What a Life

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The day after Christmas we had a game against the Blue Jackets at home. I had come to the conclusion that this was the best year ever even if it isn't quite over yet. I had a gold medal, Stanley cup, conn smyth, found out I'm going to be a dad, and proposed to the light of my life at Disney world. And while most people don't know about the baby or the proposal I was more than excited about it. Each second that passes I get closer to being a real life dad and marrying my best friend. After buying a house and moving in with Maisie I honestly thought I couldn't be happier, yet here I am. And as much as I wanted to run around yelling about how happy I am, I just can't quite yet. We weren't keeping anything a secret by any means. But if they don't ask, don't tell. At least that's why mom used to say.

I sit in my stall completely exhausted from traveling and all of the celebrations from the past day. We got home early this morning for morning skate then I didn't get a nap because I had to get Jackson from school while Maisie took Captain for his shots and micro chip. It's been a crazy few hours but it's worth it when I see Maisie with that ring on her finger. 

"So Captain Serious, how was your Christmas" Sharpy chirps sitting in the stall next to me. I've been meaning to get that changed.

"Why are you so mean to me" I joke.

"Because I love you, now answer my question" he demands.

"Well Maisie, Jackson and I went to Disney. We just messed around there. We got to play dress up and see the castle... amongst other things" I reply.

"Is that all" he asks and I raise a eyebrow.

"Why do you ask" I counter.

"Because I asked Kaner the same question as you and he said he had a good Christmas but not as good as yours. If he willingly admits you did something better than him then it's huge and I need to know" he insists.

"This isn't gossip girl" I laugh.

"Spill it Captain Secrets or I'll start pranking you again" he threatens. I couldn't go through that again.

"Fine. I proposed to Maisie last night and she said yes" I smile. It's still all a blur to me. But saying it out loud felt amazing.

"No fucking way" he screams and I laugh while I rub my arm he just punched.

"Yes fucking way. Nothing is set yet, its all sorts of crazy right now and there are... other things... we need to focus on. But yeah, were engaged" I explain.

"My little boy is growing up" he says with a fake sniffle and I roll my eyes. I finish my pregame ritual and hit the ice with the boys.

We win 4-1 and everyone seemed sharp. We wanted to close December out right and this was a good way. After the game the guys and their families decide to go out to dinner. I sit with Maisie under my arm and Jackson by my side, just the way I loved it. Maisie plays with her ring that now sat on her left hand under the table and I smile to myself.

"What's got you cheesin" Duncs asks from across the table.

"I'm so glad you asked. Well since we're all here I figured now is the best time to say this. Maisie and I are getting married, don't ask too many questions because this literally just happened yesterday. Yes you're all invited and if there is a bad you will all be limited on drink. So don't get too excited. And that's not all, our family of three will be a family of four come summer time" I announce. The boys let out a holler as they find anything to cheer for. I mean I could knock myself out cold and they would cheer. I don't get it

"I want to be a Godfather" Seabrook claims.

"No way, I am" Sharpy says.

"Sorry guys, it's me" Patrick chips in.

"I think you should name him Niklas" Hammer says proudly. Well that escalated quickly.

"None of this is happening" Maisie laughs and they all pout. Everyone congratulates us and asks a million questions, I might be their captain on the ice and in the room but take us away from hockey and they never listen. Nothing has been decided yet so it was a lot of "I don't know"'s or "maybe"'s said but they were excited none-the-less. And it felt good that the boys were excited too, we were a young team but a few guys had families and they worked out well, I wanted that for us. We wouldn't be perfect and I won't always be happy, but there will always be love and that is good enough for me.

"Do you want it to be a boy or a girl" Abby, Sharps wife asks. They were looking to start a family too, they just didn't know when.

"I don't care. I wouldn't mind another boy but I think Jackson would love a little sister" Maisie smiles. Jackson lights up at the mention of his name causing us all to laugh, he was excited about nearly everything, but especially this. He goes on talking about how he's going to help us around the house and would even give up hockey if we needed to. I assured him there would be no such measures but appreciate that he wants this kid as much as we do. We finish up dinner and go home completely exhausted. Maisie, Jackson, and I all fall over dramatically onto our bed and lay there. We sit in silence as time passes us by, none of us saying a word. It was.. blissful.

"I love you guys" Maisie finally says.

"Love you too" Jackson replies.

"I love you" I say pulling them into me with great force. They let out a grunt and I let them go so we could laugh. What a life.

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