The Pure Bred and the Mutt

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Today I attend my last scheduled appointment with Dr. Williams and I was actually kind of sad. But with Jons parents in town for the baby they want to get a lot of wedding stuff done before the she gets here, so it'll be nice to have my afternoons back. I was due any day now and was ready to face the world head on. We just wanted a review day and to make sure there won't be a problem going forward.

"You have some big events coming up in your life here pretty soon, you feel like you're ready" she asks and I laugh.

"When you're with a professional hockey player you learn to expect the unexpected. I never stressed about things I can't control, that's for sure. But the wedding is coming along nicely and we're ready for the baby" I assure her.

"That's good. Is there anything else you feel like you need to get off your chest or questions you might have" she asks.

"I do have one thing on my mind. It's not about my childhood or my parents, that's all clear now. It's about Jon. Sometimes I feel like... like I'm not good enough for him. Like he deserves better than what I can given him. I try to stay away from articles and social media but I can't help but see what they say sometimes. He's a pure bred and I'm a mutt. I had to get professional help to figure my life out while he's known what he wanted to do since he was a fetus. He's known for being this perfect Canadian boy who always wins when I have more losses than anything to my name. It's hard sometimes, knowing that he's skipping across the clouds free as a bird and I'm like a anchor or anvil attached to the ground. It sucks. I don't ever say this to him because he would flip out talking about how 'I'm the best thing to ever happen to him' or something to assure me it's nothing like that. He thinks of me as his better half, but I don't" I admit.

"If you spend you're whole relationship looking up to him you're neck is going to hurt. In the end Jonathan is just a human. He poops out his ass hole and picks his nose, it's human nature. He's a great guy, but in your eyes he's so much more. That's love. And love is blind, he doesn't see the things you're seeing in you. He sees every good part about you because he loves you, he doesn't care about your baggage. If you let him he'l help you carry it. And out of all the pretty girls he's come across in his life he chose you. You said that first day he followed you around until Jackson called him out, he was just 21 and was willing to take you and Jackson in without a second thought. I don't care who you are, that sounds like a lovesick puppy to me.

Naturally you're going to have these feelings, society created classes for a reason. And it sucks that we always find reasons to separate ourselves but I assure you that it's not about where you guys have been while you're apart, it's about where you're going together. But you have to know he loves you a lot. When he called me and asked if I could talk to you I could hear in his voice that he wanted nothing more than for you to be okay with your situation. He wants so bad for you to see you the way he does. Because he is more than found if you, he's putting his all in you with no regrets and that's a good investment if you ask me. He might not have come from the same place as you but you guys are going to the same place and that's all that matters" she assures me.

"Thanks Dr. Williams" I smile.

"Logan" she smirks causing my smile to grow.

"Logan" I repeat. I leave and she gives me her cell number and I give her mine. She was really funny and really understanding, two great traits in a friend. She knows more about me than anyone, including myself. But she didn't use my past to sell it to the papers or hold it against me, that's all I wanted in a friend.

I arrive home where I find Jackson and Jonathan were playing super hero in the basement. I walk down a few steps and watch for a little as Jackson was Captain America and Jonny was Iron Man. They put Dagger in a soilder uniform and was chasing him around 'fighting' him. I grab my camera and snap some pictures before Jonathan's eyes meet mine through the lens.

"Ah! The fair maiden is trapped in the stair case! We must free her" Jonathan yells putting his shield high above his head. He darts up the stairs and pulls me down safely.

"I got her Captain! You get the bad guy" Jon instructs and Jackson picks up Dagger and takes off his outfit revealing a American flag bandana. Where did he even find that?

"The bad guy is defeated and we have the girl! Victory is ours" Jackson yells and I laugh. How I wish there was always a happy ending like this.

"Isn't this the part of the movie when the good guy kisses the beautiful girl" Jon smirks causing me to blush. He lightly kisses my lips before deepening it.

"Ew" Jackson yells and we break apart.

"What about the part of the movie where the little boy ruins a good moment" I ask.

"Yeah, they usually keep that part out of the movie" he mumbles causing me to snicker.

We meet Jons parents and Nicole at Chicago Cut for a big family dinner because I just really didn't feel like cooking. I wanted to get rid of the last thing I made, which was a baby.

"I've missed you guys so much" Nicole says hugging me.

"I saw you at Jons birthday party earlier this week" I laugh.

"Still" she shrugs and I roll my eyes. We sit down and enjoy a nice meal. Andreé tells me that she bought a bunch of baby things for their house for when we come up which makes me excited. I loved visiting Canada and Jons brother. She talks about some other things they got for the wedding and I thank her a million times for doing all of this.

"You're seriously the best mom ever" I say and they all stare at me. Many of them don't know I've been through counseling and my mind frame is different, but it's nice to know everyone was worried about setting me off in the first place.

"I'm serious. I look up to you. Jon is a great guy and you worked wonders with him. I see Jackson doing some of the same things he does, it makes me feel like I'm doing something right. I'm so happy I can give you your first grandchild and everything that comes with it" I admit. She smiles bright and I feel Jon place his hand on my thigh.

"That's sweetie. Although you guys aren't married yet I always considered you my daughter. The things you've done for Jon is crazy, he loves you and Jackson so much. And I do too" she says and I feel a tear fall. Stupid hormones. Jonathan wipes it away and squeezes my leg before I assure him I'm okay. We eat the great food Michael prepared for us and share a lot of laughs. We all head our separate ways and I crawl into bed with Jon.

"So I had my last meeting with Dr. Williams today" I say and he pulls me closer before playing with my hair.

"How did that go" he asks.

"Really well. She's worked wonders for me and I really liked talking to her. You were right" I say and he pops up onto his forearms.

"What did you just say" he asks in a playful voice and I cover my face with my hands.

"Why are should like this" I laugh.

"Because I'm immature. Now say it again" he demands taking my hands from my face.

"You're right" I giggle and he smiles before laying back down next to me.

"She also said she wanted to talk to you too. It's better for the process and would help her with her research" I say and he laces his fingers through mine.

"I can do that. No problem" he says squeezing my hand making me feel safe. Nice.

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