Captian Baby Sitter

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"I can't believe you got her number" Patrick says as we chill out at our house the next day after we threw out the first pitch. We were done with training and just had practices until the preseason starts.

"I can't believe you spent $150 on Jackson" I laugh and he shrugs.

"Its the curls" he replies and fall into a fit of laughter. I look at my phone and stare at her name and number on my screen, I wanted to contact her so bad, but I wasn't sure if she wanted the same thing.

"So you gonna call her or make goo goo eyes with your phone all day" he asks.

"I don't know, I'm nervous" I admit. With one swift motion the phone was out of my hand and by Patrick's ear. After we tussle for a minute a smile comes across his face and mine drops. This can't be good.

"Hey Maisie it's Patrick. Yeah... Jonny boy didn't have the balls to call you so I thought I would do him a solid, he can thank me later" he says with a wink. He goes quiet before handing me the phone then taking his food and strutting away.

"Hey" I say slowly and her laugh echoes through the phone.

"Hello Jonathan" she giggles and I lean my arm against the counter. I was making this a lot harder than it needed to be. She was so easy to talk to if I would let it be.

"I was wondering if you were doing anything tonight, maybe we could grab a bite to eat or catch a movie" I ask biting my lip.

"I would love to... but I work from 4-10 tonight and my roommate just canceled on me so I'm frantically trying to find a sitter for Jackson" she sighs.

"I'll watch him" I say quickly then cover my mouth. I'm not sure why I just said that, I have never watched a kid before. But I'm a captain so it's the same thing, right?

"Really" she asks.

"Yeah, I mean I'm not doing anything and I would love to be anywhere that isn't with Patrick. Shoot me your address and I'll be there as soon as possible" I say. She sends me her address and I change into something a little bit nicer before heading out.

"Ohhhh you going on a date" Patrick asks from the couch. Sometimes I wish just about anyone else was my roommate.

"No, I'm babysitting Jackson" I say and his eyes go wide.

"You, the most eligible bachelor in the Chicago area that isn't me, is babysitting instead of going out" he clarifies.

"Yes, its called being a gentlemen, you should try it some time" I say patting his shoulder and heading out.

After a short drive I find the apartment building and knock on the door. She opens it and comes out to meet me in the hallway. She had her hair up in a high ponytail that reached her lower back and a apron on. She smelled like vanilla.

"Hey, thanks so much for doing this. I owe you big time" she starts as she fiddled with her thumbs.

"It's no problem. Jackson's a cool kid" I say. I love kids and he was different. A good different.

"About that, there's some things you need to know before we do this. Nothing bad, I've just worked really hard to make sure he is going to have a chance to do well in life. I shelter him but only because I have to. First thing, don't bring up or talk about family. He doesn't know anything and he doesn't need to know. Second thing, he usually isn't good with new people. Besides you and Patrick, guys can't even look at him before he starts to break down. If he starts acting weird call me as soon as possible. Last thing is that he loves you, I mean you are his hero. Most kids want to be Superman or Batman, that little boy wants to be Jonathan Toews. You agreeing to do this means the world to me, I can't put into words how much this means to me really. That little boy is my everything even if he technically is not mine. But I'm begging you don't let him down, I can't fix anymore broken hearts" she says.

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