Not Your Place to Tell

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"Okay buddy. Lets make sure you're all set. We got your cloths, underwear, shampoo and conditioner, toys, shoes, am I missing anything" I ask and Jackson shakes his head. I take him up to Jonathan's door and I can tell he's about to cry.

"Don't you use those eyes on me" I warn as his bottom lip starts trembling.

"Jackson Andrew you stop it right now" I warn. Now the tears fall more steadily and I let out a long breath. I pick him up and he latches his arms around me and grabs my shirt.

"You're not making this easy" I sing sing as Jonathan watches from behind us. I've never left him before, his whole life I've never been gone for more than a few hours at a time. And now I was going to spend two weeks without him. I know he doesn't need me but he wants me and I felt terrible for leaving him.

"Do you have to leave" he asks sniffling into my hair.

"Yes baby, I gotta go take pictures. But I'll bring back a toy from each hockey arena I go to, I promise" I say and he wipes his nose. I set him down and look into his eyes.

"You're going to be good for grandma and grandpa right" I ask and he nods.

"I'll call every night and I want to hear good things" I say kissing his forehead. I brush his hair out of his face and look into those killer eyes. Eventually I hand him over and Jonathan pulls me out of his apartment.

"Please tell me I'm doing the right thing" I beg.

"Sometime the best decision is the hardest decision" he smirks and I hit his chest.

"I told you that" I laugh and he shrugs.

"It's good advice" he admits. We board the plane and I look out the window. Part of the reason I wanted to come was to get out of my comfort zone, experience new things and be a little spontaneous for once.

"What are you thinking about" he asks.

"That I've never been a plane before and I hope we don't die" I joke and he rolls his eyes.

"I'm serious" he claims.

"I don't know, beside Christmas with you last year I've never left Chicago before. I don't know what to expect" I admit.

"Well you're lucky because you have the best hockey tour guide ever. I know all the best places to eat and visit. You're in good hands" he tells me.

"Ohhhh Captain Serious, I hate to inform you that I am a way better tour guide" Sharpy chirps.

"How so" Jonathan asks.

"Because, Captain Baby Face, it is one of the many things I'm just naturally superior at. Like growing a playoff beard" he informs him.

"Must you insult me" Jon laughs.

"Well Captain Flips Flops, Kaner is asleep so I must stay entertained somehow" Sharpy claims. They go back and fourth and I watch life pass me by outside. Canada was super cool and I wouldn't wait to explore.

We land and the first place Jonathan takes me is the hockey hall of fame. We walk around and read all the cool facts and look at the history.

"You're going to be in here some day" I mention.

"You really think so" he ask.

"Yeah, you've already done so much and you're just 21. You have won gold for your country at almost every level and I'm sure with the Olympics coming up you'll cap that off. You're the third youngest captain ever and took your team to the conference finals the first year. You have the intangibles. Sure Messier scored a lot and has a great resume, but what he did off the ice is what he's known for. You're a great player too, but it's your personality that is what separates you. People follow you" I tell him.

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