Facing Fears

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As much as I loved my time in Venice and all the cool things we did there, I loved my kids much  much more. I wanted to go back but I enjoyed being home where I still feel like I was living the dream every day. I return home from buying groceries and get the pool going in the back, it wasn't the beach but the view was still pretty stellar. I make sure it's a nice warm temperature and try my best to relax. That's still been pretty hard around here. Even though there's no hockey I still take pictures for the Bulls and whatever else is at the UC. I sit in the pool while Everly chilled in the floaty just listening to music play. We walk around a little as she splashes everywhere. She hated baths but loved the pool, doesn't make much sense if you ask me. The abnormally warm November air beats against me as we just exist.

"You're really cute, you know that right" I ask and she just giggles. To her everything is funny, it makes my life a lot better. It's kind of pointless to try to have a conversation with her when she knows about ten words but I know she's listening and that's good enough for me.

"Can I tell you something" I say and she looks up to me with those beautiful blue eyes.

"I'm not scared anymore. For the first time in my life I'm not scared. I want to do things and do them with Jon and you and Jackson and eventually our third baby. I want to feel this feeling that I feel when I hold you. Just this unwavering happiness that I can no longer deny. And now I get a change to have another beautiful child all over again and that too makes me happy. This ring on my finger means so much more than a few thousand dollars just sitting there. In a way, marrying Jon didn't change anything. I still love him more than most things, we're still one happy family, nothing has technically changed. Yet everything has changed. His eyes sparkle a little more, my heart beats a little faster, everything feels fresh and new. I am obsessed with this feeling, I never want this to end" I admit. Less than a second later I hear the sound of glass shattering and Jon yells "oh shit". I look at Everly who looked confused as to where the sound came from, but I had a idea.

"And there's my reality check" I laugh. I grab my baby and take her out of the pool before drying off. I pull on a shirt and set Everly in her crib before going downstairs. When we put all the hockey drills and other things down in the basement I just assumed something would get broken, I'm surprised it took that long.

When I get down there I find Jon and Jackson frantically trying to pick glass up off the floor. Jackson had the dust pan and Jon had the broom as they try to quickly sweep everything up before I noticed.

"What did you do" I laugh and they both freeze.

"He did it" they say at the same time and point at each other. I stuff my face in my hands and laugh. I couldn't be mad at them, I came into this relationship expecting something to get broken during hockey related activities, I just didn't want it to be a bone.

"Is everyone safe" I ask and they nod.

"Then I'm not mad. Just make sure you clean this all up so Dagger doesn't eat it or step on it" I say motioning to the glass. They quietly clean up arguing amongst themselves on who's fault it was and I go to make dinner. Everly sits at her high chair and I hum to myself until my phone goes off. I pick it up and see it's Emma.

"Hey girl, what's up" I ask as the food cooks in the oven.

"Nothing much. Patrick took Henry out to dinner for a guys night and I'm here just happy not to hear about the damn lockout. How are you doing" she asks.

"I'm good. We're good. My back hurts but I spent the day in the pool to keep the pressure off" I shrug.

"You're not pregnant are you" she jokes and I laugh along. I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell anyone yet. I mean I'm just five months along right now.

"You still there" she asks and I stall a little.

"Holy shit are you pregnant" she asks.

"Umm yeah. I am" I say and she starts screaming.

"You dirty whore! Why didn't you tell me" she shrieks. What a unusual response but okay.

"I haven't told anyone, not even Andreé and Bryan know. I guess we haven't gotten around to it. We don't need another baby shower because a lot of Everly's things are still in good condition and we're not around the team due to the lockout so we just haven't told anyone" I shrug.

"I hate you so much! When are you due" she asks.

"February" I smile and I can hear her jumping up and down.

"Oh my god I'm so excited I love babies" she cheers.

"Yeah? When are you and Patrick going to have a kid" I ask.

"After we're married. Let Henry soak up being a only child for a little longer" she claims. I know she was scared Patrick wouldn't want one, but I know for a fact he wants a kid of his own. He told me.

"Uh huh. Sure" I tease and I hear her laugh.

"Not everyone blossoms babies like you" she jokes and I roll my eyes.

"Is there a reason you called" I chuckle.

"No. I just miss you. We should hang out soon" she says.

"We should make the boys handle practice and go for dinner soon" I admit.

"Sounds good to me" she replies. I let her go and the boys return upstairs. They sheepishly sit at the table and fold their hands.

"I'm really not mad, I promise" I laugh.

"Really" Jackson asks.

"Really really" I smile.

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