Baby Girl

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I was excited for today's check up appointment, not only because Jonathan didn't have practice and could be there, but because we find out the gender of our baby. I'm over halfway through the pregnancy and finally started growing recently. Any excuse to by new clothes I'm up for, especially because there's a kid in there.

They check my vitals and make sure that everything has been going smooth. The morning sickness is gone and besides the weird cravings I was experiencing nothing out of the ordinary. Then came time for the sonogram and I was excited. Emma was planning the baby shower and wanted to know the gender so she can get things set up and send out invitations. We insisted on knowing immediately so we could work on the room and other things before the baby shower. With all of this, talks of playoffs starting up, plus trying to work and take care of Jackson on top of it I wasn't interested in waiting any longer.

"Is this your first kid" the nurse asks before softly laying me on my back and pulling my shirt up.

"Yeah. I've raised a kid but he wasn't mine" I explain.

"At least you're prepared. It's always easier the second time around. Fair warning, this is going to feel cool" she says while putting a gel like substance on my stomach. She moves the camera around and stops when she hears the heartbeat. There sat our little baby just existing.

"Wow" Jon gasps as the heartbeat echoes through the room. I grab his hand and squeeze it causing him to look at me. I look into those brown puppy dog eyes and melt in them. Those things were something else.

"Alright... looks like the happy couple will be having..." she pauses causing me to roll my eyes. Such a tease.

"A girl. Congratulations guys" she smiles and my heart skips. A baby girl. I see a tear form in Jons eye and catch it before it falls. The nurse cleans me up then allows us to have little moment there. I take his hand and place it on my tummy as he smiles down at me.

"This is the coolest moment of my life. Hearing that sweet sound, finding out that we're having our first girl. It's all so exciting" he smiles.

"I love hearing that, but now what" I laugh.

"Well we tell Emma so she can get things set up and we can go home to look for things for the baby room. One of us have never done this before" he laughs.

"Sounds good to me" I admit. I call Emma and tell her it's a girl. After claiming she knew it all along and screaming for about five minutes she lets me go. Jon and I spend the afternoon trying to pick out a theme for her room. Jackson insists she would love a hockey themed room but all of our other rooms are hockey themed.

"What about this" I ask pointing to a picture. It was a dark grey room with a white tree painted on it. The leaves were pictures cut out in the shape of the leaves and it looked real sharp. The white crib had a pasty pink blanket in it and the light that hung from the ceiling had pink and purple and blue flowers on it. It was really cute.

"I like that. Plus if we have another kid it wouldn't be too hard to change" he admits.

"Did we just pick out our baby room" I ask.

"Woah. We just did" he chuckles.

"Promise you won't leave me hanging on this" I beg. I know he's busy but I needed him with me. And bad.

"Of course not. How could you think that" he asks.

"Because that's what I do. I worry that people will never be there when I need them most. That's how I learned to do things for myself. But this is bigger than me, it's us and our baby and I'm scared. So much can go wrong and sometimes it's hard not to think about that stuff. I know you're not going anywhere, but with hockey and you being such a huge figure I... I don't know" I admit. I knew he wouldn't leave me or hurt me in the slightest, but all I know is pain. It's hard to think of a brighter future when all you know is darkness.

"Maisie look at me. I'm not going anywhere. You are giving me something hockey could never contend with. You're giving me a lifetime of laughs and smiles and love. When I'm done with hockey and too old to do anything, you're going to be the one who stays. I know you're scared, I am too. But I know better than to worry about these things, I know you wouldn't let me or the baby down and you have to know it too. Yes, you're the one carrying the baby, but we're in this together. I promise I will be nothing but helpful no matter the circumstances. I'll rub your feet or find to get ice cream at 2 am if you want. I don't care. I love you and the baby so much, nothing will change that" he insists and I let out a breath. I know I was being over dramatic but I couldn't help it. There's a lot on the line here and I'm not worried about Jon being a bad dad. The boy could do no wrong in my eyes. But I only know what's happened, and I have to trust what will happen will be better.

"Okay, you're right" I say and he smirks.

"What did you just say" he teases and I giggle.

"You're not going to make me say it again" I whine.

"Yes I am because we might be having a child but I'm childish. Say it again" he begs.

"Fine... Jonathan you are right. A ass hole, but right" I laugh and he kisses my forehead.

"Was that so bad" he asks and I nod my head. Eventually we pick Jackson up from practice and have popcorn while watching whichever hockey game was on tv.

"What are you going to name the baby" Jackson asks.

"I don't know. What do you think we should name her" I ask as he sat squished between Jon and I. He taps his chin running through his options.

"I like Everly. Or Evie for short" he says and I look down at him.

"That's a beautiful name... where did you get that from" I ask and he shrugs.

"Pretty girl in my class" he shrugs and I nearly spit out my drink.

"That's my boy" Jonny smirks and I hit his arm.

"You didn't tell me you had a crush" I tease.

"You didn't ask" he shrugs. Typical Patrick answer.

"I demand to meet this lady" I say.

"We're just friends mom. Girls are still gross, she's just not as gross as the other girls" he explains.

"Wow... such a way with words" I comment and he sticks his tongue out. I tuck him into bed and Jon and I play Bless the Broken Road. It's become a nightly ritual and I didn't mind, I still loved that song. After he was asleep I made his lunch for tomorrow before crawling into bed.

"Goodnight Angel" Jon mumbles pulling me in.

"Goodnight Jon."

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