See You Again

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I was enjoying the Cubs game and watching Jackson soak up the sun. It was our first Cubs game and although he was excited for it, he was more excited that he met the great Jonathan Toews. It was a cool September day and it was really nice to get out for once, Chicago sure was pretty. We don't get to do a lot together and I adore every second we have alone, so this was really nice. Midway through the fifth inning he turns to talk to me but moves his head and find someone he knows. I look at him questionably as he is extremely terrified of strangers and the people around here aren't exactly... approachable. I turn to see no one other than Jonathan Toews sitting there two rows up waving back with a cute little smile on his face. Jackson keeps telling me that Jonathan was his new best friend, and I guess he wasn't lying. A smile finds its way on my face knowing that he was making Jacksons day that much better, it was sweet of him. Before I know it he makes his way down and was standing right next to me. I swallow hard as his muscular body towers over me. His jaw line very defined and broad shoulders shadowing me.

"Mind if I sit next to you" he asks with his deep voice that shook me to my core and my eyes go wide. He wanted to sit with me?

"Tazer" Jackson yells and he lets out a deep chuckle.

"I know you're excited to see me little guy. I need to know if this lovely young lady would care if I joined you guys" he says turning to me.

"Ummm, not at all" I smile and he takes the empty seat next to me.

"I'm Jonathan" he smiles sticking out his hand.

"I'm Maisie" I reply shaking his hand.

"Wow, that's a really pretty name for a real pretty girl" he says and I feel the blush form in my cheeks. I take the time to look at him because he looks a lot different than he did with pads and a jersey on. He was actually really... cute.

"Have you been watching us" I ask and he laughs nervously.

"Honestly... yes. I really enjoyed talking to Jackson earlier and I wanted to get to know him, and you" he admits.

"Why me" I ask.

"I don't know. I just felt like I needed to meet you, so you tell me" he says. Jackson crawls from my lap to his and I sit in shock. Jackson never reached out to many other people besides me and my roommate Nicole. Especially not of the male gender, he's never done this before. But I was happy he was branching out.

"So little man, how has your day been so far" he asks and Jack smiles up at him.

"Amazing. I love the Cubs" he cheers and I laugh. Such a sweet innocent little kid he is.

"Who's your favorite player" Jonathan asks.

"You" he smiles and I laugh. He wasn't lying. They talk about hockey and baseball for a little and I watch it all happen. Jackson really isn't good with other men, and rightfully so. But he sure let his walls down easily for Jonathan, hopefully that doesn't happen to me...

"So Maisie, you from around here" he asks as Jackson watches the game from his knee.

"Born and raised" I smile and he nods.

"What is it you do" he wonders.

"I work at a restaurant as the head chef but I'm going to school for photography. What do you do" I ask and his eyes go wide.

"I'm kidding. I've never missed a hawks game" I laugh and he relaxes. We talk a little and I tell him as much as I'm willing to let him know. He keeps trying to see if Jack is actually my child and it's actually kind of flattering. But I hope he knows it won't be that easy.

"Listen. I have to go sing the seventh inning stretch with Kaner then I'll be right back" he says to Jack and he nods along. Jonathan takes off and Jack crawls back into my lap. He turns to me with wide blue eyes and I feel my heart smile.

"Are you two going to get married" he asks and I nearly choke on my water.

"What? Why do you think that" I ask cleaning myself up.

"Because you guys like each other" he shrugs.

"I do not like him" I defend. That was a lie but I didn't need him going around telling everyone that.

"Yeah you do" he insists.

"Do not!"

"Do so!"

"Do not!"

"Do so!"

We go back and fourth until it come time for the stretch and we stop to listen. After quite possibly the worst rendition of Take Me Out to the Ball Game Jonathan returns with Patrick and three hot dogs.

"You guys hungry" he asks and we both nod our heads.

"Patrick here ate his on the way over" Jonathan laughs and he shrugs. We eat our Chicago style hot dogs and Jackson made quite a mess. He was upset at first but I promised we could get him all fixed up. Jackson insisted on going with Patrick to look at the merchandise and I reluctantly let him go. I hated when he wasn't with me but he's growing up. Not every day does he get to chill with a NHLer, let alone the youngest captain in the NHL and the reigning rookie of the year.

"So... Jack is your son" Jon finally asks once they are far enough away. I knew it was coming but we were having such a great time, I thought that maybe it wouldn't come up.

"No, Jack is not mine. But he doesn't know that nor does he need to find out" I explain. Why I was telling him this was beyond me.

"Where are his parents" he wonders.

"Our parents are someone else's problems now. Jack has been mine since he was born and legally since I was 18, because even though I had no money and no experience in raising a kid it was still better than leaving him with our parents" I sigh twirling a curl around my finger.

"I'm sorry... We don't have to talk about that. Why don't you tell me why you chose photography" he says and I smile.

"Because it gives me freedom to create something. Something that might not be there to the naked eye can be seen through a camera lens. Plus you have the ability to capture life's best moments, it's all so cool" I drag on. I talk for probably ten minutes straight and he never takes his eyes off me. I felt so comfortable with him and I hate that I let him in so easily.

"I'm sorry, I'm rambling" I giggle.

"Don't be sorry. I like the sound of your voice" he smirks. Eventually Patrick and Jackson return and Jackson had a entire knew Cubs outfit over his stained hawks jersey.

"Oh my god" I say covering my smile and Jon starts cracking up.

"I don't know what happened... He's so cute and I couldn't tell him no" Patrick says frantically.

"Mommy look what Patrick got me" he says jumping up and down, his sleeves nearly touching the ground. I hate being handed things, but he doesn't usually get nice stuff like this and he looked really happy. I wasn't going to let my pride deny him his happiness.

"You look great sweetie. What do you tell Patrick" I say as he crawls in my lap once again.

"Thank you for buying me these cool things. I love them" he says messing with his new hat. Eventually the game ends and I pack my things up. All of his stuff was thrown into a backpack and onto my back as we head to the exit.

"Hey Maisie, I was wondering... if I could get your number..." Jonathan says slowly. I honestly wasn't expecting this to go much further. I wanted it to but what does a guy like that have to do with someone like me? I was expecting a nice goodbye and thanks for everything. But I guess he had other ideas.

"Umm sure" I say and he hands me his phone. I type my number in and hand it back to a smiling Jonathan.

"Can't wait to see you again" he smirks and I smile back. I couldn't wait to see him again either.

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