Moving Up

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I sit at home waiting for a call from Emma. She's been freaking about the wedding, I'm just hoping everything was okay. I most certainly did not remember my wedding being this stressful. Then again Jon doesn't have three sisters and I honestly didn't care how things went. I just wanted to marry the man I loved.

I watch Frozen with Everly for the thousandth time as the boys trained or studied downstairs. Jon comes into the living room with Mason and sits next to me.

"So I just talked to Jackson's coaches" he trails off and I mute the tv.

"And..." I continue.

"And they want him on a travel team starting next season" he says. I swallow hard and nod. I knew he wasn't going to be able to stay on a inner city team forever if he was ever going to play up to his full potential, I just didn't think I would be this scared to let him go.

"Oh god" I groan stuffing my face into my hands.

"Please tell me everything will be okay" I beg.

"It will be. I found a triple A team here in Chicago that travels. I talked to those coaches and he was hoping we called. He said he would still play up a level and would be the top wing center. He doesn't have to move and he can stay in school. They're mostly weekend tournaments and there's someone on the team who can take him for the Canadian tournaments or the longer ones when we can't make it. It's about thirty minutes from here but it's what's best for him if you want to keep him around" he explains.

"How are we going to have time to take him places and both of us working? Everly and Mason are still really young and we can't just throw Sam to the side. He's had enough of that already. He's going to do great things, but only if we're there to help him" I sigh.

"And we can do it. I never doubt for a second there isn't something we can't do. We will find someone on the team to help out with practices and games. Sam will do whatever his heart desires and we will find some way to keep Evie preoccupied. She loves watching hockey so maybe she can go with Jackson sometimes. Those two love each other to death anyways. Everything will work out. I promise" he insists.

"Can you hold me" I ask giving him my best puppy dog eyes. He sets Mason in the crib we keep in the living room and wraps his arms around me. I close my eyes and let his scent fill my head. This was my safe place, just in his arms.

"I don't want to let him go" I admit. That was my baby, my life saver, the only reason I am happy. Without him there is no Jon or Nicole or Everly or Sam or Mason. No hockey or photography. He is everything good that has ever happened to me. Technically my first kid. For a while it was just him and I and he was my best friend. Still is. No one understands me like that kid does, we've been through thick and thin and the thought of him leaving me terrifies me.

"I know you don't, but the kid trains six hours a day five days a week. He's mastered every drill and stick handling course out there. The coaches here had nothing left to teach him and letting him run around in circles here won't help him in the long run. He needs a challenge, he needs bigger kids and a harder league in order to get better. It sucks he has to travel but it would suck even more knowing he won't be able to live out his dream because he had to stay home. He can do some serious damage wherever he goes, and I want him to go far. I know he can" Jon smiles. He loves watching him grow up into the total hockey player, his parents say Jackson reminds them a lot of a little Jon. The way he talks, the way he acts. It's all there, all he needs is for me to let him spread his wings and fly. And no matter how hard that is I will.

"I know he's going places. From the day you bought him his first skates I knew he was going to give it his all. I can't hold him back, then we will never see how far he could truly go. It's just hard" I shrug.

"Sometimes the easiest decision aren't the best ones" he says and I send him a glare.

"I told you that" I say squinting my eyes and he grins. Everly sat beside me trying to sing along to Let It go, it was really cute. We sit together cuddled up for a little before the boys come up for a drink. Although Sam doesn't think sports are his things he's still pretty good. He keeps up with Jackson and that's a compliment in itself.

"Hey Jackson, come here" Jon calls and Jackson comes and sits between us.

"So we talked to your coach and he wants to move you up next season" Jon starts and he lights up.

"Awesome! Is Henry coming too" he asks.

"No, it's just you right now. The coaches of this team asked for you specifically. They needed a number one center and they chose you. It's a traveling team a little ways from here. You don't have to move but you will be away a lot more" Jon explains. He sits there and taps his chin like Jon does when he thinks.

"Will you guys be at the games" he asks looking between us.

"Every one we can make it to. We'll come stay with you when we can and even let you bring Everly sometimes" I assure him.

"And school" he asks.

"You'll still be going downtown. We're keeping you in this grade for a while too" Jon explains. Baby steps.

"Well then is say fuck yeah let's do this" he cheers and I nearly choke on the air. Awh is man... Uncle Crow is the worst. He returns downstairs and Sam goes to read more. He's like a knowledge vacuum just soaking up information. I retreat to my room and Mason helps me do laundry. And by help I mean he craps himself so I have laundry to do. How does poop even get outside of a onesie? I don't know. I fold the mountain of clothes and hum softly to myself, Mason really enjoyed piano and acoustic music and I loved it too. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I smile to myself.

"You're so amazing" he mumbles into my hair with his deep voice. Man do I hate when he does that. And by hate I mean love, like a lot.

"How so" I ask.

"Because you always do the things that are hard for you for the betterment of those people. And instead of complaining you convince yourself it's what is best then move on" he says.

"I know when my over protectiveness and emotions are in the way. I don't like it... but I'm aware. I just want everyone to be happy" I claim.

"You are the reason everyone in this house is happy, even Dagger. He knows you give best belly rubs" he jokes and I shake my head.

"Are you done" I laugh.

"Yeah, that's all I got" he claims. I get everything folded and put away before feeding Mason and joining my family for dinner. I look around the table and smile to myself. With family comes sacrifice, but there isn't a damn thing I wasn't willing to do for this family.

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