Go Cubs Go

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I pull on the only Cubs jersey I own and fix my long black hair. I put on my favorite jean shorts and blue nikes before grabbing sun glasses and placing them on my head. After getting Jackson ready and finally convincing him he can't wear a hockey jersey we were all set. I get sunscreen applied before getting pulled out the door.

"Wait! You have something on your face" Jonathan says as we get to the car. I stop and turn to him ad he wears a playful smile on his face.

"Oh shoot, where" I ask trying to find the spot.

"Here" he smirks before placing his lips on mine. I laugh halfway through the kiss and he starts to pout.

"I'm sorry, but that was really cute. Come here" I say giving him a real kiss. We drive over to Wrigley and Jackson insists on not only buying a bunch of food, but carry it all.

"Where's Jackson and why is this pile of food following me" I joke.

"I'm right here mommy" he cheers and I laugh. I follow Jonny as he led us to our seats. It was the exact same ones as we got two years ago.

"How'd you manage this" I ask siting down right where I first saw him.

"You win a cup and you get things. Plus I've had this planned for a while" he admits with a blush forming in his cheeks. Cute. We sit down and eat our hot dogs and cotton candy before the game even started.

"So, you excited to get this season started" I ask as they take the field.

"Really excited, no one has repeated since 97-98 and I want to be the first to do it. We still have a good team, even after losing a bunch of guys, and a good four line rotation. It's going to be hard to top this past year, but I'm up for a challenge" he shrugs.

"What about you? You're no longer a rookie, what are you looking forward too" he asks.

"Getting Jackson all his stuffed animals. It sounds silly but that's pretty cool. I'm excited to keep taking pictures, even if there might be too much of a certain player" I smirk.

"I don't see a problem" he claims and I roll my eyes.

"What about you little man. Games start up soon and you start kindergarten this year! That's pretty cool" I smile. I'm still in denial he's getting older but that's not making him any younger.

"I can't wait to see everyone again! I hope I get a nice and pretty teacher. But if I'm not in a class with Henry I will actually die. I am excited to make new friends too, but only with Henry. And now I get to show everyone the skills I learned during the summer in the basement" he cheers. We had turned the basement into a training facility. There was a stick handling course and target practice. After we got the pads up on the walls I haven't seen Jackson. The boy takes at least a hundred shots a day. He works on his strides and accuracy and stick handling all day, and so does Jon. But I wouldn't have it any other way because I know the two I love most in this world are doing what they love and that makes me happy.

"Glad to hear you're excited" I respond tipping his cap. We enjoy they game in the warm September sun and watch a Cubs win. After the game we walk around downtown and get the rest of the last sliver of peace and quiet in. I stroll past a little liquor store and my eyes graze it. I stop when I see a newspaper with a picture of Jon and I and Jackson from that day in the store plastered across the front with the words "Captains Fine Prize" under it. I feel my chest tighten as everything turns dark. The absolute last thing I need was someone researching me because it won't be too hard to find out Jackson isn't really mine. He's just starting a new hockey team and actual school, I don't him hearing about this too. We've been doing so well. My breathing picks up as Jonathan notices my distress. He catches my stare and sees the paper.

"You take Jackson home and I'm going to get to the bottom of this okay" he says and I nod. I give him my keys and we take a taxi back to the house. We sit in Jacksons admittedly awesome net hammock just pondering our thoughts. He was wrapped up in my arms playing with my hair as I held in to him for my dear life. I let a tear fall as the terrible thoughts consume me. That little boy was my everything, the only meaningful thing that came from my childhood and the only reason for my happiness. It was a miracle my mom stayed clean long enough to keep him healthy and I didn't want his problems to be from me. I didn't want him to think of me any differently. I didn't want him to believe I love him any less because he's not really mine. I didn't want him to ever feel unwanted or unloved. Jonathan comes home and Jackson was napping on his bed.

"Good news is that they think you're his mom. Whether they know if he isn't actually yours or not has yet to be seen. They just call you his mom not a legal guardian or something. Bad news is that they're not going to stop. As time goes on the microscope will get closer and closer and eventually they'll find out" he says pulling me into a hug.

"I'm sorry. This is my fault. I shouldn't have blown up at that reporter or should have made it so they wouldn't find out" he sighs.

"I don't want you thinking that this is your fault for a second. Coming into this relationship I knew this would come, I was just hoping it was farther down the road. He's going to know what happened and he's going to hear it from me. Just not until I know he is ready" I explain.

"How do you know when he's ready" he wonders.

"When I'm ready."

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