthday last year because... well, you know. And I wouldn't be able to again this year because she has to stay at the UC to take pictures for the Bulls and I'm in Detroit to take on the Red Wings. It sucks.

"I'm still really bummed I can't be with you" I insist as we talk over the phone.

"How are you guys not sick of each other yet" Patrick whines as we walk back to the hotel after morning skate.

"Because were enjoyable people" I joke and he punches my arm before walking away.

"Is he gone" Maisie asks.

"Yeah he's gone" I laugh.

"Good, because I wanted to hear your voice and your voice only" she claims.

"I'm right here" I smirk.

"What do you want for your birthday" I finally ask. Usually I have something by now but I just wasn't sure this year.

"All I want from you is a win, can you get me that" she asks.

"I can try" I admit. It's awesome that she's so into hockey, makes my job a lot easier in more than one way. We talk for a little and I get increasingly sad she's not here with me messing with Hossa or having a dance party with Sharpy.

"What's the baby doing" I ask laying in the hotel bed.

"She's asleep. Jackson is making her a picture to hang up in her room. Hopefully we can actually put this one up..." she trails off.

"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry? I didn't know he would repeat me" I groan.

"It's all good, I just don't need another call from the school concerned that Jackson 'loves his family so fucking much'" she giggles.

"He's like a sponge" I comment. We continue to talk for a little before I get a nap in before the game.

We get to Joe Lewis and we're hanging in the locker room. I get changed and chill in there waiting for our cue to hit the ice. Patrick sits next to me with the brightest smile on his face.

"What's got you all rainbow kitten" I ask.

"You'll see" he responds with a smirk. I shake my head and refocus on the game before giving everyone a fist bump and taking the ice. As upset as I was that I was doing these great things and I had to do them by myself, I have to admit being on the ice was nice. I do my usual warm ups to see Patrick smiling at me again and try really hard not to get pissed off. He kept pointing into the stands but I wasn't playing his games. I continue to warm up until he skates to me nearly knocking me over.

"What is wrong with you" I snap.

"Out of the thousands of hockey players who have played in the NHL how was I ever so lucky to have my name be associated with your dumb ass. Look over there" he says pushing my head to the side and my eyes meets a pair of sparkling blue ones. I stand up and see it was Maisie with Everly strapped to her chest and Jackson playing with Bicks through the glass.

"" I ask.

"Emma asked her what she wanted for her birthday. Being the disgustingly cute couple you guys are she said she wanted to see you but wouldn't leave the kids. So they're all here to surprise you, so you better be good" he says punching my shoulder.

"You helped with this didn't you" I smirk.

"Whatever" he says and I start smiling.

"You looooove me" I tease.

"Don't make me regret this Jonny. Please don't" he laughs.

"In all seriousness, thank you. You're the best" I say and he nods.

"You're a great guy. I might give you a hard time but it's all in good fun. What you have with Maisie is special and I'm just happy to be a part of it" he shrugs. I thank him again before skating up to the glass. Everly was confused at first with her noise canceling headphones on but as soon as I took off my helmet she figured it out. I put my glove on the glass and Maisie puts her hand up there causing Everly to laugh. I know I'm here to do my job but I have daddy duties too, why not get both done at once?

We end winning the game in a shoot out and plan to fly home as a happy team... or so I thought. Patrick takes my wrist and pulls me out into the hallway where my family was waiting for me.

"Wait, aren't we about to leave" I ask.

"We are, you aren't. You have a birthday to celebrate and a hotel waiting for you" he informs me and I smile bright.

"Seriously? The organization is okay with this" I wonder. 

"They encouraged it. You're important to your team but your more important to your family. We know you are upset you couldn't spend time with Maisie on here birthday so here. Enjoy" he says pushing me towards my family. I look at them for a little until they walk into my arms.

"You guys are the best" I mumble.

"You did great tonight daddy! Nice assist" Jackson cheers. I pick him up and I cant believe how big he's getting. He is eight now, but still kind of small.

"Thanks big man, how was practice yesterday" I ask.

"Good. I got a new line mate and he's awesome" he smiles.

"That's good bud" I reply to tickling his side. Maisie laces her fingers through mine and pulls me behind her.

"Where are we going" I ask.

"To get food, I'm hungry" she smiles. We find an American Coney Island and decide to eat there. We order our hot dogs and enjoy some family time.

"I still can't believe you guys are here" I admit.

"I couldn't be happier to be here" Maisie smiles. I place a kiss on her lips and I feel my heart stop. God I love her.

"I cannot wait to marry you" I inform her.

"Five months" she smiles. I twist the ring around her finger and she squeezes my hand. Everly starts crying and we figure out that she needed to be changed. Like really needed to be changed. I take her and get her cleaned up but not before taking pictures with her and sending them to the team. I return to the table and Maisie is laughing as hard as I've ever seen her laugh.

"What did I miss" I ask sitting down and placing Everly on my lap.

"Jackson say it again" Maisie cries.

"I said this is the best wiener ever, and I've had a lot of wieners" he says assuredly and Maisie falls into a fit of laughter.

"I cannot believe you're turning 24" I laugh shaking my head.

"Me either" she admits. We head to the hotel and put the kids to bed before cuddling into bed ourselves.

"Happy birthday baby" I say softly. She moved so her head rests on my chest and snakes her arms around me.

"I love you so much, thank you" she whispers and I kiss the top of her head.

"I love you too."

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