Tears of Joy

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I roll over Christmas morning with a smile on my face. I open my eyes to see Jonathan with his mouth slightly open as he softly snores. I've never slept with someone before, but if it's always like this I can get used to it. The door creeks open and a half asleep Jackson appears.

"Mommy" he asks looking around.

"Right here baby" I reply and he crawls into bed with us. He curls into my arms and I absentmindedly play with his hair.

"Is it Christmas yet" he whispers.

"Yeah, it is buddy. You excited" I ask.

"Yeah! When is daddy getting up" he wonders.

"I don't know. Why don't you wake him up" I suggest and he nods. He climbs on top of Jonathan and takes a good look at him before jumping up and down on his side. Once Jon calms down he grows a smirk.

"That's gonna cost you mister" he grins.

"No" Jackson yells trying to get away but Jonathan pulls him back and starts ticking him. He squirms violently moving his arms and legs around trying to get out of Jonathan's grasp.

"Mommy help" he cries out.

"Okay" I reply and join Jonathan with the tickling. Eventually we stop and all just lay in bed.

"Merry Christmas" Jon says kissing Jacksons head then mine. I smile to myself as I lay tangled with the two who I loved the most.

After breakfast we bring out gifts and pass them out. No ones stash compared to what Jackson got, he was spoiled. I wasn't afraid to admit that. But he understood no meant no and that he isn't entitled to anything so I didn't see a problem. You can be spoiled and still be humble, that was Jackson. He was just a cute kid who you just so happened to want to give everything to.

"Okay Jackson, open your presents" I advise and it doesn't take him but a second to dig in. His blue eyes keep searching as he tears through everything. There could have been a pencil in there and he would have loved it. There was a lot of Spiderman clothes and hockey related things. So a lot of red. His favorite was probably Patrick's gift which was a new stick that had Jacksons name in it. Jon sets a little box in my lap and encourages me to open it up. After me acting like I didn't want it I finally open it. Inside was a circular locket with the picture of us and Patrick decorating the tree a few weeks ago on the inside. Inside the other side was the quote "God bless the broken road that lead me straight to you". I feel a tear slip as I cover my mouth, this was by far the nicest thing I have ever gotten. One of the few things I've ever gotten actually.

"Jonathan, I don't know what to say" I whisper. He puts it on me and I look down at it as it rested over my heart.

"Mommy are you sad" Jackson asks crawling in my lap and giving me a hug.

"No baby, these are happy tears" I assure him and caress his cheek. He gives me a toothy smile and I smile back. How could I not? I help Bryan clean up and Jackson was already out on the rink in his skates and new stick with a jersey on.

"What you're doing for your brother, it's really cool" Bryans says and he throws away some wrapping paper.

"Thanks, but he makes it all worth it. I know he deserved to at least have the opportunity to have a better life. I just want him to be happy so bad" I admit.

"And what about you, are you happy" he asks.

"Yeah. Ask me that a few years ago I would have a different answer. But as of right now I can't complain about anything. I have a good job and I graduate next semester. Jackson is happy and healthy and Jonathan has been nothing but good to me. Sometimes it seems too good to be true" I laugh.

"You're a great girl, I can tell by the way you care for Jack and Jon. You lead with your heart and follow with your brain, you seem to have it figured out. The way Jon was talking about you I thought he made you up to get Andreé off his back. But you're real and even better than he said. I'm glad you agreed to spend the holidays with us" he smiles.

"Glad to be a part of this" I reply. We finish cleaning up and grab our skates to join the boys and Andreé in the backyard.

"Mommy watch me" Jackson yells and springs across the rink before falling over.

"Jon, I thought you were teaching him how to stop" I laugh.

"I did, he's just really into the sliding" he shrugs.

"Well it looks like I got a little defenseman on my hands" I say placing him back to his skates. He darts off and grabs his new stick and a puck before messing around with Jonny. I watch as they pass the puck back and fourth until Jonny decided to play keep away and the poor kid was no match. I stand back and talk to Jonathan's mom and really get to know her. She was so proud of Jonathan and what he's accomplished, she had a good reason to be. He was already set up to be one of the best with Coach Q now in charge and great people to lead.

"I think someone is hungry" Jonathan says skating over with Jackson on his hip.

"Yeah dad, it's you" Jackson says and Jon shushes him. After a tiny slap fight we head inside for grilled cheese and soup and enjoy the meal. I look as Bryan and Andreé talk with Jon about hockey and the Olympics and can't help but feel a little sad. I wonder what I could have done if my parents didn't abandon me, if they even gave me a little chance to do well in life. But I'll never know.

"Thanks so much for having us, we're having a wonderful time" I say out loud to no one in particular.

"Oh it was our pleasure" Andreé says and I nod. Not too long after dinner we all wash up and head to bed, we had a early flight tomorrow and had to be up before the sun. I crawl into bed and Jonathan's pulls me close before I even get a chance to complain that I was cold.

"Merry Christmas baby" he mumbles.

"Merry Christmas Jon."

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