Two Years

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Jackson started kindergarten last week and the teacher has already contacted us about moving him up a grade. The kid is a borderline genius, but we don't want him to overload. With him starting a higher tier of hockey and our crazy schedules we wanted to wait until he got older before we move him up. Plus he's at a age where he doesn't want to leave his friends. All 100,000 of them. Patrick kept true to his promise over the summer in teaching him how to be crafty on the ice. What Patrick has cannot be taught, he's just naturally really freaking creative and smart. But it doesn't hurt to try.

Today marks two years since Maisie and I went on our first date. We had reservations at Chicago Cut tonight and I had a little surprise for later. I chill on my phone as I wait for her to get ready. Jackson was at practice and would be hanging with Henry and Patrick and Emma until we were done. But I never mind waiting because I know what I get will be spectacular.

After about a hour I hear our bedroom door open and raise to my feet. I nearly fall over when she comes out in a fitted floor length ruby red dress. It had a dangerously low V Cut and hung off the shoulders. Her long black hair was curled falling to her waist. She had on smoky eyes complimenting her piercing blue ones perfectly. I catch my breath as she struts over to me.

"Holy... Maisie you... you are such an amazing woman. Wow" I breath as she approaches me.

"Thanks Jon, I still feel a bit silly" she blushes.

"You should never feel silly. You could be wearing a brown paper bag and you will still be the most beautiful thing in the world to me. Every day I'm reminded just how truly amazing you are, inside and out. And I might not always have time to tell you that, but I need you to know that you always take my breath away, and I don't mind it any because you're also the reason I want to keep breathing" I admit. She looks down but I bring her blue eyes to my brown ones. She looks to my lips then back to my eyes before making herself tall and placing a kiss on my lips. She tasted just as I remembered, she smelled like vanilla and felt like a angel in my arms. Honestly the best feeling in the world.

We get to Chicago Cut where she talked to Michael about how it's been there and how things are with Nicole. I actually missed the crazy woman. We order drinks and our food and I just stare at her.

"Why are you looking at me like that" she giggles.

"I don't mean to. I just like what I see, that's all" I respond and I can see her blush. I can't believe that two years ago we sat here in these seats nearly complete strangers and now look at us. It took me two years to break her down but I still feel like we just met.

"I hope you know I think of you as some god sent reason to live. Like you were meant to save me and Jackson and finally live happily ever after" she mentions.

"I'm no god given savior, but thank you. And you... You're everything I've ever wanted in a partner and more. Even though we spend every waking hour together everything is still fresh and makes me feel alive. Even though I love knowing that you've never changed, I still wake up excited what new thing you'll bring me each day. Whether it's the way you look at me or make me feel, I reminds me that everything will be okay. Because even though you won't believe it or accept it, I love you more than anything in this world. Not the trophies or the game can come close to the happiness you and Jackson had given me. And two years doesn't seem like a long time because every second with you is precious. In my just over 22 years of life I've never felt the way you make me feel. Like I can fly or never die, like I'm the only person in the world, like you're broken road led to me" I smile.

"I tried so hard to deny myself from you. The first time you talked to me I felt you chipping away at my walls. Each second we spent together I felt weaker and weaker and I was terrified. I was fighting depression and my feelings for you at the same time, I was too blind to see that all the solutions were in you. I think the moment it all changed was when Jackson called you dad for the first time. I nearly shit myself in that moment. But that little boy let go of every known fear to him to love you and I knew I could too. So I did, I stopped pushing you away and opened my heart. It was the best decision of my life next to running away with Jackson. I can't begin to explain just what you've done for me because there are no words. Everything I told myself I wouldn't do I did for you, not because I wanted to do it to keep you around but so we can get as close as possible. And here we are two years later at the same place I first started to figure out that my broken road had reached its destination" she smiles.

"I love you so much" I smile.

"Love you too" she smiles back. We eat our food and Michael gives us a piece of chocolate cake for Jackson. After that I take Maisie on a carriage ride around the town. She scoots in under my arms and I pull her in close, just a little too afraid to let go.

"What is your biggest fear" I ask.

"I'm afraid of a lot of things. But my biggest fear is not being good enough. That I'm not good for Jackson or that you'll find someone better than me. I don't know, I'm pretty insecure but like to act big and tough. I guess I'm just scared of being hurt" she admits.

"You have to see what I see. Jackson is the happiest kid in the world because he gets to call you mom. I know you're scared he'll think of you differently when he finds out, but I promise he won't. He thinks of you as a goddess much like I do. He knows how much you love him and how much you've given up to make sure he's happy. He always asks me if you're happy or if there's something we could do to surprise you. Sometimes when we play with action figures the super heroes name is Maisie because they're so strong and helpful. You've gave him so much already, don't think you haven't. As for me, I will never find someone like you. So independent and head strong yet loving and kind. What you see as imperfections are my favorite parts about you. Like how when you want to be mad at me that dimple on your right cheek flashes causing me to smile. Or that you always cover Jackson scar when you introduce people to him but end up playing in his hair. Or how you keep telling yourself you don't need anyone, but you still want me. You're special, I would be stupid to let you go" I insist.

"Thank you for your words, they mean a lot to me" she admits.

"Of course baby" I reply kissing her head. We turn a corner and there was a huge poster of Kaner and I promoting the Hawks for this upcoming season. It was a picture Maisie took last season, she loved it. Said it was the best picture she's ever taken. Graphic design agreed and edited it and now it hangs in the heart of Chicago.

"Oh my god, is that my picture" she whispers.

"Yeah, and I didn't do this. The Hawks chose your picture because you're really good at what you do" I explains. She stares at it before turning to me.

"You are quite possible the best thing life has throw at me" she says quietly, giving me chills. I didn't know what to say so instead I press my lips to hers.

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