This Crazy Thing Called Life

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2012 seemed to fly by in the blink of an eye and soon enough our little girl was already turning one. Quite an advanced baby if you ask me too, she can walk with no assistance and has the finger strength of a professional rock climber. Good luck trying to get anything out of her hands. Her speech was coming along, she talked a lot but we just don't know what she's saying. Sadly the Hawks were knocked out in the first round again and Jonathan was really bummed about that. I mean really upset, that's his team and he takes a lot of the blame for what happens to them. But after reminding him there's still next year he loosened up a little. I can tell it's still bothering him but he's a lot better now.

Jackson got the honor of planning Everly's birthday party and I actually adored it. The house was Minnie Mouse themed with pink and grey decorations everywhere. Everyone had Minnie Mouse ears and I was in love with it. I snap a bunch of pictures and walk around saying hi to everyone as the party keeps moving.

"Everything looks really good. Great job babe" Jon says kissing the top of my head.

"Thanks, too bad she won't remember any of this" I chuckle.

"That's why you have this" he says messing with my camera. I know it was a older model but I loved the hell out of this thing. I snap a bunch of pictures and make sure everyone is eating the uber amount of food I've made.

"Present time" Jackson asks tugging at my jeans.

"Not yet, little man. We're still waiting for uncle Patrick and Aunt Emma and Henry" I remind him.

"Oh yeah" he gasps before running off and messing with Jon. Finally Patrick and everyone arrives and we get into the cake first. Being a product of Jonathan and I she dives in face first. Cake gets sent flying everywhere as the parents watch in horror and pure entertainment. She lifts her face and looks straight at me with the biggest smile on her face. She claps her messy hands together making a bigger mess and I just shake my head. That's my girl.

"I want to do that" Jackson cheers running up to the cake.

"Oh no you don't" I laugh holding him back and he sticks his bottom lip out. I clean up Everly and Jon cuts the backup cake we had in case something like this happened. I take her to her room and change her into a new onesie.

"You're one messy baby, you know that" I tease and she starts kicking her legs and arms with the biggest smile on her face. I wonder what could possibly be going through her mind. I bring her downstairs and the present master helps her open the stockpile of gifts. Jackson rips off the paper and shows off what was in the insides and she happily plays with the things she did not get, which was the wrapping paper or boxes. She got a lot of clothes and toys which made me happy because I didn't have to buy this stuff. Eventually everyone leaves and Jonathan and I pack her things away. She was really tired so we put her down for a nap and Jackson joins her. I collapse on the bed tired as ever and let out a loud grunt.

"Whatever could be wrong with my almost wife" Jonathan asks climbing on top of me.

"I'm tiredddd" I whine causing him to laugh.

"Then take a nappppp" he teases.

"No, I want to spend all the time I can with you" I smirk wrapping my arms around him. He places a kiss on my lips and I melt into him.

"I cannot wait to marry you" he whispers.

"Why is that" I wonder.

"Although it is impossible to love you more than I do, I just want to be able to introduce you as my wife. To see Maisie Toews on your pictures, it's going to mean the world to me. I can't wait for someone to ask who the beautiful and powerful and inspirational woman under my arm is and I can say that that fine piece of ass is my wife" he says and I smack his arm.

"Ow, I was kidding" he laughs.

"I love you too" I smile. He rolls over so I'm on top of him and I place my hands on his chest. He massages my hips as he rolls them into his.

"Are you sure you're okay, I know you're still upset" I insist.

"Yes, I promise" he says and I nod. I didn't believe him but I wasn't going to stress him out.

"Are you ever going to tell me where we're going for our honeymoon" I ask.

"You actually told me where you wanted to go, but you were a little too drunk to remember" he says rubbing his hands up and down my sides.

"Don't remind me, I am never even looking at a drink again" I say rolling my eyes.

"You can drink, just not that much" he insists.

"There was a reason I didn't drink, that just further proves that I shouldn't. I'm good with water and sparkling grape juice" I insist. We lay in bed for a little before the baby monitor goes off.

"The birthday girl is crying" I mumble into his chest.

"It's my birthday I can cry if I want to" he sings causing me to giggle. He was funny. We get up and tend to the sad child. We give her a teething ring and that seemed to calm her.

"Life is pretty crazy, isn't it" he says and I look at him questionably.

"Well yeah, I guess so" I agree.

"Never would I have thought this would be where I'm at in this point in my life. But now that I have you and Jackson and our baby girl, I couldn't imagine it any other way. I don't want to. It's crazy that this is where I am, but a good type of crazy" he explains. I smile up at him as he watches over our baby. It was pretty crazy, wasn't it?

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